Extensa Model Performances 5kW 6 kW 8 kW 10kW On the floor Hot/Cold Présentation rapide de la gamme Alféa DUO Working range : -20℃ / +35℃ (heating) 8°C / 43°C (cooling)
Performances Application : - Flow 55°C thermodynamique Floor heating radiateurs low t°C or fan coil DHW préparation ALFEA DUO 5 6 8 10 Performances 4,5kW 6 kW 7,5 kW 10kW Performances (-7/35) 4,1kW 4,6kW 657kW 7,4kW supply voltage 230 V mono COP 4.52 4.26 4.08 4.02 L’Alféa DUO peut se raccorder sur plancher chauffant (pas de rafraichissement) Ou sur circuit radiateur Basse température 50°C Maxi. Sur Ventilo convecteur. Elle peut gérer la préparation d’eau chaude sanitaire jusque 50°C. *Puissance nominale et COP :suivant EN 14511 (+7/35°C)
Excellia model Performances 11 kW 14 kW On the floor hot/Cold Mono Présentation rapide de la gamme Alféa DUO Working range : -20℃ / +35℃ (heating) +8°C / +43°C (cooling)
ALFEA DUO Excellia Performances Application : Flow 60°C thermodynamique Floor heating Radiateurs LT or fan coil DHW Préparation Référence S11 S14 Performances +7°C / 35°C (Kw) 10,8 13,5 Performances - 7°C / 35°C (Kw) 12 COP +7°C / +35°C 4,25 4,18 Supply voltage Mono 230V Noise level (dB) 42 43 Option :Electric back-ups (Kw) 3 or 6 L’Alféa DUO peut se raccorder sur plancher chauffant (pas de rafraichissement) Ou sur circuit radiateur Basse température 50°C Maxi. Sur Ventilo convecteur. Elle peut gérer la préparation d’eau chaude sanitaire jusque 50°C.
Excellia model Performances 11 kW 14 kW 16 kW On the floor Hot/Cold Tri Présentation rapide de la gamme Alféa DUO Working range : -20℃ / +35℃ (heating) +8°C / +43°C (cooling)
ALFEA DUO Excellia Performances Application : Flow 60°C thermodynamique Floor heating Radiateurs LT or fan coil DHW Préparation Référence S11 S14 S16 Performances +7°C / +35°C (Kw) 10,8 13,5 15,17 Performances - 7°C / 35°C (Kw) 13 COP +7°C / +35°C 4,3 4,22 4,1 Supply voltage Tetra 400V Noise level (dB) 39 41 42 Option : Electric back-ups (Kw) 9 L’Alféa DUO peut se raccorder sur plancher chauffant Ou sur circuit radiateur Basse température 50°C Maxi. Sur Ventilo convecteur. Elle peut gérer la préparation d’eau chaude sanitaire jusque 50°C.
