UC ARTICULATION TIPS California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office


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Presentation transcript:

UC ARTICULATION TIPS California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office New Articulation Officer Training April 26, 2017 4.26.2017

Session Overview This presentation covers tips on articulation from the perspective of a UC campus. Each UC campus has unique practices for processing articulation. Contact the UC campus AO to inquire about best practices for that UC. 4.26.2017

What is Course Articulation? Formal written agreement that identifies courses from a “sending” campus that are comparable to or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a “receiving” campus Roadmap by which students navigate transfer from a California Community College (CCC) to a university Implicit in the articulation process is involvement, communication, and cooperation between the respective faculties and articulation officers 4.26.2017

Articulation Agreements Facilitate community college transfer Maximize student chances of admission Reduce time to degree Increase retention Increase opportunities for study abroad 4.26.2017

Articulation Process Articulation Initiated by 1. CCC Articulation Officer 2. UC AO, academic departments/faculty Course Information Reviewed e.g. course outline and syllabus 1. UC Transferability [UC TCA] check 2. CCC course to UC course proposal entered on articulation request form 3. Sent to academic department for faculty review and decision If CCC course is approved for comparability, articulation agreement is updated by UC CCC Articulation Officer is notified of articulation decision 4.26.2017

Establishing Campus Agreements Level of Articulation Agreements Transferability of CCC courses to UC Acceptability of UC transferable courses to major UC Articulation Officer & Faculty General Education Breadth (GE) Course-to-Course Agreements Lower-Division Major Preparation Agreements UC campus faculty review and approve courses Approved courses published on ASSIST 4.26.2017

Articulation Officer Role Primary point of contact for all articulation requests Manager of the campus-wide articulation system of articulation agreements statewide Chief liaison with the California community college articulation officers, faculty, counselors, and UC faculty Facilitator in all aspects of the articulation process Principal contact with the Articulation System Stimulating Inter-Institutional Student Transfer (ASSIST) staff 4.26.2017

University Faculty in the Articulation Process Faculty establish requirements and standards for articulated courses Discipline faculty are responsible for the evaluation of CCC course content Identification of comparable courses Authorization of acceptance 4.26.2017

UC Faculty Request Additional Documentation Details not found in the COR Lacks information on time spent on specific topics including lab topics and lab time spent Missing types of assignments for specific topics Criteria for evaluation, especially writing assignments are unspecified Textbooks and required reading unknown Subject-specific information lacking in the course objectives and student learning outcomes 4.26.2017

TYPES OF ARTICULATION AGREEMENTS Transferable Courses General Education/Breadth IGETC ASSIST Lower-Division Major Preparation Course-to-Course 4.26.2017

IGETC vs. UC Campus-Specific GE IGETC and UC campus GE are distinct and separate patterns. Some CCC IGETC-certified courses may also satisfy UC GE patterns. UC campus GE patterns are unique. UC campus practices for seeking campus GE articulation vary. 4.26.2017

Each school and college at each UC campus has GE “breadth” requirements. CCC students have the option to complete IGETC to satisfy lower-division GE requirements. (IGETC may not be appropriate for all majors at all institutions; see Comparative Reference on page 20 and 21 of this presentation.) IGETC is NOT an admission eligibility requirement. Completing GE, either through IGETC or campus-specific requirements, may be a selection requirement for some programs and campuses. 4.26.2017

ARTICULATION PROCESS Example… “Sending” Laney History 7A “Receiving” UCSD History 2A HIST 7A Outline Proposal for articulation evaluation New articulation posted on ASSIST between UCSD & Laney HISTORY 7A = HISTORY 2A Or, if articulation is denied then NO COURSE ARTICULATED 4.26.2017

Transfer Course Agreement (TCA) Identifies UC-transferable courses at each CCC. First level of articulation between UC and CCC; all courses listed are transferable to every UC campus Individual UC campuses may, as appropriate, articulate courses to specific lower-division courses/graduation requirements. 4.26.2017

Course to Course Articulation 4.26.2017

CCC to UC Major Articulation The major articulation agreements offer students guidance in preparing for specific majors at each UC campus. Second level of articulation between UC and CCC. Indicates courses that fulfill major prep; alerts if IGETC is acceptable; explains use of AP/IB credit toward subject requirements, etc. 4.26.2017

