Video Conferencing-introduction --- IT Acumens. COM
Video Conferencing-introduction Video conference is a means of communication where text ,audio and video are transmitted and received in real-time The project “Video Conference Over Intranet Using RTP” is a software package to make a conferencing facility between two or more computers connected over a Network
Aim of the Project This project aims at developing a software package for making video conference by using java media framework, swings for graphical user interface applications, jdbc and MS-Access database for information storage.
WHY ANALYSIS There are a variety of softwares existing for Video conferencing over Internet, but not so for Intranet. Some product for Intranet exists but not well known. Most of the systems do not provide proper authentication. No proper hierarchy is maintained.The existing systems are not suitable for official use in an Organization.Some existing systems like net-meeting can be used only in windows .
HARDWARE REQUIRMENTS Processor - Pentium II and above Hard disk - minimum 100 MB RAM - 64 MB or higher Capture Devices - Webcam , Headphone and Speakers
SOFTWARE REQUIRMENTS Platform : Java OS : Windows 2000/NT/XP GUI : Swing Database : MS Access Media Package : JMF 2.1.1 Protocol : RTP
Video Conferencing Over Intranet-Diagram Coordinator A1 A2 A3 A4 Accept/invite Text/ Audio/Video Conference Path Video Conferencing Over LAN
THE JMF JMF is JAVA MEDIA FRAMEWORK . It is Fundamentally an API for handling audio and video. Java Media Framework (JMF) provides a unified architecture and messaging protocol for managing the acquisition, processing, and delivery of time-based media data. JMF is designed to support most standard media content types, such as AIFF, AU, AVI, GSM, MIDI, MPEG, QuickTime, RMF, and WAV. The Java Media Framework API (JMF) enables audio, video and other time-based media to be added to Java applications
FUNCTIONS OF JMF Media handling: o Play o Capture o Transmission o Processing JMF SUPPORTS * Static media * Streaming media
Media Processing Model
Using Java Media Framework JMF contains lot of classes for transmission of video frames. Using JMF a PushBufferDataSource, is created. It contains streams of type PushBufferStream,which typically generates audio/video data that is organized as frames, rather than a continuous stream of bytes.
Processing and Presenting a Time Based Media
Processing and Presenting a Time Based Media Playing and capturing audio and video with JMF requires the appropriate input and output devices such as microphones, cameras, speakers, and monitors. Data sources and players are integral parts of JMF's high-level API for managing the capture, presentation and processing of time-based media.
JMF Processor Model
PLAYER An object for rendering (playing) and controlling (e.g., stopping, changing rate of play) a media object. A Player processes an input stream of media data and renders it at a precise time. A DataSource is used to deliver the input media-stream to the Player.The rendering destination depends on the type of media being presented
PLAYER STATES A Player can be in one of six states. The Clock interface defines the two primary states: Stopped and Started. The five steps before starting are Unrealized Realizing Realized Prefetching Prefetched.
Protocols for Streaming Media The internet standard protocol for transporting real-time data such as audio and video is the real-time transport protocol (RTP). Real-time transport protocol : RTP provides end-to-end network delivery services for the transmission of real-time data. RTP is network and transport-protocol independent, though it is often used over UDP.
Receiving and Presenting RTP media streams JMF players and processors provide the presentation, capture, and data conversion mechanisms for RTP streams. A separate player is used for each stream received by the session manager.
USER INTERFACE The user interface is designed using Java Swing The user interface is very user-friendly Admin user can add new user to the system The userdata table has four fields 1.userid 2.username 3.password 4.role
Capturing the Media JMF is used to capture media data from the capture devices A data source is then created for the captured media Then a Player is created using the DataSource The Player is then stared to begin the capture process
Processing the Media * The next step in the project is processing the captured media.The captured media may be of any format. JMF-RTP API supports all major audio and video formats.The format used in this project id .rtp format which is supported by ths RTP. * Format is set by using the setFormat method : setFormat( new Format(Format,Hz,bits(8 or 16),mono or stereo(1or 0)) * The captured stream is converted into packetized .rtp format .The audio and video streams are captured separately and processed separately
Transmission of the media Media is transmitted over the network using JMF-RTP API Each media is transmitted as separate sessions. The rtp packets are transmitted to a multicast address.from which it is transmitted to the destination.
Conclusion This project has been successfully developed using the standard software development strategies that is followed in the Industry. I hope that this system would help the VIDEO CONFERENCING APPLICATION users fulfill their requirements and vendors able to satisfy their customers This project has so many useful features, unlike the existing system which is very much restricted in its operation. Also be noted that by this setup,the telephone connection,given to each employees through exchange shall be free for getting external calls.