Data Alignment C - B State Data Systems “Quick Survey” Results
The Survey Objective : A set of questions to find out how states are organizing their data systems to streamline their work on State Performance Plans across Part C and Part B indicators. Click here to see the survey
Respondents Part C Data Managers 23 41.1% Part B Data Managers 24 42.9% Joint C and B Data Managers 9 16.1% Total 56 100.0%
42 states and 1 jurisdiction How Many Entities? Of the 56 respondents, 26 were B and C data manager pairs representing 13 states Combining the double responses, the survey results represent a total of 43 entities: 42 states and 1 jurisdiction
Lead Agency Question: Same or Separate Lead Agencies for Parts C and B?
Data Systems: Single or Separate Systems for C & B? States Single Data System Separate data System Separate Lead Agencies 32 (74%) 2 (6.3%) 30 (93.8%) Same Lead Agency 11 (26%) 5 (45.5%) 6 (54.5%) Total 43 (100%) 7 (16.3%) 36 (83.7%) States with Separate agencies, single data system = NH and NC All states with single data system have a single record data system, students have an unique identifier code, individual student records can be followed through time in the public school system
36 States w/ Separate Data Systems: How do they handle data for Part B Indicator 12?
States Working on C & B Data Systems: Where is your state in the process of integrating data systems for C & B?
Respondents Willing to Share Additional Information Yes 47 (83.9%) No 8 (14.3%) No response 1 (1.8%) Total 56 (100.0%)