Capítulo 3B Para mantener la salud In order to maintain health
Vocabulario del capítulo 3B el bistec el pescado el pollo los guisantes la cebolla la carne
las uvas la lechuga las papas las zanahorias los tomates las judías verdes las uvas la lechuga las papas las zanahorias los tomates
el arroz los cereales el helado la nieve los espaguetis las grasas
las bebidas - beverages la cena - dinner las bebidas - beverages los pasteles la mantequilla
To discuss health… caminar – to walk hacer ejercicio – to exercise (yo) hago – I do (tú) haces – you do levantar pesas – to lift weights para la salud – for one’s health para mantener la salud – to maintain one’s health deber – should/must
To indicate a preference… (yo) prefiero – I prefer (tú) prefieres – you prefer The –IR verb preferir – a stem changer! yo prefiero nosotros preferimos tú prefieres vosotros preferís él prefiere ellos prefieren This verb is known as a stem-changer. The endings are all the same as a regular –ir verb, but the stem changes from e ie in all forms except nosotros and vosotros.
To talk about being hungry/thirsty… Tengo hambre – I’m hungry Tengo sed – I’m thirsty Tengo frío/calor – I’m cold/hot The (irregular) verb tener: yo tengo nosotros tenemos tú tienes vosotros tenéis Ud. tiene Uds. tienen él/ella ellos/ellas
To indicate agreement or disagreement… creer – to think creo que… - I think that… creo que sí / no … - I think so/I don’t think so (no) estoy de acuerdo – I (don’t) agree
To ask a ? Or give an answer… ¿Por qué? – Why? Because - Porque The way I remember the difference is like this: if the question is “why” (and all interrogatives in Spanish have to have an accént) then the answer, which isn’t a question, but the answer, is the one without the accent – it also “comes together” like an answer would.
Recap of interrogatives… Who? ¿Quién?* What? ¿Qué? When? ¿Cuándo? Where? ¿Dónde? Why? ¿Por qué? How? ¿Cómo? Which? ¿Cuál?* How many? ¿Cuántos/as? – m/f * can also be plural by adding “es”
¿Qué versus Cuál? When to use which one? A quandary to be sure… but here are some tips. It is sometimes said that qué is closer to "what" in meaning, and cuál is closer to "which." But that rule isn't always reliable. Here is a guide to knowing which of the two pronouns to use: Qué is used when asking for definitions. ¿Qué es una ciudad? What is a city? ¿Qué hace un presidente? What does a president do? ¿Qué significa “panadería"? What does “panadería" mean?
¿Qué versus Cuál? Qué normally is most often used before nouns (although cuál isn't necessarily incorrect and you will hear it sometimes used to mean "which"): ¿De qué color es la camisa? What color is the shirt? ¿Qué casa prefieres? Which house do you prefer? ¿Qué libro te gusta? Which book do you like?
¿Qué versus Cuál? Cuál usually is used before es and other forms of ser when not seeking a definition: ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? What is your phone number? ¿Cuál es tu problema? What is your problem? ¿Cuáles son las ciudades más grandes? What are the biggest cities? ¿Cuál es la fecha? What is the date? ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? What is your favorite food? ¿Cuáles son tus colores favoritos? What are your favorite colors?
What versus Which Cuál is used to suggest a selection or choice from among a group: ¿Cuál miras? Which one are you looking at? But, ¿Qué miras? What are you looking at? ¿Cuál prefieres? Which one do you prefer? But, ¿Qué prefieres? What do you prefer? ¿Cuáles quieres? Which ones do you want? But, ¿Qué quieres? What do you want? ¿Cuál es el más caro? Which is the most expensive? ¿Cuáles son los más caros? Which are the most expensive?
What versus Which Qué has some common idiomatic** uses: ¿Qué hora es? What time is it? ¡Qué lástima! What a shame! ¡Qué hermoso! How beautiful! ¡Qué día más horrible! What a horrible day! ¡Qué susto! What a fright! ¡Qué bonito! How pretty! ¿Qué tanto? How much? ¿Y qué? ¿Y a mí qué? So what? ¿Para qué? ¿Por qué? Why? **An idiom is a combination of words that has a figurative meaning owing to its common usage. An idiom's figurative meaning is separate from the literal meaning. There are thousands of idioms and they occur frequently in all languages. There are estimated to be at least twenty-five thousand idiomatic expressions in the English language!
