Click to Begin Part of the IEEE IPR Tutorial Series
This Tutorial provides information and guidance for those who want to obtain rights to reuse copyrighted material.
Click to Continue Key points that will be covered in the Tutorial: The protections and benefits of copyright The process for requesting permission Attribution guidelines for reused material IEEE authors retained rights to reuse their own work The purpose of permission
and the Purpose of Permission The Value of Copyright
The expanding universe of digital information provides researchers and authors with access to more content more quickly and easily. Click to Continue The Value of Copyright This is why it is important to understand copyright, and the appropriate way to reuse content. This abundance of digital information can create the impression that all content that is so easily accessed may be reused just as easily, without restrictions.
The Value of Copyright Click to Continue Copyright ensures those who create works (rightsholders) are able to benefit from their works if they choose to do so. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries This right was established in Section 8 of the first article of the US Constitution:
Having an exclusive right to sell and distribute their own works The Value of Copyright Click to Continue Copyright protects the work of rightsholders from:Copyright also allows rightsholders to benefit commercially from their works by: Plagiarism Unauthorized distribution Unauthorized reproduction Giving some or all of those rights to others.
The Value of Copyright But the buyers rights dont include copying or reprinting the book, scanning and ing it to another person, or posting it on a web site. For example, under the first-sale doctrine, rightsholders agree that a person who buys a book is considered the owner of that physical copy and may lend, resell, or destroy the book. Click to Continue
The Value of Copyright In order to reuse a copyrighted work in these ways, must be given by the rightsholder. permission
The Value of Copyright The Purpose of Permission The Value of Copyright and
Permission is necessary to: Use portions of a work in a new creation Make photocopies of a work Distribute a work to others Revise a work and publish it either in print or on-line Click to Continue The Purpose of Permission
Authors reuse and reference previously published work to support new research in their own work. Click to Continue The Purpose of Permission Scholarly publishing not only creates a body of work, it also creates references, which are used by authors when they build upon past work. Most publishers have a permissions department to facilitate the provision of rights to reuse published work.
The IEEE IPR Office is the central permission granting service for all of IEEEs publications. Click to Continue The Purpose of Permission The IPR Office grants permission to authors, as well as teachers, librarians, and other knowledge workers who would like to obtain rights to reuse IEEE copyrighted material.
How to Request Permission
Click to Continue Requests to reuse content need to be sent to the rightsholder. The copyright page at the beginning of a publication typically will provide necessary contact information. Requests should be sent in writing with ample time before any deadlines to allow the rightsholder to respond.
Permission requests should include the following information about the previously published IEEE material to be reused: Paper title Authors names IEEE publication title Publication date How to Request Permission Click to Continue from IEEE Description of material to be reused (i.e., the entire work, or only portions)
How to Request Permission from IEEE Also, the request should describe: Where the material will appear Click to Continue How the material will be reused Publisher name and publication title School name and Course title URL of the web site In a book? In a journal or magazine? In a classroom? On a CD? On a web site?
Click to Continue The IEEE IPR Office will send a written response to a permission request. In most cases, the only requirements will be: How to Request Permission from IEEE Give full attribution to the original source Obtain the author's approval. In some cases, a republication fee may also be required.
Reprinted, with permission, from [Title of Paper] by [Author Names], in [IEEE Publication Title], [Date] Attribution must include: Click to Continue © [Year] IEEE. A credit notice with the paper title, author names, publication title and date of publication. Attribute IEEE Copyrighted Material How to Request Permission from IEEE The IEEE copyright notice
IEEE Authors Retained Rights
Authors have rights to reuse their own IEEE copyrighted papers in many ways without asking IEEE for permission, such as: Click to Continue Reusing figures and tables in a new paper Reusing portions of text in new paper Revising and republishing a paper Distributing a paper to colleagues and students Posting a paper on an online server owned by the author, or his/her institution IEEE Authors Retained Rights
For other types of reuse of their own material, authors may need to request permission from IEEE, especially in the case of granting third-party requests for republishing and commercial use. IEEE Authors Retained Rights Click to Continue
Requesting permission to reuse content may seem daunting, but in fact the process is often completed very easily. Most rightsholders are willing to accommodate permission requests quickly, and will provide straightforward instructions to ensure the content will be reused properly. Click to Continue
Additional Information
Click to Continue The following web sites provide additional information about permissions: Additional Information Association of American Publishers (AAP)-How to request copyright permission US Copyright Office-Fair use FAQ Copyright Advisory Network Wiki-Collection of copyright law resources
Standford University-Introduction to the permissions process /index.html The following web sites provide additional information about permissions: Additional Information Click to Continue Professional and Scholarly Publishing-Publishing facts Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)-Licensing and permission service
IEEE IPR Office 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ Click to Continue Questions about IEEEs permissions policy, or requests for permission to use IEEE copyrighted material, should be sent to: Additional Information
for other tutorials on IPR-related topics, such as: Copyright Plagiarism Author Rights Trademarks Patents Please visit the IEEE IPR Office web site at The IPR Tutorial Series Click to Continue
This concludes the IEEE IPR Office Permissions Tutorial. We hope it helped to provide a better understanding of the process of requesting permission. Copyright © 2009 IEEE