Cute intro 30/30 Written Assignment 1 Mark 2 Marks 3 Marks Environment and adaptations to the Environment Student explains which environment the plant lives in but gives little information about how it is adapted to the environment Student explains which environment the plant live in and gives clear examples of how the plant is adapted to the environment Student explains which environment the plant lives in as well as the characteristics of the environment. The student gives clear examples of how the plant has adapted to each charateristic that they describe about the environment Adaptaions for and an explanation of how your plant gets it's water and nutrients Student gives a basic discription of how the plant will get its nutrients and water, and/or the idea is very basic or unimaginative. There is little discription as to how the plant has adapted to perform the functions. Student gives a detailed explanation of how the plant gets it nutrients and water and had come up with an interesting idea for a method of taking in water and nutrients, and explains the adaptations necessary to perform the function. Student has come up with a very original way for the plant to take in water and nutrients, and they have given a detaile explanation as to the adaptations necessary to perform this function.
Explanation and adaptaion to how your plant gets the energy it needs to perform life functions Student gives a basic discription of how the plant will get its energy, and/or the idea is very basic or unimaginative. There is little discription as to how the plant has adapted to perform the functions. Student gives a detailed explanation of how the plant gets its energy and has come up with an interesting idea for a method of taking in water and nutrients, and explains the adaptations necessary to perform the function. Student has come up with a very original way for the plant to produce energy, and they have given a detaile explanation as to the adaptations necessary to perform this function. Explanation of your plants reproductive stategy Student gives a basic discription of what the plants reproductive stategy is and or the idea is very simple and unimaginative. Little or no description of how the plant will disperse it's seeds was given Student gives a clear explanation of the plants reprodcutive strategy and pollenation. The idea is original and well thought out. The student clearly explains the plants strategy for dispersing seeds. The student has come up with a very original reproductive and pollenation strategy. The student has also clearly detailed the adaptations necessary for the plant to perform these functions. The student clearly outlined adaptations to disperse seeds.
Explanation of the adaptations for your plant to be the best at what you designed it to do. (produce food, catch mosquitos, cure cancer, or solve pollution) Student gives a basic description of how the plant will be best adapted to the function that they have chosen, little creativity or adaptation is shown. Student gives a clear explanation of the plants adaptations to do what it was designed to do. The adaptations and strategies are original and inventive. The student has come up with very original adaptations and strategies to do what the plant was designed to do. The adaptations are well thought out and very imaginative. Plant model (drawing) 0-5 Marks 5-10 Marks 10+ The plant has little detail, and shows major differences between what is described in the written assignment and what you have created in your model. The workmanship in your model is below your capability. Your plant shows adequate detail and the plant model follows what you have described in the written portion of your assignment. Your plant shows visual appeal and adequate workmanship. Your plant shows great detail and your model shows nearly all of the adaptations that you have detailed in the written portion of your assignment. Your plant is very visually appealing and the level of workmanship is very good. Presentation 0-2 Marks 3-4 Marks 5 Marks Assignment format is not well-suited to the project. Needs to have more visual support, or written details. Titles and labeling could be more evident. Assignment format is somewhat well-suited to the project. Could have more visual support, or written details. Titles and labeling are somewhat evident. Assignment format is well-suited to the project. Supports include visuals and substantial, relevant written details. Titles and labeling are clearly evident throughout.
Mutant Plant Project SUN PITCHER by: Alexia 7M
Dear Government of Canada, this powerpoint will tell you all you need to know about the Sun Pitcher. The scientists and I are making a plant that traps all of the world’s mosquitoes. It is a mix of a pitcher plant and a sunflower. Here is the information. Alexia A.
Where my plant lives: My plant likes bright light, so it lives in very warm places. The light can not be direct, which means that they will need some shade like under a tree. Full sun brings out red dots, which means that the plant is sunburnt. The Sun Pitcher is found in wetlands, swamps and bogs. The soil in the wetlands is muddy, wet and poor. Most plants get their nutrients from their soil, but the soil the Sun Pitcher gets doesn't have many nutrients, so the Sun Pitcher gets it’s nutrients a different way, that all carnivorous plants get them!!! Sunburnt plant
How my plant gets it’s nutrients: My plant is carnivorous, so that means it can eat the mosquitoes it catches. To attract the mosquitoes it has a scent. If that doesn’t help, mosquitoes are pollinators, so they go to pollinate the sunflower, but what they don’t know is that the sunflower is part pitcher plant. They go to centre and start pollinating and once the mosquito finishes pollinating, the centre collapses. That is where the pitcher plant comes in. The mosquito falls into a big bowl of acid underneath the innocent looking sunflower. Inside of the plant, the sides are slippery so that the mosquitoes can’t crawl up them and escape. It just sits there until it loses all the energy it has and drowns in the acid . The acid is like a juice, but with lots of chemicals in it. That gives the Sun Pitcher the nutrients it needs, because it doesn’t get any from poor soil it is in.
How my plant gets water: A good type of water for a Sun Pitcher is rain water, which is easy to get because it rains alot in the wetlands. When it rains, it collects water in it’s bowl. Since it is wet and boggy in the wetlands, it can collect water through the stem of the plant and it uses xylem [ xy-high ] to bring it up. It is not like a regular pitcher plant because it has a stem that brings the water up the plant. Xylem: it brings water and nutrients up the stem. Those holes are used for sucking up water, just like how plants would use them.
How my plant gets it’s energy: My plant goes through photosynthesis, just like most plants. Photosynthesis is when the plant collects the energy from the sun and uses carbon dioxide and water to create sugar. It is made in the leaves. Phloem [ phloe-low ] helps spread the sugars and the food all across the plant. The plant uses the little molecules from the sugar. Phloem: It is a layer of tissue that transports sugars in places it needs some or doesn’t have some.
How my plant will be’’the best’’: The Sun Pitcher is going to trap all the mosquitoes in the world by eating them. Here are some of the adaptations and features my plant will have: - thorns on the stem of it [ to poke the bugs ] - it will look like a sunflower on the top and underneath it will have the big bowl of the pitcher plant, including the acid inside to capture the mosquitoes and get the nutrients it needs. These will help my plant survive longer and adapt to the environment around it . If any bugs try to harm it or eat it, those features will help it survive.
How my plant reproduces: There are two types of reproduction, asexual and sexual, my plant goes through both, as most carnivorous plants do. The Sun Pitcher will have both female and male parts, which means it is able to reproduce sexually. The Sun pitcher is able to use the cutting technique very well, which is an asexual method. Asexual: this means that the new/baby plant will be identical to the parent plant. Sexual: this means that the plant will be both unique and it will have some features of the parent plant. layering cutting
Pollination: My plant gets pollinated by many things, but mostly by mosquitoes. Pollination is where the pollen is transferred from the anther [male] to the female. This is how it works: First the bee pollinates a flower and then it moves on to the next. The stigma is sticky on the top so that the pollen will stick to it, and that is how a plant gets pllin. That allows the plant to reproduce. Pollination: The new plant will be a mix of the parent plant and unique.
ASSIGNMENT 2: draw a diagram I gave you my visual journal. It is in my visual journal,