GM Commitment to Youth Employment Alex Howley New Economy 27 th April 2012
GM Commitment to Youth Employment Employers across Greater Manchester are encouraged to take up financial incentives and offers of support and to show their commitment to our youth by pledging to do one or more of the following: Recruit a young person and/or use more inclusive recruitment practices Take on an apprentice, and try before you buy via an apprenticeship trial. Offer a work experience placement Volunteer as a mentor for a young person
The Aims of GM Commitment Apprenticeship Grant To have one programme across GM as a statement of our joint commitment to youth employment. To maximise the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) employer incentives of £1,500 per apprentice. To benefit young unemployed Greater Manchester residents and provide an opportunity for them to contribute to the GM economy.
What is it? The GM Commitment Apprenticeship Grant provides grant funding for the following: An Apprenticeship/Work Trial – An opportunity for an employer to try before they buy and for the individual to demonstrate their worth to the employer. An Apprenticeship Sustainment Grant – A payment of £750 to the employer once the apprenticeship has been sustained for 8 weeks.
The Offer year old benefit claimant into L2/3 Apprenticeship £1200 £100 claimed by Provider to cover: £10 per week voucher payment to cover lunch expences £1,100 claimed by Provider; £750 or which is passed to Employer when Apprenticeship has been sustained for 8 weeks year old NEET/unemployed not in receipt of benefits into a L2 /3 Apprenticeship £1500 £400 claimed by Provider to cover: £40 per week Training Allowance (lunch and travel) and additional bespoke purchases (tools, equipment) during trial period £1,100 claimed by Provider; £750 of which is passed to Employer when Apprenticeship has been sustained for 8 weeks.
Eligibility All employers are eligible for a GM Commitment Grant regardless of size, sector, location, or if they have recruited apprentices before. A GM Commitment Grant can be utilised with all other available Employer Incentive Grants. The individual must be a Greater Manchester resident, years old, NEET/ Unemployed and referred from JCP, Connexions, Local Authority or a Work Programme Provider.
GM Commitment Process Entry point Apprenticeship vacancy brokered referral of young person from JCP; Connexions; Local Authority or Work Programme recruitment Apprenticeship Trial between 2 and 8 weeks; in some cases longer. training allowance paid or voucher to cover expences 'working interview' with employer training as necessary Apprenticeship start apprenticeship framework after sustaining job for 8 weeks, employer receives incentive of £750
Flow Diagram Step 1 Employer identified with Apprenticeship Opportunity and willing to take on NEET/Unemployed Step 2 Vacancy specification drawn up and sent to NE on GM Commitment Vacancy Form Vacancy circulated by NE to SPOCs including JCP, Connexions and Work Programme providers Step 3 Referrals made from above agencies back to Training Provider Training provider supports employer with recruitment and selection process Candidate chosen
Step 4 Employer and Training Provider decide if an Apprenticeship/Work Trial is needed. Training Provider & successful candidate fill in the GM Commitment New Starter Form. If not go to Step 6. Step 5 Decide length up to 8 weeks and complete an Apprenticeship/Work Trial Agreement Candidate receives £40 per week allowance if a non-claimant or £10 of vouchers per week if a claimant After 10 working days of the trial TP Claims a payment of £400 for a non-claimant and £100 for a claimant Step 6 Once the trial period finishes and if its been successful the candidate is employed by the employer onto an apprenticeship After the apprenticeship has been sustained for 8 weeks the TP and employer complete the GM Commitment Employer Grant Form and the TP claims £1,100 The TP passes on £750 to the employer and retains £350 as an outcome payment
Next Steps Expression of interest (closed 20 th April 2012). Training Provider Agreement issued in the next few days. Programme goes live 8th May 2012.