PEOPLE CENTRED APPROACHES (Counter Industrial Movements) Lesson Outcome: to understand the counter industrial theories of development. ALL: Identify and explain three key ideas of CIT. MOST: Show a deeper understanding by analysing the key areas and how they relate to development. SOME: Compare and contrast with other theories studied. Why? : To get a grade A to show knowledge beyond the basic minimum of every other candidate. Specification: Different theories of development, underdevelopment and global inequality Starter – Locate the Counter Industrial Theories section in the textbook.
Global Development Over View Macro Theories of Development Micro Theories of Development Dependency Theory Neoliberal Theory Modernisation Theory Counter Industrial Theory Post Development Theory
ENVIRONMENTALISM (EXTERNAL BARRIERS) Critical of the western industrial model of development because it argues that environmental damage is intrinsic to this model of development. This perspective argues that western development leads to uncontrolled ecological damage through effects such as degradation of the biosphere, because factories emit pollution, depletion finite natural resources and a loss of bio-diversity. Climate Change is affecting developing countries who produce cash crops. Solution: Sustainable development goals. However, Capitalists are now investing in Green Energy, Green Cars and Green Tourism for example. NEOPOPULISM (EXTERNAL BARRIERS) Highlights that industrialization has human costs leading to unemployment, breaking up communities and creating a dependency on the northern hemisphere for technology and parts (alienation). Social Factors. MICRO CREDIT (Solution) Provision of small loans or micro credits to people who would otherwise be unable to access credit to invest in businesses and this is meant that micro credit has particularly targeted poor women. Interest Rates can often be too high, most business’ fail, and only 10% are sustainable for long term success. However, it is much easier for local people to get micro credit than a traditional bank loan or government grant. 1.7 million investment on Keva. INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLIGIES (Solution) Rather than importing technology from the West that is costly, requires lots of power, and specialist understanding (Modernisation) development projects should invest in environmentally friendly ‘intermediate’ technologies that have day to day practical support for the poorest.
Introductory Lecture Note down the key points. Gl1yY8NHWPdtR7B6FiJ3-F&index=41
Case Study (Environmentalism) Alberta Tar Sands World's second largest oil reserve. Oil from the tar sands is one of the world's most carbon intensive fuels and rapid development of the tar sands could tip the scales towards dangerous and uncontrollable climate change. IPCC (Inter governmental panel on climate change) World's leading climate change scientists - 98% certain that global warming is taking place - people who aren't scientists will seize upon this.
Concepts Check Keywords: Environmentalism Neo-populism People centred development Intermediate technologies Micro credit/finance IPCC (Inter governmental panel on climate change) Case study: Alberta Tar Sands
Key Areas Neopopulism People-centred development 5 minute Case Study on Micro Finance in Mozambique Neopopulism People-centred development Micro-credit / finance Do some research into one of these topics and explain how they relate to global development and how they are similar / different to other theories of development. Use the link above.
WOW Paragraphing – Impress the Examiner Go back through your two essays on Modernisation Theory, and Dependency Theory. In green pen, improve your conclusions by adding a focus on Counter Industrial Theories, using them to criticise and/or compare to the theory in question. Outline and explain how counter-industrial & post-development theories have contributed to gaining an understanding of development, underdevelopment and global inequality. (10 marks) CIT Central focus on environment – influence on SDGs / World Climate Conferences (Development), Discuss’ Neopopulism (Negative Social Factors realted to Industrialisation) Trickle down does not help the poorest, so a ‘micro-finance approach is needed (Global Inequality) ‘People-centred’ vs Macro Theories Post-Development
Review Create 2 questions on a Post-it note that the teacher can ask to the class.