THE FACTS: Michigan Community College Students Total annual enrollment of about 460,000 students (roughly half of the undergraduate population in Michigan) Average age is 26.4 years old Minority students make up 20.4% of community college students About 60% of students attend school part-time 80% work while enrolled (average 32 hours/week) Around 62% of first time degree-seeking students place into one or more levels of developmental education The 460,000 figure is the Unduplicated Headcount – the total number of students enrolled in at least one course at the CC. For the Fall 2009 enrollment was 254,042 students taking at least one course creditable toward a degree. This represents an increase of 8.2% over the Fall 2008 enrollment (234,832). The increase from the Fall 2000 (+62,354) from 191,700 is 32.5%. Sources: House Fiscal Agency (2012), available at; Michigan Education Dashboard, available at,1607,7-256-58084---,00.html.