Facilitation guide for Building Team EQ skills. You will need 1 hour to do this workshop – you might also consider giving each team member the book Search Inside Yourself – based on the mindfulness-based EQ course that was created at GOOGLE and now run globally
Essentials of Collaborative High Performance Talk to your team about your intention to build a collaborative high performing team and the essential ingredients of this. You might say: The first thing to understanding breakthrough team performance is understanding the essential ingredients for high performance. There are 3 essential ingredients for collaborative high-performance. Why collaborative? Well in this modern working environment, it’s not enough just to be high performing, being collaborative is what sets us apart. So there are three ingredients. Context: this is the bigger picture, the playing field in which we operate. Connection: How well does our team connect to each other and to me (leader), both at a personal and functional level? Are we a team built on strong foundations of psychological safety, able to innovate, create and cross-pollinate ideas. Clarity: How well does our team know what its there to do? From a bigger picture & shared goals to detailed understanding of how each role impacts the bigger picture. OPTIONAL: If you have a pack of TPT inspire cards, give the pack to the team and ask them to select one and relate it to their perception of how they view the team right now
Emotional Intelligence Show your team this video which discusses what EQ is all about from Daniel Goleman
The skill of connecting with others Self-awareness Self-regulation/Control Motivation Empathy Social Skills The skill of connecting with others Review the key elements and ask the team what they remember about each one of these. Share your perspective as to WHY you personally believe this is important for the team and link this to what you are wanting to achieve
Team Tools for building EQ. Introduce the following tools by sharing how they are just 3 tools you have learned about to build the EQ of the team. Ask them to write down as you share the ways in which they think you could use these tools in the team meetings, planning, innovation sessions.
Journaling for Shared Awareness Remember CONTEXT Journaling for Shared Awareness "What is a worry or concern I'm holding right now that can be let go of?“ “When thinking about our year in review what have been your biggest learnings?” “When thinking about 2018 what are you passionate about creating?” Tool 1: Journaling for shared Awareness. Journaling is a powerful tool for self-awareness first. And when we use it to gain self-insight we can use this to share with insights (we feel safe to share) with others and therefore generating shared awareness or commonality in the team. Journaling is where I give you all a sheet of blank paper and ask you to write for 3 minutes without taking your pen off the paper. It is your conscious stream of thought regarding a particular topic and context. For example imagine the context is a project that has a delivery date that has been missed – I could ask you to journal the first question “What is a worry or concern….etc” Or considering 2017 and our year in review as a team or against our key deliverables? At the end of the journaling process. You take time on your own to reflect and review what you wrote and then pull out any insights that you feel comfortable in sharing. ASK THE GROUP: Ok what are the ways in which we could use this tool?
Team Regulation E + R = O Describe briefly the challenging event that just happened Write down all the reactions to that event and the associated outcomes (do this in rounds 1 per person) – using the question: HOW are we currently feeling about this? Write down all the responses to this event and then the outcomes to these responses – using the question: HOW MIGHT WE RESPOND? Complete by asking: How will respond? Tool 2: E+ R = O for Team regulation. Self regulation is a way of managing our personal triggers to situations. Sometimes there are events that affect the whole team and how we emotionally deal with this can be done in the team, creating a shared understanding of reactions and considered responses. E = Event R = Reaction / Response O = Outcome How it works = Explain the steps as it is written on the slide Ask the group at the end HOW MIGHT WE USE THIS IN OUR TEAM?
Dealing with (Cross) Team Conflict What are the ways in which the other team (or person) is different to us? When considering the ways they are different are there times that we might also be this way with others? What are the ways in which the other team (or person) is similar to us? When considering the ways they are similar, are there times that we might also be this way with others? What do we need to move forward? What do we think they need from us to move forward? How can we make this happen? 3. Dealing with (Cross) Team conflict Introduction: How we deal with conflict in our team or between our team and others says a lot about us. Sometimes we might use E + R = O to deal with a conflict and other times we might need something deeper. Review the steps as written on the slide Ask the group at the end HOW MIGHT WE USE THIS IN OUR TEAM?
Measuring EQ. A place to start is also gaining understanding about our own EQ. Options to discuss depending on budget The scientifically validated tool is EQ-i which we could use. (Download from USEFUL STUFF the sample report to share this) Or we could use a Quiz off HBR to self assess https://hbr.org/2015/06/quiz-yourself-do-you-lead-with-emotional-intelligence
Next steps Let’s hear from each of you. What is your first thoughts about building EQ in our team and how do you think it might benefit our team? (handle any questions and get an overall sense if you can move forward) You can summarize the shared sense from the feedback Overall I can hear that you... Our next step is to explore further and build a programme that works for us. Over the next week please gather information, ideas on how we can build EQ in our team I’ll explore what it costs to do EQ-i 360 as a team (contact The Performance Team to find out more) Come back next week and be prepared to share back to the team our ideas (you’ll have 5 mins each) so make sure you share the best of what you find
Can we help you? If you choose that you would rather do this with some help please contact us at The Performance team. www.theperformanceteam.co.nz Here are some ways in which we can help: Running a Team transformation program with your team to build high performance based in EQ development Measure the EQ of the team members and give feedback to each team member using the EQ-i 2.0 the only scientifically validated EQ assessment tool in the world Deliver a mindfulness-based EQ program with your team to build these skills Train the leader in how to build team leadership skills through our Mastery of Team Leadership programme starting May 2018