The webinar will begin shortly. PLEASE STAND BY The webinar will begin shortly.
Get the Most Out of Your Zoom Experience Send in your questions using the Q&A function in Zoom Presentation video and slides will be available after on our website: Answers to all questions will be posted to the NIMAA website MARK SPLAINE
Introductions Napualani Spock Outreach & CHW Director Hawai‘i Primary Care Association
What We Will Cover NIMAA Vision Why we started NIMAA Where we are now The instructional program The externship clinic experience Paying tuition Next steps; how you can get involved Q & A MARK SPLAINE
NIMAA Vision Associate Professor Family Medicine, CUSOM Tillman Farley, MD Chief Medical Officer Salud Family Health Centers Associate Professor Family Medicine, CUSOM NIMAA Board Member
The NIMAA Vision and Opportunity Students trained for PCMH team-based primary care; recruited for safety net mission Affordable tuition Employment pipeline to your health center Learning in didactics in parallel with experience on the floor Students learn the tips and tricks of your clinic National experts join as guest lecturers TILLMAN FARLEY
Steps to Implementation Path to Participating Steps to Implementation January - February Team-to-Team meeting(s) with NIMAA February-March Clinic Leadership Commitment March-April Signed Externship Clinic Agreements with NIMAA March-July Student Recruitment with NIMAA September 2018 School Begins TILLMAN FARLEY
Why We Started NIMAA; What We Did Mark Masselli President and CEO Community Health Center, Inc. Connecticut Board Chair, NIMAA
Where Are We Now? Teri Brogdon, MEd Education & Training Design Director Salud Family Health Center NIMAA Leadership Staff
Where Are We Now? Phase I What are the sites saying about NIMAA? Colorado and Connecticut 10 graduates 8 students hired at FQHCs Phase II Colorado, Connecticut, New Mexico, Hawaii, Pennsylvania 6 health centers 46 candidates Applying for accreditation TERI BROGDON What are the sites saying about NIMAA?
NIMAA provides multiple supports to Externship Clinics All academics, enrollments, grading, & transcripts Experienced primary care instructors Primary care skills guide Training and on going support for preceptors & skills coaches Assistance for Clinic’s NIMAA Program Coordinator TERI BROGDON
The Instructional Program Mark Splaine, MD, MS Education Director Weitzman Institute NIMAA Education & Evaluation Director
The NIMAA 7 Month Program 7 months Half-time school Learning Online instruction in theory and skills Parallel practice in Externship Clinic with skills coach and preceptor 2 week break During typical holiday sessions (Dec & July) 12 hours/week Onsite attendance in Host Clinic as team member (4 hour shifts, am or pm) 4 hours/biweekly Monday skills practice and face-to-face learning 1 hour/week Wednesday national Synchronous Session Interactive Week No clinic hours – student case study – optional clinic/preceptor participation MARK SPLAINE
(curriculum, systems, support) How The Program Works National Program (curriculum, systems, support) NIMAA Experience (developing into an outstanding MA) Externship Sites (preceptors, skills training, support) MARK SPLAINE
NIMAA-specific Content Curriculum Content Traditional Content NIMAA-specific Content MARK SPLAINE
Student Experience – Courses MARK SPLAINE
Clinical Skill Development Mary Blankson, DNP, APRN, FNP Chief Nursing Officer Community Health Center, Inc. NIMAA Clinical Director
NIMAA Additive Skills Model NIMAA students begin with limited skills and quickly become effective team members supporting the workflow and productivity. Graduation Orientation Productive Effective Limited MARY BLANKSON
The Externship Clinic Experience Michael Epp Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services
What Externship Clinics Need to Do FQHCs spend a lot of time training MAs; NIMAA does it efficiently Identify a NIMAA Program Coordinator Identify Preceptors & Skills Practice Coach (NIMAA trains them) Outreach to recruit local students (with NIMAA materials, support) Ensure an environment of practice and observation; help students through the program Work with NIMAA to ensure student success Help students find jobs MICHAEL EPP
Key Takeaways of the KKV Externship Clinic Experience Excellent; we will do it again. Five students this year; will do more Structure gets best of national and local partnership: Excellent on line, national instruction Flexible in-clinic experience trains in KKV (or other clinic) methods, and fits our operations model Requires time commitment, but students are contributing members of the team by second semester MICHAEL EPP
Paying Tuition $6000 tuition; $660 books, equip, exam fees Students can pay Clinics can pay, and/or assume debt for those hired NIMAA lending partner: 9-11% loans Find other community sources for tuition, or to lower interest rates MARK SPLAINE
Next Steps January/February/March: detailed team to team meeting(s) between your clinic and NIMAA February/March: your clinic leadership commitment March/April: sign Externship Agreement with NIMAA March-June: student recruitment with NIMAA September: school starts MARK SPLAINE
Would you like to schedule a Team to Team Meeting with NIMAA? Questions? Would you like to schedule a Team to Team Meeting with NIMAA? MARK SPLAINE
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