WELCOME to the Lucky Longshoe Learning Community! Hello Parents! Your child has designed a “personalized license plate”. Please add 3-5 words that describe your child along the bottom margin. Feel free to use the markers and/or colored pencils. 2. Please leave the license plate on your child’s desk for us to display at school.
Our First Day Together!
Grade 5 Room 25 Mrs. Heidi Long Principal Certification M.Ed. Educational Leadership Principal Certification Autism Certification Program Warwick Elementary School 2016-17 Power Point can be found on website
Who is Mrs. Long? The Long Family Jake Cabela Tanner Annie Morgan Hunter Sorrell
Developing Your Child Socially & Emotionally
Lucky Longshoe Learning Community Common goals Synergize & Give Feedback Make mistakes Problem Solve Laugh a lot! Support Learn & Grow Care & Show Compassion WHO are we?
Values vs. Rules We practice values each day that our community has identified as important to us Heart of our classroom interactions and management system Classroom: Lucky Longshoes, Class Earned Longshoes, Think Breaks, Celebration of Positive Practices Schoolwide: Power Paws, Warwick Wonders, Behavior Notices, Boomerang Awards (handout)
Developing Your Child Academically Begins with success standards & values: Mistake*Ability: The ability to make mistakes and feel lucky you have the chance to grow from them
A Walk Through Your Child’s Day 8:45-9:30 Arrival and Class Meeting 9:30-10:50 MATH 10:50-11:30 Social Studies/Science 11:30-12:05 Writing 12:05-1:05 Lunch & Recess 1:05-1:30 Writing 1:30-2:10 SPECIAL 2:10-3:40 Reading 3:40-4:05 Pack up & Dismissal Paper will be sent home with all curriculum websites and login information
Class Meeting 9:15-9:30 Focus on social/emotional Development of our Lucky Longshoe Learning Community Review of targets for the day
Math 9:30-10:50 Students switch classes Xtramath.org 3 times per week www.tenmarks.com Everyday Math Games Online Homework to be copied during math class Maintain math notebook SRB & Study Links online access Test Alerts with standards/skills being assessed (few days prior)
Accelerated Math Considerations Rooted in fifth grade CBSD curriculum Enhanced with sixth grade CBSD concepts & skills Accelerated pace Progress Report Indicators *Scores of meeting and exceeding the standard for all descriptors in MP 4 *Scores of exceeding the standard for more than one descriptor during MP 4 Teacher Recommendation REQUIRED 4th Grade End of Year Test 90 % or higher 4th Grade Portfolio Task B 80% or higher 4th Grade PSSA Score (top 25 %) 1157
Social Studies/Science 10:50-11:30 Marking Period Units of Study 1 Geography Nature’s Recyclers 2 Native Americans and Exploration Energy 3 and 4 The Road to the Revolution The Revolutionary War The Constitution and the Bill of Rights Weather
Writing/Language Arts 11:30-12:05/1:05-1:30 Writing Units: narrative, opinion, informative, test taking Writer’s Notebook & Binder Grammar & Spelling Morning Work *Spelling/Grammar Test Friday
Most days this time is available to students for extra help Lunch & Recess 12:05-1:05 Most days this time is available to students for extra help
Specials 1:30-2:10 Monday: PE Tuesday: Library Wednesday: Art Thursday: Music Friday: QUEST
Reading 2:10-3:40 Book Clubs with Small Groups Independent reading Monthly book log (take home folder; parent initial each week) At least 100 minutes every week Read Aloud (and snack time)
What should I expect in regards to homework? Daily (except Friday) & Posted on my teacher site Assignment book 50 minutes maximum Independent (reading, math) Studying for assessments/study guides Reading each night & log Missed assignments: student will email parent Assessed student work: signed & returned *homework will be reasonable; understand home schedules and time; if homework not done, not punish, however, build a plan of support
Kathryn Otoshi is coming to Warwick Tuesday, September 20th Kathryn Otoshi is coming to Warwick Tuesday, September 20th!, September 20th! Book orders due Wednesday, September 7th.
Updates to Grades 5 and 6 Report Card Letter grades added in Reading, Math, Writing, Science, and Social Studies during all four marking periods Learning Indicators will be reported with a +, S, - instead of E, M, A, LP Report in grades K-4 is unchanged Sign Up Genius for 1st & 3rd Marking Period Conferences
Special Fifth Grade Items Parent/Child Book Clubs (2 times, late fall and spring) Peace Valley Nature Center, Ecology Field Trip (Wed, October 26th) Halloween Parade and Party Winter Celebration – December 2016 Reading Olympics (Spring 2017) Spring Field Trip (TBD) Instruments/Band End of Year Celebration – June 2017 Bus safeties
What school policies do I need to know about? ABSENCES: email to teacher & Carin Richter No worries… VOLUNTEERS: need clearances BIRTHDAYS: “Foodless”, but we will honor & celebrate! HEALTH: Inform nurse of any medical changes
What are the BIG goals for your child? to be a compassionate classroom community member to achieve his/her personal best each day to self regulate emotions to be an independent thinker to develop confidence in expression
What really matters? I promise to embrace your child like my very own I will differentiate my instruction to meet your child’s academic/emotional strengths and needs I will maintain communication with you I love what I do each day and your child will know that!