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|2 How to prepare your presentation? Please take into account the following to create a clear, well-structured presentation: A short, concise presentation will hold the attention of your audience. Do not use abbreviations. Slides support your talk; they do not constitute the presentation. First create your story line, and then choose the slides that support your ideas. Slides should show much visual information and little text; try to include the user in images of products. All slides should be in the TU Delft house style: colour, lay-out and house style border. When creating your own slides, use the same house style template (type CTRL+M for new slide). Please delete this slide!
|3 Introduction slide and general information faculty (No 4 to 6) Information about departments (No 7) Information about research (No 8) Information about BSc and MSc programmes (No 9 to 13) Examples of products (No 14 to 22) Alumni (No 23 and 24) Please delete this slide! Structure of presentation
4 Leading in Product Design Name of speaker Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
|5 The faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) Founded in 1969 Largest university-based design course worldwide 2000 students >4900 alumni 3 departments 1 BSc programme 3 MSc programmes 1 Master specialisation
|6 Creating successful products people love to use Products which… are durable, are mass- or series produced, are used in daily life, offer significant interaction
|7 Industrial Design appearance, interaction, use, design techniques Design Engineering mechanics, materials, manufacturing, cost, CAD, electronics Product Innovation & Management consumer behaviour, marketing, product management, design methodology The departments
|8 Research programmes Fostering sustainable wellbeing, through: user experience innovative applications artefact manifestations strategic product design Most comprehensive research Programme (>60 PhD students) In industrial design engineering worldwide
|9 Research programmes Strategic design To explore the strategic context of new product design User experiences To explore how (aspects of) the human product interaction contributes to our well being
|10 Research programmes Artefact manifestations To explore the opportunities and constraints offered by various manifestations and new technologies Innovative application Establishing designs, which will function as platforms for integrating existing and generating new knowledge
|11 Industrial design engineering is a technical degree programme focusing on product development. Learning outcomes: A solid technological background An overview of the various fields of product development Process methodology knowledge and design skills The Bachelors programme
|12 The Masters programmes Integrated Product Design (IPD) Integrating all aspects of product development Design for Interaction (DfI) Analysis and conceptualisation of designs for human - product interaction Strategic Product Design (SPD) Fuzzy front end of new product development
|13 Educational Structure
|14 Industrial Design Engineering is
|15 The designers of today Have a structured approach Consider every aspect of a product Know about every aspect of product development Focus on the final result Can act as a creative catalyst
|16 The designers of tomorrow Integrates knowledge at strategic level Is innovation oriented Collaborates with specialists & end-users Is research-driven Is looking for manifestation- independent solutions
|17 Open source car of the future: c,mm,n
|18 Stormproof umbrella: Senz Umbrella
|19 Turns dirty water into drinking water: the Life Straw
|20 Helps autistic children learn words: LINKX
|21 Example of Integrated Product Design F-Hybrid, the hydrogen-power scooter
|22 Example of Design for Interaction: Piece of family
|23 Example of Strategic Product Design: Co-branding
|24 Example of Medisign: Babybloom
|25 Example of Automotive: Spyker concept car
|26 Adriaan van Hooydonk Design Director, BMW cars Graduated at IDE in 1988 "Problems are good; They force creativity"
|27 Joost van der Made TomTom Product line manager Graduated at IDE in 1993 "A broad view enables you to share different passions"
|28 Questions Thank you for your attention ?
|29 Thank you for your attention