LD Debate (yay!)
Format of a Case Claim Warrant Data Impact Claim- a statement made by you based off of the data and/or warrants. There are 3 kinds of claims: Fact Value Policy
Format of a Case (cont.) Claim Warrant Data Impact Warrant (reason)- the part of the argument that is most likely to have flaws. It’s important to really back these things up. Again 3 is the magic number. cause/effect sign of characteristic
Format of a Case (cont.) Claim Warrant Data Impact Data- These are facts to support your warrants, but they aren’t as necessary in LD as they are in Policy. Impact- This is showing what will happen if the judge votes for your value vs. if they don’t.
Key parts to an LD case Value- Something that is considered important to function in your ideal society. An end goal that you want to base your argument on. Criterion- a philosophy that supports your value, the way to get to your value. Ex: individualism as a value, best for individual is the criterion You can’t “value” a philosophy
Confidence Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Safety and security Self-Actualization Confidence Friendship and Family Safety and security Air, water, shelter, food, sleep
Utilitarianism Greatest good for the greatest number The ends justify the means Ends-goal Means- your way of getting there Situational Ethics- when something is moral in 1 situation & not in another Ex: stealing money to become rich Ex: earning money to become rich
Deontology Immanuel Kant (changed his name to mean “blessed”) 1. treating people as ends in and of themselves 2. Universal Maxim- golden rule “do unto others as you would have done to you”
Veil of Ignorance Rawls Equality when we take away the subjective concepts down to the objectivity of people. Where we all agree because we all see ourselves at the worst we could be in the society.
Natural Rights Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Human Worth- all people are worth something. Dehumanization- something that makes humans less than they are or placing one human above another.
Social Contract John Locke, John Rawls, John Stuart Mill. An agreement to give up certain natural rights to get something else. We all agree to this contract when we conform to a society. Communitarianism
Libertarianism Right to do what we want with what we have if it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s rights. Autonomy- the capacity of an agent to act on choice over desire Anarchy- the “refresh button” on society
Relativism People believe different things depending on where they’re from. Cultural pressure- how many people doing a bad thing make it “okay”.
Voters These are reasons for why your judge should vote on your side of the debate. You should give these reasons in your last speech after attacking their case & defending yours. It’s meant to clarify to your judge exactly how the debate went and what arguments made your side the most moral/ logical.
Kritiks We’ll tell you when you’re older (: