ACS Cobham– PE Class Expectations
Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year at ACS Cobham!
We have a beautiful campus, with amazing athletic facilities including…. The Gymnasium
Sports Arena
25m Pool
Dance Studio
6 Tennis Courts
Fitness suite
128 acres of grass!
Who Are We? The Middle School Health & PE Team: Mr. Buck Mr. Read Ms. Spiers Mr. Sheldrake Mr. Fogg
What sports will you learn? 6 types of games will be covered and you will assessed over 4 key areas: Cardiovascular fitness Teamwork & Communication Knowledge & Understanding Skills
l. Tennis
Association Football
Touch Rugby
Creative, Artistic and Team Building Sports Dance Body Tension & Coordination Creativity Teamwork Skills
Gymnastics Strength & Flexibility
Outdoor Education
Swimming Assessed on: Stroke Technique (Front Crawl, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly) Survival Skills
2 Performance Sports: Track and Field Athletics Assessed on: Speed Endurance Jumping Throwing
& Health Related Exercise Assessed on: Cardiovascular Strength Agility Flexibility
Expectations Be on time. ACS PE T-Shirt and Shorts. Indoor/outdoor footwear. Swimsuit Warm/dry clothes for Winter. NO Jewelry. Long hair must be tied back.
PE Uniform You MUST change your clothes for PE class. If you do not come to class on time with the proper clothes in the same quarter, your effort grade could be negatively affected. If you forget your uniform ONCE- You get a NO CLOTHES note written next to your name. If you forget your uniform TWICE- email TO YOUR PARENTS goes home If you forget your uniform THREE TIMES- your EFFORT GRADE goes DOWN by one point ( For example from 3 to 2) If you have not yet bought your PE uniform, or cannot bring it to class , ANY CHANGE OF SHIRT AND SHORTS is BETTER THAN NOTHING
What You Need to Be Excused from Class If you are injured or cannot participate for a legitimate reason, you must have a note signed by your parent or guardian. A long term injury requires an official doctor’s note to say that you are unable to participate due to medical reasons and your grade is not affected.
Behavioral Expectations All students are expected to be respectful and courteous to the teacher and their classmates. This means LISTENING when the teacher is talking, FOLLOWING instructions, and BEING SUPPORTIVE of your peers.
We want PE class to be a positive experience for everyone. WORK HARD TRY YOUR BEST HAVE FUN!