1. nǐ hǎo 2. shàng kè 3. tóng xué men hǎo Please write down “August 27, Warm up“ on the back of the last page in your notebook. Warm up (kè qián rè shēn): (3-5 minutes) copy down below pinyin on your Chinese notebook (back side); at the same time check yourself if you know how to pronounce them; and then see if you still remember the meanings, write down English meaning hints next to pinyin. Raise your hand to show me. 1. nǐ hǎo 2. shàng kè 3. tóng xué men hǎo 4. lǎo shī hǎo 5. xià kè 6.tóng xué men zài jiàn 7. xiè xiè lǎo shi 8.lǎo shī zài jiàn
Please follow Class Procedure in our future class. Start class: (T)上课!(shàng kè ) (Start class) (S) Stand up (T) 同学们好!(tóng xué men hǎo ) (Hello, students) (S) Bow to teacher and say 老师好! (lǎo shī hǎo ) (hello teacher) (T) 请坐!(qǐng zuò ) (sit down please) Dismiss Class (T)下课! (xià kè ) (Dismiss class) (S) Stand up (T) 同学们再见! (tóng xué men zài jiàn ) (Goodbye, students) (S) Bow to teacher and say 谢谢老师,老师再见! (xiè xiè lǎo shi ,lǎo shī zài jiàn ) (Thanks, teacher! Goodbye, teacher) (S) Get back your backpack to start pack up.
hàn yǔ pīn yīn 汉 语 拼 音
Initials: 21 shēng mǔ; Finals: 36 yùn mǔ Pinyin= Initials(consonant) +Finals(vowels) Initials: 21 shēng mǔ; Finals: 36 yùn mǔ
yùn mǔ
shēng mǔ
shēng diào
网上学拼音 拼音will help you learn how to pronounce Chinese word. Very powerful and useful tool!
Finals: yùn mǔ mostly like vowel in English ɑ far o door e alert
Finals: yùn mǔ mostly like vowel in English i teeth u wood ü duty*
Initials: shēng mǔ (most like consonant in English) b p m f d t n l
Initials: shēng mǔ (most like consonant in English) g k h j q x
Initials: shēng mǔ (most like consonant in English) zh ch sh r z c s
Finals: yùn mǔ mostly like vowel in English ɑo about ou bow ai bike
nǐ hǎo 你 好 Hi
zài jiàn 再 见 Good bye
Finals: ei bake ie yes
xiè xie 谢 谢 Thanks
Finals: ɑn bank ɑng lung
zǎo shàng hǎo 早 上 好 Good morning!
Finals: en garden eng
Finals: ong song phone
zhōng wǔ hǎo 中 午 好 Good noon
4 tones: ˉ ˇ ˉ ˋ
1 yī 一
2 èr 二
3 sān y 三
4 sì 四
5 wǔ 五
6 liǜ y 六
7 qī 七
8 bā 八
9 jiǔ 九
10 shí 十
八 =
2008.08.08 8:08 PM
9 dragons--- jiŭ lóng
999 rooms
líng 零
Lucky numbers in Chinese 五 八 九 十 Yī wǔ bā jiǔ shí Chinese don’t like numbers 七 Sì qī