Dimensions hydraulic modul 600 146 kg 1800 Exchanger 16L + Tank 190L 648
Refrigerated connections New insulated Tank 190L ACI Hydraulic Modul Components Refrigerated connections Controller box Hydraulic part Drain valve New insulated Tank 190L ACI DHW electric back-ups DHW drain valve
Circulating pump Classe A Hydraulic Modul Components Gaz connection Liquid connection Safety valve Circulating pump Classe A Expension vessel 12L Directional valve
Stainless-steel tank 16 L with insulation Hydraulique Modul Components Gaz connection Liquid connection Manual air bleeder Stainless-steel tank 16 L with insulation + Coaxial exchanger
Inspection panel for Electric backup Coaxial exchanger 4,5 turns Refrigareted connection By-pass 8,5 Hydraulic connection
Coaxial Exchanger Polystyrene insulation Condensation sensor Stainless-steel tank
Improvement of the performances – by combining thermo-electric Electric backup 3 – 6 kW OPTION 1st flow: thermodynamic 2nd flow: electric
Electric box Extensa Excellia Regulator card Place for Electric back-ups Place for extension 2 circuits and/or pool Hydraulic modul connections DHW Relay Interface card
Hot water Cool water Safety Thermostat Flow Heat Pump Return ACI Protection Drain valve ACI Electric back-up 1800W
Anode magnésium Flow Heat pump Cool water Return Coil exchanger 2m² Drain valve Back-up 1800W + ACI Protection
Hydraulic Accessories HYDRAULIC OPTIONS High flow rate pump Boiler Kit Swiming pool Kit Les kit hydrauliques s’intègre dans l’habillage de la PAC. La bouteille se place à l’extérieur, elle permet d’adapter le kit RLV sur une chaudière équipé d’un circulateur non démontable. Le kit circulateur haut débit permet d’adapter l’alféa sur des installations ayant beaucoup de pertes de charge (400w en vitesse 3) Balancing vessel Electric back-ups Single phase 6 kW Tri 9kW 2° circuit kit
REGULATION ACCESSORIES Remote control T75 or T78 wireless Room sensor T55 or T58 wireless La régulation peut être équipé d’une sonde d’ambiance T37 ou T55. (auto-adaptation possible, influence et correction // de la loi d’eau) Ou de la régulation d’ambiance T75 (déport de la programmation et du paramétrage en ambiance) T78 sans fil T Extension card Cooling Kit
Gaz et Liquid pipe (inches) Diametre Liquide (inches) Refrigareted Connections Extensa Gaz et Liquid pipe (inches) Ref PAC Diametre Gaz (inches) Diametre Liquide (inches) Length mini (metres) Length maxi (metres) DUO 5 & 6 1/2’’ 1/4’’ 5 15 DUO 8 & 10 5 / 8’’ 3 / 8’’
Alféa DUO electric backups 3G 6² Extensa Electric connections Interconnection 4G 1,52 DHW electric back-ups 3G 2,5² Alféa DUO electric backups 3G 6² Circuit breaker 32A Circuit breaker D curve 16A(DUO 6) 20A (Duo 8) Alféa DUO 6 3G1.52 Alféa DUO 8 3G 2.52
ALFEA DUO Excellia Electric connections Tri DHW electric back-ups 3G 2,5² Interconnection 4G 1,52 Electric backup 4G 2,52 Circuit breaker 20A Circuit breaker D curve 20A Alféa DUO Excellia 5G 2,52
Adjustable Electric back-ups Electric backup single phase Adjustable Electric back-ups 3 or 6kW Safety thermostat Relay 1° and 2° level Terminal block Automatic air bleeder You have to replace the manual air bleeder by an automatic with the electric back-ups kit => If the heat exchanger is badly drained, risk to release the safety thermostat
Electric backup single phase You have to cut insulation before to integrate the automatic drainer
Electric back-ups tri-phases 9kW Electric backup tri-phases Modulating relay Electric back-ups tri-phases 9kW Terminal block Safety thermostat Card connection X82
(hydraulic part) (with compatible insulation cold mode) Extension card Kit (2nd zone) – 075311 2 circuits Kit (hydraulic part) (with compatible insulation cold mode) Swimming pool Kit
Extension card Power Supply Room sensor 2nd zone Circulating pump and 2nd circuit valve or fil pilote connection Modem Contact 2nd circuit flow sensor Swimming pool Directionnal Valve Swimming pool sensor
Configuration To add the hydraulic kits, the espansion vessel can be to hang on the front of the device.
2 circuits Extension card Flow sensor 2° circuit Circulating pump class A Check valve Mixing valve
Boiler connection kit Directional valve
Boiler kit + 2 circuits
Hydraulique Kit duo top connections Allow to adapt the hydraulique connections behind the jacket and on the top, For Alféa Extensa Duo + et Alféa Excellia Duo It exists 2 kits, 1 for 1 circuit and a 2° for 2 zones . The pipes are insulated in case Alféa Duo is used for cooling (Cooling kit in option). Exemple kit 2ème zone
Hydraulique Kit duo top connections Exemple 1 zone Exemple kit 2ème zone
Hydraulique Kit duo top connections