The Seven Keys to Success™ Alter the course of your project’s history IBM Confidential
You must communicate at the board room level “Hit me over the head!” – Client Executive The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
1. Stakeholders are committed Unhealthy Signs No executive sponsor visible People sabotaging efforts Resistance to new ideas No “experts” available Healthy Signs Executive incentives tied to project results Investments in change management and training Subject matter experts dedicated full-time The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
2. Business benefits are realized Unhealthy Signs “Why are we doing this?” Time is not important Cost is too important Healthy Signs A compelling reason to implement The solution doesn’t have to be fancy The difference can be measured The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
3. Work and schedule are predictable Unhealthy Signs Can’t describe what finished means Uncontrolled — poor plans, controls, tracking mechanisms Slippage comes as a surprise Healthy Signs Everyone gives the same definition of finished Good evidence of control Slippage, when it happens, is predicted The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
4. Scope is realistic and managed Unhealthy Signs “Issue” is a bad word Nothing in writing Healthy Signs Evidence of healthy negotiation Lengthy issues log Written agreements The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
5. Team is high performing Unhealthy Signs The tension can be felt Turnover is high Working conditions are poor Healthy Signs Morale is good The team is diverse The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
6. Risks are mitigated Unhealthy Signs Healthy Signs “What risks?” All-or-nothing tactics Healthy Signs Documented plan Test-it-first tactics The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
7. Delivery organization benefits are realized Unhealthy Signs Good staff are not available Negative remarks about performance Healthy Signs People feel they are learning Willingness to invest in the project Good press is being created The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
What they need to know, what they need to decide A Board Room Agenda Stakeholders are Committed Business Benefits are Realised Work and Schedule are Predictable Team is High Performing Scope is Realistic and Managed Risks are Mitigated Deliv. Org. Benefits are Realised Concern Recommended Action R G Concern Recommended Action Y Concern Recommended Action Y G Concern Recommended Action Y Concern Recommended Action R The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
Accelerating the acquisition of expertise through research “You live your life forwards but understand it backwards. ” – Kirkegaarde The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
Accelerating the acquisition of expertise through research “Great understanding only comes when very little of professional life remains. ” – Project Management Guru The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential
Alter the course of your project’s history: the Seven Keys to Success 7 Keys > Altering the course Alter the course of your project’s history: the Seven Keys to Success Stakeholders are Committed Business Benefits are Realized Work and Schedule are Predictable Team is High Performing Scope is Realistic and Managed Risks are Mitigated Deliv. Org. Benefits are Realized R G Y Y G Y R The Seven Keys to Success | PowerPoint | 31 March 2017 | IBM Confidential