Catholic belief on the Sanctity of life Date: Tuesday, 18 September 2018Tuesday, 18 September 2018 Catholic belief on the Sanctity of life Success Criteria: I can define what sanctity of life means I can identify what I already know about how human life is sacred. I can understand and explain Catholic teaching on the sanctity of life I can examine the meaning of ‘imago dei’ I can evaluate attitudes towards to sanctity of life I can assess my knowledge through a GCSE question.
Read the case studies Decide whether the life should be SAVED or allowed to DIE and explain why you think this. I think____ should/ should not be saved because… Sian is 18, and is working. She has done well since leaving school. She hopes to continue and get promotion. She has a steady boy friend, David. They hope one day to marry. David is at university. He is studying religion and hopes to be a teacher. She is pregnant and thinks she should have an abortion. Jodie and Mary were conjoined twins, born in Manchester in 2000. Doctors predicted that, if no intervention occurred, Jodie and Mary would both die in around three months. They also said that if you separated them, one of the twins would certainly die, while the other twin would probably live. "Baby Theresa," was born in Florida in 1992. She effectively had "no brain", and doctors predicted that she would die within two weeks. Her parents asked the doctors to use her organs to save other lives if possible. The doctors were prevented from taking organs from Baby Theresa by Florida law. Doing so would involve killing Baby Theresa, which would be illegal. Baby Theresa died at 9 days old. By this stage, her organs were no longer of any use. Diane Pretty was a terminally ill British woman who fought a legal battle to allow her husband to help her commit suicide A man has killed several people and been found guilty. He is on death row in Texas. There is possible evidence which would prove his innocence.
Why is human life sacred? You have 5 minutes to fill in your diamond nine. You will need to justify your answers. I put ____ at the top of my diamond because.... I put ____ at the bottom of my diamond because.... Most important reason When you have finished- share your diamond nine with the person next to you. Least important reason
Make sure you have the correct information. What other religion has Genesis as part of their holy scriptures? What does ‘Imago Dei’ mean? So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 Make sure you have the correct information. The Latin phrase for ‘image of God’ is ’imago dei’. Catholic teaching stresses that humans were made imago dei- all humans are holy and should be protected and respected. Using the picture and the quote above try and answer the following questions: What does this quotation mean? How does it link to ‘imago dei’? What language is ‘imago dei’?
St Catherine of Siena Dialogue 4,13. "Man is placed above all creatures, and not beneath them, and he cannot be satisfied or content except in something greater than himself. Greater than himself there is nothing but Myself, the Eternal God. Therefore I alone can satisfy him, and, because he is deprived of this satisfaction by his guilt, he remains in continual torment and pain. Weeping follows pain, and when he begins to weep, the wind strikes the tree of self-love, which he has made the principle of all his being." Print the dialogue for students to stick in their books.
Analysis of text… Read through St Catherine of Siena Dialogue. Look up any words you do not understand and write down the meaning on the sheet. 3. Highlight how the text shows how human life is sacred. 4. What quote would you use to show the sanctity of life from St Catherine of Siena? 5. Summarise in your own words what St Catherine is saying in the dialogue.
Why do all Catholics believe life is sacred? How might the following biblical quotes help Catholics decide whether all life or only some life is sacred? “So God created them in his own image” Genesis 1:27 “Honour God with your body” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s Temple, and that God’s spirit lives in you” 1 Corinthians 3:16 “God breathed into Adam the breath of life” Genesis 2:4-7 Stretch and challenge Look up the following biblical references and try and link the scripture to the sanctity of life: Exodus 20:13- This is an important Catholic teaching on the sanctity of life. Why? Jeremiah 1:5 Luke 12: 6-7 “If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” Romans 14:8 This quote shows how special human life is- as we have the breath of God within us all.
RECAP- Use the knowledge of what you have learnt so far to predict the Catholic Church’s teaching on… The Sanctity of life – This is the Catholic belief that life is sacred and should be protected and respected at all times. Catholic attitude to abortion.... Catholic attitude to euthanasia..... Catholic attitude to murder....... What does this mean???
Threats to Sanctity of Life What are the different threats to human life according to Catholic teaching? Make a list of at least 5. Take three of your examples and apply the biblical teachings on which the Church’s belief that humans have a duty to protect life is based on.
Section C practice GCSE question Explain from two different religions/religious traditions belief in humanity as created imago Dei. 8 Marks 4xRE Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally,
Section C practice GCSE question Explain from two different religions/religious traditions belief in humanity as created imago Dei. 8 Marks Refer to the relevant band descriptors in these marking guidelines. Candidates could include some or all of the following, but other relevant points should be credited. In the Christian tradition, rooted in Genesis 1:27 Reflects the belief that humans are created in the image of God in their moral, spiritual, and intellectual nature Humans also differ from other animals in their self-consciousness and their capacity for spiritual/ moral reflection and growth It also reflects belief in God's care for humankind Humans can also be seen as co-creators with God in the evolution of God’s plan Striving to bring about the imago Dei in one's life can be seen as the quest for wholeness Jewish ideas about being made in God's image Jewish teachings: The Talmud B. Yoma 84b
Band Band Descriptor Mark Total 4 An excellent, highly detailed explanation showing knowledge and understanding of the diversity of the religious idea, belief, practice, teaching or concept. An excellent understanding of how belief influences individuals, communities and societies. Uses a range of religious/specialist language, terms and sources of wisdom and authority extensively, accurately and appropriately. 7–8 3 A very good, detailed explanation showing knowledge and understanding of the diversity of the religious idea, belief, practice, teaching or concept. A very good understanding of how belief influences individuals, communities and societies. Uses a range of religious/specialist language, terms and sources of wisdom and authority accurately and appropriately. 5–6 2 A good, generally accurate explanation showing some knowledge and understanding of the diversity of the religious idea, belief, practice, teaching or concept. A good understanding of how belief influences individuals, communities and societies. Uses religious/specialist language, terms and/or sources of wisdom and authority generally accurately. 3–4 1 A limited and/or poorly organized explanation showing limited knowledge and understanding of the diversity of the religious idea, belief, practice, teaching or concept. A limited understanding of how belief influences individuals, communities and societies. Uses religious/specialist language, terms and/or sources of wisdom and authority in a limited way. 1–2 No relevant information provided.
Have your views changed Have your views changed? Use a different coloured pen and note down your opinions Sian is 18, and is working. She has done well since leaving school. She hopes to continue and get promotion. She has a steady boy friend, David. They hope one day to marry. David is at university. He is studying religion and hopes to be a teacher. She is pregnant and thinks she should have an abortion. Jodie and Mary were conjoined twins, born in Manchester in 2000. Doctors predicted that, if no intervention occurred, Jodie and Mary would both die in around three months. They also said that if you separated them, one of the twins would certainly die, while the other twin would probably live. "Baby Theresa," was born in Florida in 1992. She effectively had "no brain", and doctors predicted that she would die within two weeks. Her parents asked the doctors to use her organs to save other lives if possible. The doctors were prevented from taking organs from Baby Theresa by Florida law. Doing so would involve killing Baby Theresa, which would be illegal. Baby Theresa died at 9 days old. By this stage, her organs were no longer of any use. Diane Pretty was a terminally ill British woman who fought a legal battle to allow her husband to help her commit suicide A man has killed several people and been found guilty. He is on death row in Texas. There is possible evidence which would prove his innocence.