By: Jessica Pritchett and Joey Bateman The Little Mermaid By: Jessica Pritchett and Joey Bateman
Exposition Set the scene Meet Ariel and her friends She’s a mermaid? Wow that’s cool! She’s the daughter of King Trident? Right on- but she’s kind of a rebel!
Complication Part of your world Ariel isn’t happy with her life under the sea… she wants to go to the world of the human She also has fallen in love with young Prince Eric. But her father refuses to listen :(
Rising Action She trades her voice so she can be a human *But she has to make Eric fall in love with her * The problem? She can’t speak!
Rising Action Ursula doesn’t want her to get her voice back So she transforms herself into a beautiful woman and tricks Eric into marrying her
Rising Action Ariel has to save Eric! So she ruins the wedding Ursula is VERY MAD!
Climax Ursula transforms into Her terrible self and threatens To kill everybody! A battle follows and Ursula plummets to the Bottom of the ocean dead. * YAY!
Falling Action Ariel gets her voice back But she is a mermaid again :( But her father turns her back into a human YAYZZZ!
Denouement Prince Eric and Ariel Get married And they live happily ever after!