CCC to UC Major Articulation Left side – UC courses Right side – CCC course Recommended courses Information displayed in Legacy ASSIST will be displayed differently in ASSIST Next Gen. 4.26.2017

AP / IB Articulation AP/IB score credit is the same across UCs: UC transferable units, eligibility, IGETC AP/IB course-to-course articulation and satisfaction of requirements vary per UC. Finding UC AP/IB information: Refer to the UC campus catalog May be listed on ASSIST by major section 4.26.2017

Best Practices for Submitting UC Articulation Proposals ASSIST Next Generation proposes a new tracking system for the future; expect changes to current best practices. Current best practices for UC: Submit via email. Provide CCC course outlines in PDF. Group by dept.; avoid long requests. Propose a specific course-to-course agreement. Checklist: Transferable? Already articulated? Previously requested? 4.26.2017

UC CAMPUS ARTICULATION PROCESSES: COMPARATIVE REFERENCE Preferred Course Outline Submission Method Preferred Course Outline Format Preferred Proposal Format Are Articulation Proposals Accepted Year-Round? Will CCC be Notified of Reason Articulation Denied? Course Prefixes in ASSIST Match Those in the UC Campus Catalog? Provides ASSIST Articulation By Major? Provides ASSIST Articulation by Department? Provides ASSIST Articulation for GE? Provides AP and/or IB information on ASSIST? Describe GE Processing Information UCB Email Prefer electronic request with course outlines attached or links to the course outline, but will accept in any format Prefer proposals grouped by department Yes Yes; articulates on ASSIST the AP scores needed to satisfy a UC campus course Faculty review for Reading & Composition course-to-course and course-to-breadth area articulation UCD PDF strongly preferred (will accept other electronic formats; paper and CD no longer accepted) Prefer proposals grouped by department; 4-6 course requests per proposal is optimal No Yes; provides web link to campus catalog's AP/IB information Faculty review for course-to-course articulation; that course-to-course articulation is honored for GE UCI PDF (will accept any format) Yes, if possible Yes; for 29 of its largest/closest transfer partner colleges Yes, provides web link to campus catalog's AP/IB information GE is reviewed by the same faculty as 'By Major', but criteria differ UCLA Electronic Will accept any format provided, but electronic outlines preferred. Recommends that all ENGR proposals be grouped together and forwarded to articulation@admission.ucla.edu Yes , with the exception of the majors in the Schools of Theater, Film&TV and School of Arts & Architecture- includes only textual data and brief descriptions of admissions criteria Yes, temporarily displayed by Department until the launch of Assist Next Gen in Summer 2017. Yes; for select majors only Does not maintain or develop GE articulation agreements UCM Electronic / Email Online request with course outlines attached in PDF format, or links to the course outline GE is reviewed by the same faculty as 'By Major', but criteria may differ 4.26.2017

UC CAMPUS ARTICULATION PROCESSES: COMPARATIVE REFERENCE Preferred Course Outline Submission Method Preferred Course Outline Format Preferred Proposal Format Are Articulation Proposals Accepted Year-Round? Will CCC be Notified of Reason Articulation Denied? Course Prefixes in ASSIST Match Those in the UC Campus Catalog? Provides ASSIST Articulation By Major? Provides ASSIST Articulation by Department? Provides ASSIST Articulation for GE? Provides AP and/or IB information on ASSIST? Describe GE Processing Information UCR Email Will accept any format Any combination acceptable Yes Yes; in very general terms. Bourns College of Engineering is displayed at the end of each 'By-Major' agreement. College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences and College of Natural and Ag. Sciences is not course-specific but is subject/discipline specific. Yes; articulates on ASSIST the AP scores needed to satisfy a UC campus course Direct course equivalents for GE are maintained for the Bourns College of Engineering only. UCSB Prefer proposals grouped by department; any combination acceptable No AO develops GE agreements using guidelines provided by the College of Letters & Science and the College of Engineering UCSC Online request with course outlines attached or links to the course outline ASSIST prefixes match those in the class schedule; catalog does not list the prefix in its course section. Yes (some majors are text-based only: music, languge study) Yes; under the 'By Major' section of ASSIST, offers a pull-down menu for AP/IB information AO develops GE agreements using guidelines provided by faculty and consultation with Admissions Director and CEP. UCSD Prefer online request with course outlines attached or links to the course outline, but will accept in any format Does not maintain or develop GE articulation agreements 4.26.2017


