Transaction Processing Jim Gray Microsoft Research
What’s New in TP? The Internet Objects Mobile Agents Commodity commerce, HTTP standard Web servers are app servers Objects DCOM, CORBA+OpenDoc Mobile Agents Java or VB (script or language) Commodity MTS plugNplay CD with nano manual
Can Web Servers Do TP? HTTP ODBC SQL IIS = Web 7,000 Web clients Pool of DBC links All Microsoft TPC benchmarks done with Web server (IIS) as TP monitor. Uses HTTP as wire protocol, ODBC as local protocol Gets GREAT! Performance (~2KtpmC/cpu)
Objects! Desktop development Drag & Drop deployment Scripting work flows with VBScript or JavaScript Server shell does all the voodoo configure load balance authenticate/authorize thread pool
Prediction: The next big event Microsoft, Netscape, Oracle, and others will unify ORBS and Web Servers and TP monitors Stored procedures (TP lite) Results will be “rough” at first, but they will mature quickly