GCU ROTC In-processing will be completed by all Cadets, contracted as well as participating . Incoming participating Cadets (those Cadets that will be first- time participants in Fall 17) are required to in-process. Suggest In-processing be completed 1 SEP after first formation. This will allow for Cadet to complete all required documents during first week of classes (28-31 AUG). All Cadets will have their photo taken by Cadet leadership so as to have those photos added to the CCIMM website. Head and shoulders shot is preferred. Add photos to TF Thunder drive. Cadet leadership should make all necessary logistical decisions regarding in-processing. ALL FORMS WILL BE TYPED. ALL SIGNATURES WILL BE WITH PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SIGN USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
ROTC MEDICAL FITNESS STATEMENT DA Form 3425-R ROTC MEDICAL FITNESS STATEMENT This form will be typed. Physician signing document must add contact information. Stamp with contact information is preferred. Copy of Sports Physical to participate in sports at GCU is acceptable. Only required for newly participating cadets. Contracted cadets and participating cadets that completed this form last semester do not need to complete this form. This form is required prior to participating in ROTC Physical Fitness.
Cadet Application and Enrollment Record USACC Form 139-R, 29 Jul 14 Cadet Application and Enrollment Record This form will be typed. All blocks must be completed. Use complete SSN. Only required for newly participating cadets. Contracted cadets and participating cadets that completed this form last semester do not need to complete this form. Local address is where you live while at university. If in GCU dorms, type “GCU” as well as which bldg. and room you live in. If off-campus, complete address is required. Permanent address is where you live when not at university. Complete pages 1 & 2 ONLY. DO NOT COMPLETE ANY OTHER PAGES. ALL SIGNATURES WILL BE WITH PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SIGN USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
RE-VERIFICATION/UPDATE OF INFORMATION ON CADET COMMAND FORM 139-R This form will be typed. Use complete SSN. Required for all returning participating Cadets and all contracted Cadets. Local address is where you live while at university. If in GCU dorms, type “GCU” as well as which bldg. and room you live in. If off- campus, complete address is required. Permanent address is where you live when not at university. Circle “YES/NO” answers with pen and ink. These questions pertain to changes since the end of Fall semester. Read conscientious objector question carefully. ALL SIGNATURES WILL BE WITH PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SIGN USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
PLANNED ACADEMIC PROGRAM WORKSHEET USACC FORM 104-R, SEP 13 PLANNED ACADEMIC PROGRAM WORKSHEET This form will be typed. REQUIRED FOR ALL CADETS. Strongly suggest this document sent to SSA ASAP to account for SSA timelines. Cadet Leadership will be responsible for collecting this form and submitting to SSG Shehan as one group (no onsie, twosies). Set a deadline for Cadets to submit to Leadership and inform SSG Shehan of same. Block 8 is for any terms with grades (not to include summer). INITIAL AND DATE IN PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INITIAL AND DATE USING ANY OTHER MEANS. Blocks 10 & 11 should be as of Spring 17 semester. DO NOT USE A PREVIOUS VERSION AND CHANGE DATES. Page 3 must be completed in its entirety with the exception of PMS signature. SSG Shehan will get PMS signature once all 104-Rs are turned in.
SCHOLARSHIP BENEFIT PACKAGE ELECTION Required for all contracted Cadets. Participating Cadet will not complete this form. Name, student ID# and University Initials will be typed. CADET’s INITIALS WILL BE IN PEN AND INK. If electing tuition and fees (LIVING IN DORMS), initial next to statement and skip to signature and date. If electing room and board (LIVING OFF-CAMPUS), initial next to statement then initial one and only one of a, b, or c. SIGN AND DATE IN PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INITIAL AND DATE USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
RECRUIT/TRAINEE PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES ACKNOWLEDGMENT DD Form 2983 RECRUIT/TRAINEE PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES ACKNOWLEDGMENT Required for all Cadets. No exceptions. Do not adjust blocks 2, 3, 4, 10a, 10b. Blocks 1 and 5 will be typed. Do not handwrite this information. Block 9 must be initialed. ALL SIGNATURES AND INITIALS WILL BE IN PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT USING ANY OTHER MEANS. If any Exceptions (Block 8) are requested, speak with Cadre.
RECORD OF EMERGENCY DATA DD Form 93 RECORD OF EMERGENCY DATA This form will be typed. Use complete SSN. Required for all contracted Cadets. Participating Cadet will not complete this form. Do not adjust blocks 3A, 3B, 9A, 9B, 10, 14, 16. Instructions for completing DD Form 93 are on pages 3-4 of document. If you do not understand the instructions after reading them a 2nd and 3rd time, contact SSG Shehan. For block 15, type your name in all caps before “, Cadet, USA ROTC”. Do not change this block in any other way. Sign above your name. ALL SIGNATURES WILL BE IN PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
SERVICE MEMBER GROUP LIFE INSURANCE SGLV 8286 SERVICE MEMBER GROUP LIFE INSURANCE This form will be typed. Use complete SSN. Required for all contracted Cadets. Participating Cadet will not complete this form. SGLV only applies during Active Duty status (e.g. Camp) but is required for all contracted Cadets. Participating Cadet will not complete this form. Do not adjust blocks completed blocks. Current Amount of SGLI can be adjusted using dropdown menu. Do NOT add beneficiaries SSNs. This information is not requested or desired. Do not complete section 4. Address used will be your permanent address, where you live when not at university. More information regarding SGLI an be found at: http://www.benefits.va.gov/insurance/sgli.asp. ALL SIGNATURES WILL BE IN PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
Form W-4 (2017) This form will be typed. Use complete SSN. Required for all contracted Cadets. Participating Cadet will not complete this form. Do not separate form on dotted line. Do not submit page 2 with in-processing packet. This page is for personal reference. Cadre cannot and will not give advice on completing this form. Speak with a trusted family member for guidance regarding this form. ALL SIGNATURES WILL BE IN PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
CADET PERSONAL DATA SHEET This form will be typed. Use complete SSN. Required for all Cadets. No exceptions. Address (Home of Record) is where you live when not at university). Address (Local) is where you live when at university. If in GCU dorms, type “GCU” as well as which bldg. and room you live in. If off-campus, complete address is required. SMP and Green to Gold (G2G) cadets are required to complete applicable blocks. No exceptions.
CADET DTS INFORMATION SHEET This form will be typed. Use complete SSN. Required for all contracted Cadets. Participating Cadet will not complete this form. This form is used to make any travel arrangements for Camps, etc. Do not adjust blocks 9-12. Verify that you complete blocks 15-17 for accounting purposes. No exceptions.
DD FORM 2005 This form will be typed. Use complete DoD ID Number from back of CAC (Contract Cadets) or FULL SSN (Participating Cadets). Required for ALL Cadets. See Section 2 of form for Principle Purposes of this form. ALL SIGNATURES WILL BE IN PEN AND INK. DO NOT ATTEMPT USING ANY OTHER MEANS.
CADET RECORD BRIEF (CRB) Required for all contracted Cadets. Each contracted Cadet will link up with SSG Shehan NLT than one (1) week after in-processing to sign an updated CRB for their files.