What occurs during pollination in a plant’s life? Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda. Copy the question at the back and answer in sentences: What occurs during pollination in a plant’s life?
Answer During pollination, the pollen from one flower gets transferred to a different flower, so a new seed can form.
Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box, and agenda. GET WORKING QUIETLY IN UNDER 2 MIN 30 SEC! Copy the question at the back and answer: What is the difference between STRUCTURE and FUNCTION?
Answer STRUCTURE refers to the PARTS of a system and how they are organized. FUNCTION refers to the JOB each part does for the system.
Structure and Function of Parts of a Flowering Plant
Structure and Function of a Bike What are some structures (parts) of a bike? What functions (jobs) do they have?
Set up your notebook page Narrow left column for the topic or heading Larger right column for notes
Structure A structure is a part of a system. Structures provide organization for an object (living or non-living). Examples of plant structures: root, stem, leaf, flower.
Function Function refers to the job or work that it does. Example: One function of a stem is to hold a plant up.
What is a flower? A flower is the part of the plant that makes the seeds.
There are four main parts of a flowering plant. leaves stem roots
Roots root absorb water from the soil anchor the plant in place, absorb minerals from the soil. root
* helps to support the plant and transports water and minerals. Stem * helps to support the plant and transports water and minerals. stem
Leaf use sunlight in a chemical reaction to make food (a sugar) for the plant. also let in carbon dioxide through tiny openings called stomata. leaves
* helps the plant to reproduce by making new seeds. Flower * helps the plant to reproduce by making new seeds. flower
All plants have MALE and FEMALE parts! SHOCK WARNING! Reproduction All plants have MALE and FEMALE parts!
Plants reproduce by the process of pollination. Pollen from the MALE part of one plant must transfer to the FEMALE part of a different plant. Then a new seed forms in the flower’s ovary.
The MALE part that produces pollen. stamen The MALE part that produces pollen. pistil The FEMALE part that gets fertilized by pollen, and makes new seeds in the ovary.
Tube that pollen travels down The pistil has 3 parts (Don’t need to write this.) stigma (female part) Is sticky Catches pollen style Tube that pollen travels down ovary Contains eggs
Produces & contains pollen Yellow powder Fertilizes eggs The stamen has three parts (don’t need to write this) (male part) anther Produces & contains pollen filament pollen Yellow powder Fertilizes eggs
Other parts of the flower petals sepal Colorful, bright petals attract pollinators like bees and birds. Like small green leaves, they protect the flower before it opens. receptacle End of flower stalk, like a cup for the petals and parts
Now the fun part! Color your flower diagram. Label the parts of the flower by looking back at your notes. Write in pencil, in case you need to make changes!