Jules Dennett and Annie McGuire Thinking about Effective Leadership Jules Dennett and Annie McGuire
Know Thyself Personal Values – what matters to you and what you want to be know for in this world An Organization’s Values Artifacts –what we see and experience when we enter Espoused Values – What the Principal speaks about, what is in the ‘Help Wanted’ advertisements and in the mission statements Basic/Unspoken Assumptions – habits of the organization, the way people traditionally behave – deeper rhythms
This Not That Review your list of values To further explore and develop them go to the ‘Artifact’ level how your values manifest How do you embody what you stand for? Is it visible to others? Unspoken Assumptions – to what degree your behaviours are in sync with your values How much is Habit? (Duke University Study cites 45% of your behaviour is habitual) NOW – THIS not THAT exercise – what you are like but not like Take each of your values and pair it up with what it is not (in your opinion) Balanced but not boring A benefit of this exercise is to build up your espoused values and to notice the gap between your espoused values and what sub optimal looks like
Leadership Competencies and Adaptive Leadership Harvard Business Review Article – 2016 195 Global Leaders asked to rate 74 qualities Top Qualities Strong Ethics and Safety Self Organising Communicating Clear Expectations Efficient Learning Nurtures Growth
What it is Adaptive Leadership? Adaptive leadership is a practice not a position. It focuses on leadership as a practice to be used in situations without known solutions. Ronald Heifetz: “Adaptive leadership is the practice of mobilising people to tackle tough challenges and thrive.” It is a distributed leadership model.
Looking from the balcony: Management and Leadership
Adaptive Challenge Personal Development Program as it was run in SS; data suggested was not meeting needs. Our patterns don’t meet the existing needs; can a model with an authentic and empowered voice work? What are other possibilities?
Core to Adaptive work are 3 activities: 1 Core to Adaptive work are 3 activities: 1. Observing events and patterns, taking in information as data without forming judgements or making assumptions about the data’s meaning. (Standing on the balcony) 2. Tentatively interpreting observations and developing multiple hypotheses but knowing they are just that – hypotheses. 3. Designing interventions based on observations and interpretations in the service of making progress on the adaptive challenge.
6 Principles of Adaptive Leadership that address organisational problems
Principle 1 Get on the balcony Principle 2 Identify the adaptive challenge Principle 3 Regulate distress Principle 4 Maintain disciplined attention Principle 5 Give Back the Work Principle 6 Protect the voices of leadership from below