Examples of Idioms… a. She is pulling my leg. - to pull someone's leg means to trick them by telling them something untrue. b. When will you drop them a line? - to drop someone a line means to send a note to someone. c. You should keep an eye out for that. - to keep an eye out for something means to maintain awareness of it. d. I can't keep my head above water. - to keep one's head above water means to manage a situation. e. It's raining cats and dogs. - to rain cats and dogs means to rain very heavily (a downpour). f. Oh no! You spilled the beans! - to spill the beans means to let out a secret.
Más vocabulario… algo – something muchos/as – many or a lot todos/as – all horrible – horrible malo/a – bad sabroso/a – tasty, flavorful delicioso/a – delicious cada día – every day
Plurals of adjectives… MASCULINE FEMININE SINGULAR/PLURAL sabroso / sabrosos sabrosa/sabrosas popular / populares poplular/populares
The verb “ser” This is a VERY important verb. It means “to be” but is different from the previous form “estar” in its meaning. It is an irregular verb, so it must be memorized. 1st & 2nd person are always PEOPLE! 3rd person can be people or things. yo soy nosotros somos tú eres vosotros sois Ud./él/ella es Uds./ellos/as son
The verb “ser” The mnemonic device for SER is, D.O.C.T.O.R. Description Occupation Characteristics Time / Date Origin Relationships
Both of these sentences mean different things although spelled exactly the same: The apple is green. (Meaning the apple is not ripe.) The apple is green. (Meaning the color of the apple is green.) The cool thing is, in Spanish, you don’t have to wonder which meaning it is because of the 2 different verbs. La manzana está verde. (ESTAR) The apple is green. (not ripe – its condition – one that may change when it ripens) La manzana es verde. (SER) The apple is green. (its permanent color – Granny )
Ser versus estar: A mnemonic device that puts estar in its P.L.A.C.E Most devices aiming to outline the use of ser and estar focus on both verbs, while this mnemonic device (P.L.A.C.E) focuses on one verb only: estar. "P.L.A.C.E" summarizes the uses of estar. Just memorize five words that end with -tion (simply referred to as "-tion words") and form the acronym "P.L.A.C.E": Position Location Action Condition Emotion
The acronym "P.L.A.C.E" simplifies the selection between ser and estar in that it becomes a matter of elimination. If one needs to express something that is not one of the five “tion” words, then one must use ser. Ser is usually used to express something that doesn’t change- where you are from, what you are like, etc. ¿De dónde eres? ¿Cómo eres? Soy de los Estados Unidos. Soy inteligente. Do you remember the acronym for the verb “esTar” which also means “to be?”
Location: expresses where places, people, or things are located: Position: expresses the physical position of posture of a person or thing: Ella está sentado (She is sitting.) Location: expresses where places, people, or things are located: El libro está debajo de la mesa. Action: expresses the result of an action: Estoy comiendo ahora. (I am eating now.) Condition: expresses health and other changeable states: ¿Estás lleno? (Are you full?) Emotion: expresses emotions such as: Estoy triste. (I am sad.) but one must remember that alegre, melancólico and feliz are considered inherent character traits, and not simply experienced emotions that may change.
Today’s Objective viernes 3/1/13 Our topics: Etymology – where do Spanish words come from? The art of painter Diego Rivera (1886-1957) DO: Students will examine the origins of the Spanish language. They will also discuss the life of Rivera and his art. Levels of Thinking: Understanding and Analyzing
Exploración del lenguaje Where did it come from? The names of many foods in Spanish come from Latin as well as from other languages as diverse as Arabic, Italian, Greek, Turkish, and English. While it’s clear that the word espaguetis comes from the Italian word spaghetti, it may not be obvious that the word zanahoria comes from the Arabic word safunariya.(sah-fu-na-ri-ya) On the next slide you will make 4 columns to match Spanish words to their words of origin. With your shoulder partner, use your knowledge of languages to try and guess where the origin word comes from.
