Light Trails and light painting VMC gr 11 digital photography Light Trails and light painting
Safety precautions Scout the location in daylight so you know your way around a little bit when it’s dark. Go with a buddy and make sure an adult knows where you are photographing and when to expect your return. Be safe above all.
Dealing with noise Noise Reduction. The Nikon D3100 offers noise reduction, but with only two options: Off or On. Long exposure noise reduction doubles the exposure times, as it functions by capturing a second image with identical settings to the actual exposure, but with the shutter closed. This generates a picture of the dark current noise, which varies as a function of sensor temperature and exposure time, allowing the locations of dark current pixels to be mapped and automatically removed from your final image. Set your to OFF.
Choosing an ISO High ISO = digital noise ISO 200 is recommended for night photography aiming for longer exposures. Can you think of a reason why a lower ISO is recommended?
Timed and bulb exposures The D3100 has timer releases of 2 and 10 seconds. The advantage of this feature is less camera shake at the time of exposure. We also have bulb which allows for unlimited exposure time. We now have cable releases which we can test out at this shoot!
Steady now - tripod and monopod A key to long exposure photography is steadiness. We will use the tripods and monopods during this shoot. Tripods offer the most stability (over 2 seconds). Monopods help, but are subject to movement (2 seconds and fewer). Trade as dictated by exposure length. Try handheld as well – steady yourself.
Batteries Long exposure photography is a battery KILLER – so come prepared with a fully charged, and when possible, back up batteries.
Length of exposures D3100 has presets of 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0,6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 13.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, and 30.0 seconds To make a bulb exposure with the D3100, set the camera on Manual mode, set the f/stop, and then use the main command dial to select the shutter speed immediately after 30 seconds—Bulb. Then, press the shutter to start the exposure, and release it again to close the shutter.
Desired effects - zooming
Desired effect - outlining
Desired effect – time lapse
Desired effect - writing
Desired effect – traffic trails