Student Leadership Review Date
Budget • Over-budget by about $1,300 • Plenty in the roll-over fund
Salary Standard wage for food service & janitorial. SAC members make 25% of living wage for a non-parent. NO benefits, etc.
Alexis Stress is stress, no matter the source: sleep, mood, school, & work all suffer
Mitigation Bumping base rate to Seattle area wage for office and admin support staff of $15 would cost ~$12,000 more per year. Still just over 25% of living wage. Pay $20 for chair-persons, or other positions that require beyond the max 17 hours/week would cost ~$3,000. Double up positions in other areas (budget planning, multiple committees, etc). Minimum or alternative health- care plans, etc. Prioritized funding with Financial Aid. ASK FOR IT!
Diversity is part of the core moral mission of colleges.
Diversity More than just skin color Ask campus groups, faculty, and staff to personally recruit individual students Target minorities with second mailing? International students need more structured positions Use committees as incubators Quotas