ORIGIN OF MATCHING WORD? Make 4 columns on your paper like the ones labeled below. ENGLISH SPANISH MATCHING LETTER ORIGIN OF MATCHING WORD? water 1. agua rice 2. arroz bread 3. pan chicken 4. pollo sausage 5. salchicha coffee 6. café fish 7. pescado steak 8. bistec oil 9. aceite alfalfa 10. alfalfa meatball 11. albóndiga
ORIGIN OF MATCHING WORD? Now use the next screen to write the letter of the word that you think matches the Spanish. See example below: ENGLISH SPANISH MATCHING LETTER ORIGIN OF MATCHING WORD? water 1. agua C. Latin?? rice 2. arroz bread 3. pan chicken 4. pollo sausage 5. salchicha coffee 6. café fish 7. pescado steak 8. bistec oil 9. aceite alfalfa 10. alfalfa meatball 11. albóndiga
Match the word & letter. Also write where you & your partner think they are from. 1. agua a. picscatu 2. arroz b. albunduqa 3. pan c. aqua 4. pollo d. pane 5. salchicha e. alfafaa 6. café f. óryza 7. pescado g. azzayt 8. bistec h. salciccia 9. aceite i. beefsteak 10. alfalfa j. pullu 11. albóndiga k. kahvé
ORIGIN OF MATCHING WORD? Respuestas… ENGLISH SPANISH MATCHING LETTER ORIGIN OF MATCHING WORD? water 1. agua C. AQUA Latin rice 2. arroz F. ÓRYZA Greek bread 3. pan D. PANE Latin chicken 4. pollo J. PULLU Latin sausage 5. salchicha H. SALCICCIA Italian coffee 6. café K. KAHVÉ Turkish fish 7. pescado A. PISCCATU steak 8. bistec I. BEEFSTEAK English oil 9. aceite G. AZZAYT Arabic alfalfa 10. alfalfa E. ALFALFAA meatball 11. albóndiga B. ALBUNDUQA
Word origins… aka: etymology Discuss with your shoulder partner why so many words in Spanish came from Latin and Arabic? Think of any reasons historical or otherwise that might contribute to the Spanish language “inheriting” so many words from Latin & Arabic. Be prepared to share out after your discussion.
Roman invasion of the Iberian peninsula around 218 B.C.E. Roman expansion
The Arabic Moor population from 910-1492
Word origins… aka: etymology The Romans occupied the Iberian Peninsula for well over two centuries before the Arabic presence. The Arabic Moors were a significant presence in the Iberian peninsula for over 7 centuries after the Romans. Their combined influence while occupying that peninsula led to major influences in the language and the culture in Spain.
Diego Rivera (1886-1957) Diego Rivera was born December 8, 1886 and was a prominent Mexican painter born in Guanajuato, México.
Diego Rivera (1886-1957) Rivera specialized in murals in the fresco style and helped to establish the Mexican Mural Renaissance. Turn to your shoulder partner and discuss and answer the following questions: 1) What is a mural? 2) What do you think is meant by the terms: “fresco style” and renaissance? Have you ever heard of either of these terms before? If so, in relation to what?
Diego Rivera (1886-1957) A mural is an art work, usually a painting, that is done directly on a wall. “Fresco” style means that it is painted on fresh, wet plaster and then the painting dries into the wall. Renaissance comes from the Italian word for “re-birth.” Diego Rivera was one of the leading artists in the “Renacimiento de Murales Mexicanos” during the 1920’s. Rivera and other famous muralists used art to make statements about societal and political issues and helped to reunite Mexico after their revolution.
The Sistine Chapel in Rome painted by Michelangelo, is probably the most famous “al fresco” mural in the world. Its 500th anniversary was in 2012.
It took Michaelangelo 4 years to paint the entire ceiling! Michaelangelo painted it standing up! NOT laying down as depicted in movies.
400,000 year old cave paintings in France.
“La Cueva de las Manos” in Spain from 550 B.C.E.
Diego Rivera working on his commission, Man at the Crossroads in New York. This is the mural that was destroyed when it was discovered he drew a portrait of Lenin in it. He took the commission and used the money to repaint it in Mexico City at the Palacio de Bellas Artes.
“Man, Controller of the Universe” Palacio de Bellas Artes - 1934
Diego Rivera (1886-1957) While some of his works were controversial, his brilliance as a painter and muralist were undisputed. He frequently painted subjects that had historical significance for Mexico. He painted a mural about the travesty of the Spanish Conquistadors that subjugated and destroyed much of the indigenous culture of Mexico. This mural is in Mexico City.
“The exploitation of Mexico by Spanish Conquistadors” Palacio Nacional, Ciudad de México, circa 1933
Diego Rivera was an active communist, and husband of Frida Kahlo, who was also a painter. Hopefully you remember Frida from chapter 1B. Turn to your partner and discuss what you remember about her.
Recovering from her accident, she uses a hand mirror to paint her body cast. A self-portrait of Frida Kahlo.
México en el futuro, fresco en el Palacio Nacional, México
The Olmec or Jaguar People in Veracruz, Palacio Nacional de México, 1950 in Mexico City, México