Period four Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
Topic 1 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: This is pride in your country. It was evident after the War of 1812 and the reason why Americans supported the Monroe Doctrine. ANSWER: Nationalism
Topic 1 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Sojourner Truth supported these two reforms ANSWER: Abolition and Women’s rights
Topic 1 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Sarah Grimke was supported of this reform ANSWER: Women’s Rights
Topic 1 – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Which Supreme Court Justice served during the early 1800s and carried out Federalist policies ANSWER: John Marshall
Topic 1 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Forbade all international trade to and from American ports ANSWER: Embargo Act of 1807
Topic 2 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: A declaration by an individual state that an act of Congress can be ignored ANSWER: nullification
Topic 2 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Glorified the traditional view of republican motherhood ANSWER: Cult of Domesticity
Topic 2 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: The two largest groups of immigrants in the period 1820 to 1850 ANSWER: Irish and Germans
Topic 2 – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: The first employees in Lowell, Massachusetts, textile mills were ANSWER: Young girls from New England farms
Topic 2 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Type your question in here relating to Topic 2. As the Points get higher make questions harder. ANSWER: (type answer here)
Topic 3 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: The Know-Nothing Party directed their anger towards who? ANSWER: immigrants
Topic 3 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Fenimore Cooper were all ANSWER: Literary figures of the Transcendentalist Movement
Topic 3 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Forced migration of the Cherokee tribe from the southern Appalachians to what is now Oklahoma ANSWER: Trail of Tears
Topic 3 – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Allowed Maine to enter as a free state, Missouri as a slave state and prohibited slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of Missouri’s southern border. ANSWER: Missouri Compromise of 1820
Topic 3 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: This society advocated the return of ex-slaves to Africa ANSWER: American Colonization Society
Topic 4 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Based on building internal improvements along with a strong National Bank ANSWER: American System
Topic 4 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Young women who worked in the textile mills were eventually replaced by what workers? ANSWER: Irish immigrant labor
Topic 4 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: What caused a jump in the Irish migration to the U.S. between 1846-1847? ANSWER: Potato famine
Topic 4 – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: This Supreme Court case upheld the contract clause of the Constitution and declared Georgia state law unconstitutional ANSWER: Fletcher v. Peck
Topic 4 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: In the newspaper, the Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison spoke out against this issue ANSWER: slavery
Topic 5 – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Type your question in here relating to Topic 5. As the Points get higher make questions harder. ANSWER: (type answer here)
Topic 5 – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Type your question in here relating to Topic 5. As the Points get higher make questions harder. ANSWER: (type answer here)
Topic 5 – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Type your question in here relating to Topic 5. As the Points get higher make questions harder. ANSWER: (type answer here)
Topic 5 – 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Type your question in here relating to Topic 5. As the Points get higher make questions harder. ANSWER: (type answer here)
Topic 5 – 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Type your question in here relating to Topic 5. As the Points get higher make questions harder. ANSWER: (type answer here)