ISNE101 Dr. Ken Cosh
Review Dependability Reliability Security How do we improve it? Threats & Countering the Threats
This Week Ethics
Got Ethics? Ethics, sometimes known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. (Wikipedia) A social, religious, or civil code of behavior considered correct, especially that of a particular group, profession, or individual (
Ethical & Social Impact Ethical issues in the areas of crime, privacy, individuality, employment, health and working conditions. Impacts can be positive, negative or both; Computerising a manufacturing process has lead to people losing jobs, while improving the working conditions of those left and producing higher quality product and less cost.
Managing Ethically Should you monitor employees email? Should employees use work computers for private purposes? Should they take copies of software home? Should you keep electronic copies of employee’s personal records? Should you sell your customers information?
Management’s Ethical Challenges Employment The introduction of IS/IT has created many new jobs, while at the same time eliminating some – how do we ethically introduce job cutting systems? Computer Monitoring How can we weigh up our employees right to privacy against the desire to monitor computer usage (as a way of managing employees work)?
Management’s Ethical Challenges Working Conditions While IS/IT has removed many repetitive, monotonous tasks, often the human role has changed from one of a craftsman to one of a machine regulating a machine Individuality Many IS/IT remove the individual treatment of people by imposing strict, uncustomisable procedures. Rather than dealing with customers individually, we are constrained by the capabilities of the system.
Business Ethics Stockholder Theory Social Contract Theory Managers are agents of the stockholders, with the ethical responsibility to them to increase profits without breaking the law Social Contract Theory Companies have an ethical responsibility to all members of society. Stakeholder Theory Managers should manage for the benefit of all stakeholders; shareholders, customers, suppliers, local community, employees etc.
Ethical Principles The Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative If an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone. If everyone did this, could the organization (or society) survive? Descartes’ Rule of Change If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take at all. The “slippery slope”, while it may only cause a small change now, what if we keep doing it?
Ethical Principles Utilitarian Principle Risk Aversion Principle Take the action that achieves the greater value – assuming you can prioritise values Risk Aversion Principle Take the action which causes the least harm or potential cost. Avoid high cost actions. No Free Lunch Rule Assume that all tangible or intangible objects are owned by someone else, and assume that they want compensation for it
Unauthorised Use at Work Time and Resource Theft (Cyberslacking) Often monitored by sniffing software. Includes; General Email abuse (spamming, chain letters, spoofing, virus spreading, harrassment, defamatory statements) Unauthorised Usage and Access (Sharing passwords and network access) Copyright Infringement / Plagiarism (illegal or pirate software, copying websites or logos)
Unauthorised Use at Work Transmission of Confidential Data (Sharing company secrets) Pornography (Accessing inappropriate websites on work resources) Hacking Non-work-related bandwidth use (sharing movies, music etc.) Leisure use (online shopping, chatting, gambling) Usage of External ISPs (avoiding detection by using external ISP) Moonlighting (using company resources for personal business).
Privacy A basic human right is the right to privacy, but this right is brought into question by Technology. Accessing individuals private email conversations and computer records is a violation of privacy Monitoring peoples whereabouts through CCTV, computer monitoring, Mobile GPS. Computer matching of customer information gained from different sources. Collecting telephone number / email addresses etc. to build customer profiles
Anonymity The internet allows almost anonymity In reality much of it is very visible and open to privacy violations. But precautions can be taken to protect privacy, such as encryption, authentication etc.
Freedom of Speech / Information Freedom of speech (information and the press), is another important human right. Do people have a right to know about matters that others may wish to keep private? With modern communication systems, sharing opinions (using ones right to free speech) becomes easier; Flaming Spamming
Facebook… So who has read Facebook’s Privacy Policy?