Satellite Fellowship Task Force Luncheon Feb. 11, 2018 If you were not able to join us, here is the information we discussed.
Members Donna Boring – Technology Cliff Terry – Exploring fellowship communities Barbara Sorensen - Questionnaire Valerie Hammons – Website, FaceBook, Youth Joyce Holman – Luncheon Jim Bleese – Chat Hosts Pastor Fred – Fellowship Planting Gale Hall - Chair
Matthew 28:18, 19 – Then Jesus said, ”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” 3 main audiences for Livestream ministry Our own congregants who are sick, homebound, traveling, or who are snowbirds. This is our current focus. People within driving distance of the Vista campus. People often check out church online before coming to the sanctuary. This is a timely connection with our new building project. This will become our focus this spring. The rural communities up the Copper Trail in which we hope to plant Vista fellowships. This is our goal for the fall.
Here is what we are NOT doing. We are not building a brick and mortar church up the Copper Trail. We are not asking our members who live in or near the Copper Trail to start going to our fellowships there. We are not asking you to stay home and watch livestream each Sunday. We are not changing our Sunday morning worship service when we add a live chat to the livestream. We will still have singing, prayer, offering and preaching.
Here is a timeline of what we ARE doing. Fall/Winter 17-18 – Refining the technology involved in producing our livestream service. Winter – Brainstorm how to make our small group ministries available to people who do not come to the Vista campus. Winter – Seek/apply feedback on our service from friends and family. Winter/Spring – Develop the chat host ministry during the livestream. Winter/Spring – Develop marketing materials for Vista Online and marketing to Oro Valley, Catalina, and Oracle. Winter/Spring - Jazzing up our website
What we ARE doing continued: Spring - Meeting with Copper Trail community leaders to identify community needs and interests; identify a space for Sunday services. Spring/Summer/Fall - Sponsor and/or participate in community events in the identified Copper Trail community so we get to know the community and they get to know us. Summer – Actively market Vista Online to the Copper Trail community.
What we ARE doing continued: Summer/Fall - Purchase TV and materials for the church service for our fellowship community. Fall - Gather Vista Online visitors from the community to meet with Pastor Fred and fellowship planters from Vista. Prepare the fellowship site to open. First Sunday in Advent – Open the Vista fellowship in the community.
Brainstorming Session At your table you will find a list of the various small groups at Vista. Your facilitator has descriptions of each small group. Please write down one idea per sticky being careful to color coordinate the ideas. Colors for stickies are designated for each group listed here. Start at the top and work down. United Methodist Men (green) United Methodist Women (blue) Prayer Team (white lined) Bible Study (pink lined) Evangelism (blue lined) Prayer Shawl (yellow lined) Missions (yellow) Fellowship (orange) Music (brown lined) Education (light pink) Stephen Ministers (hot pink)
3 ways to think about small groups How can our church members who can’t come to church right now still participate in our small groups? *Bible study livestream example For people who are watching online and live far away: How can they participate in the ministries of our small groups in meaningful ways? *Rummage sale example For people who are watching online and live far away: How can they develop a sense of community online through participation in the small groups? *Dining for 6 example
Going to Life Church Online Reviewing the set up of the streaming page Live chat Prayer requests Bible Sermon Notes Connect Card Announcements
Questionnaire to Friends and Family We are developing an online questionnaire using Survey Monkey that Vista members will be able to email out to family and friends seeking feedback on our Sunday morning livestream. We will use the feedback we receive to improve our livestream.
Next Steps – Complete Paper at Tables Please put a check in the box next to anything you would be interested in being part of this ministry. Thanks! Developing the ministry Website design and enhancement Developing marketing materials for Vista Online Logo Design for Vista Online – graphic artist Questionnaire – Help setting up the Survey Monkey Community Fun Day event in Copper Trail fellowship community Other fellowship site “get to know each other” events (blessing of the animals, reading to children, etc.) Online children and youth ministries Videography – Videotaping people who need to make pre-recorded announcements for livestream Photography - Taking photos and/or creating montages for of Vista campus and events for our website/FB Rotating Teams for ongoing implementation of the ministry Livestream production - cameras Livestream production - audio Chat hosts Vista Online prayer team Vista Online Stephen Ministers Fellowship planting team in our Copper Trail community
Closing thoughts from Pastor Fred