Cover 21 of our most popular majors: Transfer Pathways Cover 21 of our most popular majors: Anthropology Biochemistry Biology Business Administration Cell biology Chemistry Communication Computer Science Economics Electrical Engineering English Film and Media Studies History Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Molecular Biology Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology 4.26.2017

REFERENCES CIAC (California Intersegmental Articulation Council): http://ciac.csusb.edu/directory/ CIAC Directory: http://ciac.csusb.edu/directory/ciacmail.pdf IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum): http://icas-ca.org/igetc UC Admission Info: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/ UC Campus Info: http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/campuses/welcome.html UC Quick Reference for Counselors: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/files/quick-reference-2016.pdf UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP): http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/transfer-admission-planner/ UC Transfer Articulation: http://ucop.edu/transfer-articulation/ UC Transfer Pathways: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/transfer/preparation-paths/index.html UC Transfer Pathways Guide: http://pathwaysguide.universityofcalifornia.edu/college-pathways/0/0 4.26.2017

UC ARTICULATION CONTACTS Berkeley: Aurelia Long aplong@berkeley.edu; Myrna Aguilar myrnaa@berkeley.edu Davis: Cindy Bevc cabevc@ucdavis.edu; Jane King jeking@ucdavis.edu; Geniene Geffke ggeffke@ucdavis.edu; Asha Kemp amkemp@ucdavis.edu Irvine: Kesha Miller kesha@uci.edu; Sandy Stefanik sstefani@uci.edu Los Angeles: Kim Alexander kalexand@saonet.ucla.edu Merced: Lori Quillen lquillen@ucmerced.edu Riverside: Karla Contreras karla.contreras@ucr.edu; Andre Crawford andre.crawford@ucr.edu San Diego: Sam Zia szia@ucsd.edu Santa Barbara: Dawn Hovey Dawn.Hovey@sa.ucsb.edu Santa Cruz: Christina Sandoval-Paquette cgsandov@ucsc.edu UCOP: Nancy Purcille Nancy.Purcille@ucop.edu; Jennifer Forsberg Jennifer.Forsberg@ucop.edu; Kate Fitzpatrick Katherine.Fitzpatrick@ucop.edu 4.26.2017

UCOP REVIEW - UC TCA UC Transferability Course Agreement Basics Transferable Course Agreements (UC TCAs) identify baseline transferability. (http://ucop.edu/transfer- articulation/transferable-course-agreements/index.html)  California Community College (CCC) courses must be approved for the UC TCA in order to be considered for any other type of articulation (campus-specific major or general education/breadth articulation; or IGETC). TCAs also indicate whether courses may satisfy transfer admission eligibility. 4.26.2017

 UCOP REVIEW - UC TCA When does a CA Community College need to submit a course for UC TCA review ? UC policy requires current, accurate information upon which to build articulation. If a CCC course has been approved for the UC TCA and then undergoes significant or substantive changes to the course outline of record, the outline must be submitted for re-review for UC TCA. 4.26.2017

Courses submitted for IGETC review must already be on the UC TCA.  UCOP REVIEW - UC TCA Submit for UC TCA review: New courses Courses already approved for the UC TCA that have undergone significant or substantive changes, including: Course content Course objectives Prerequisites Corequisites Decrease in units Do not submit for UC TCA re-review: Technical changes to previously approved courses, including: Formatting or stylistic changes in the COR Changes to Course Identifiers such as: Course Prefix: HISTORY => HIST Course Number: 1A => 101 Course Title: American History => US History Textbook updates Courses submitted for IGETC review must already be on the UC TCA. 4.26.2017

 UCOP REVIEW - UC TCA For more information,  attend UC's session  at the CIAC Conference. Contact Nancy Purcille Nancy.Purcille@UCOP.edu, Jennifer Forsberg Jennifer.Forsberg@UCOP.edu, or Kate Fitzpatrick Katherine.Fitzpatrick@UCOP.edu at UCOP for questions about UC TCA submissions. 4.26.2017