HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY Presented by Malini Sen Assistant Professor Department of Philosophy Maheshtala College B.B.T. Road. Kolkata - 700141
Origin Of knowledge Rationalism Empiricism Critical Theory
Reason or Intellect is the origin of knowledge. Rationalism Reason or Intellect is the origin of knowledge.
Characteristic of knowledge: Rationalism Characteristic of knowledge: a) Necessity b) Universality
Main Proponents: Rationalism a) Rene Descartes b) Benedict Spinoza c) W. G. Leibnitz
Rene Descartes Rationalism a) Sceptical Method & Mathematical Method. b) I think therefore I am i.e., Cogito ergo sum. c) Substances – God, Body & Mind.
Benedict Spinoza Rationalism a) Geometrical Method. b) Substance – God. c) Substance = Nature = God.
W. G. Leibnitz Rationalism a) Pluralist. b) Substance - Monad. c) Pre Established Harmony.
Experience through sense organ is the origin of knowledge. Empiricism Experience through sense organ is the origin of knowledge.
Empiricism Characteristic of knowledge: Novelty
Main Proponents: Empiricism a) John Locke b) Bishop Berkeley c) David Hume
Empiricism John Locke a) Tabula Rasa. b) Refutation of Innate Idea.
Bishop Berkeley Empiricism a) Subjective Idealism. b) Esse est percipi.
Empiricism David Hume a) Impression & Idea. b) No Permanent Self.
It reconciles both Rationalism & Empiricism. CRITICAL THEORY It reconciles both Rationalism & Empiricism.
Knowledge requires both CRITICAL THEORY Characteristic of knowledge: Knowledge requires both Necessity & Novelty.
CRITICAL THEORY Main Proponent: Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant CRITICAL THEORY a) Space & Time. b) Synthetic A Priori proposition.
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