Acta Cytologica 2012;56:15–24 Matthew T. Olson a Syed Z. Ali a, b Departments of a Pathology and b Radiology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. , USA
Fine Needle Aspiration Myxofibrosarcoma: Cytomorphologic Findings and Differential Diagnosis on Fine Needle Aspiration
Objective: To analyze the cytomorphologic findings of myxofibrosarcoma (MFS) on fine needle aspiration (FNA) and examine the differential diagnoses.
Myxofibrosarcoma: is a soft tissue sarcoma that typically presents on the extremities of adults 6th–8th decades. It has previously been called myxoidmalignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) MFS also portends a better prognosis than the variants of MFH
Locasion: classically presents superficially in : the lower extremities trunk upper extremities neck, and head
but it has also been: reported superficially in the breast perineum orbit esophagus hypopharynx vocal fold parotid heart aorta pulmonary artery lung and brain
Why is it important to diagnosis by FNA? While different schemes have been developed for grading MFS , there is agreement that the histologic grade is a predictor of metastatic potential and worse survival . Regardless of grade, resection is currently the mainstay of treatment for MFS. Adjuvant radiation plays a role at some institutions because of evidence that it reduces the risk of local recurrence Reducing local recurrence is a clinically desired outcome both due to the morbidity reduction and the evidence that local recurrences may have a higher grade than the initial neoplasm
This work is a cytohistological correlation of 22 MFS patients seen at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, giving emphasis on cytologic features.
METHOD: Specimen Identification and Cytopathology: All surgical resections over the last 30 years that were diagnosed MFS or myxoid MFH were queried to find those cases for which an FNA was obtained prior to surgery.
Surgical Pathology The resection specimens were sectioned and sampled in the standard fashion. They were diagnosed by a different group of pathologists than the cytopathologists who interpreted the FNA biopsies. Immunohistochemistry was not routinely performed on the resection specimens. Grading was assigned prospectively according to the National Cancer Institutes (NCI) grading scheme for soft tissue sarcomas.
Retrospective Review The cases were reviewedlooking for: the classical features: spindle cells, multinucleate cells, myxoid background, nuclear pleomorphism, and curvilinear vascular structures. Each feature was scored for each case as either present or absent. The histopathology of the resection specimens was also reviewed.
Radiographically, MFS is best visualized with MRI and typically has a nodular T 2 -enhancing appearance. This view demonstrates MFS in the thigh.
Results: In our series, we identified 22 patients who had a final resection diagnosis of MFS and had undergone FNA prior to resection.
The tumors were seen in both men (n =13) and women (n = 9) with a male/female ratio of 1.4: 1. The usual clinical manifestation was a painless incidentally discovered mass beneath the skin, although these tumors did present with pain in a subset (n = 3) of patients when the mass involved a joint or came into contact with clothing or sites of grooming. The age at first presentation ranged from 38 to 92 years (median 65 years). The demographics, cytologic diagnoses, and ultimate MFS grade the resection are listed in table 1 .
The majority of MFS cases in this series were grades 2and 3 on resection. Five (23%) of these cases were local recurrences; These cases were the only ones in which the specific diagnosis of MFS was made. Seven cases (32%) were diagnosed as ‘high-grade sarcoma’ although ‘spindle cell neoplasm’ (18%), ‘sarcoma’ without a grade (14%), and ‘low-grade sarcoma’ (9%) were also used.
FNA from MFS: In general was cellular on low power The most prominent features included: myxoid matrix spindle cells, nuclear pleomorphism multinucleated cells curvilinear vascular structures
Smears prepared from FNA of MFS typically show high cellularity at low power (Papanicolaou stain).
Given the high percentage of cases that contained more than one feature, the number of coexistent features well as specific features that occurred together was examined: Interestingly, only 1 case demonstrated spindle cells alone, and this had been called ‘spindle cell neoplasm’ at the time of sign-out. The case that demonstrated only 2 features was erroneously diagnosed as‘pleomorphic adenoma’ due to its placement in the upper neck. The majority of cases demonstrated three or more of the classic but nonspecific features.
the typical image emerged of a smear with: myxoid matrix,nuclear pleomorphism, and spindle cells. Spindle cells had a high level of coobservation with both nuclear pleomorphism and multinucleated cells. Interestingly,the two least frequent observations – multinucleated cells and curvilinear vessels – had a very high rate of coobservation.
Upon resection, g ross appearances of these tumors: heterogeneous and nodular with variable and scattered pockets of grossly apparent matrix.
Gross cross-section of the resection specimen Gross cross-section of the resection specimen. The tumor invading the vastus lateralis muscle.
Histologically, MFS resections demonstrated all of the features that were apparent on cytopathology – including curvilinear vessels,spindle cells, nuclear pleomorphism, and myxoid matrix
Histopathology from a low-grade MFS resection specimen with myxoid matrix and predominantly spindle-shaped cells with some epithelioid cells. Curvilinear vascular structures can also be seen in this field.
Differential Diagnosis: myxoid variant of nodular fasciitis (MNF) myxoid liposarcoma(MLS) low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS) extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma(EMCS) Intramuscular myxoma (IM) Myxoid neurofibroma Myoepithelialtumors of soft tissue Vascular tumors with myxoid features, such as pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumor, and angiomyxoma spindle cell melanoma pleomorphic sarcoma
myxoid variant of nodular fasciitis MFS smaller size. Greater size Faster growing lesion, pain Slower growing, painless the nuclei of MNF usually have prominent nucleoli, - IHC for smooth muscle actin and histiocyte markers, NEGATIVE
Nodular fasciitis : Subcutaneous pseudosarcomatous fibro sarcoma History of rapid growth Small size Microscopic : cellular spindle cell growth set in a loosely texture myxoid matrix . Vascular prolifration , lymphocytic infiltration , and exteravasated red blood cells are also present Band of collagen like keloid scar
Nodurar fasciitis… Metaplasic bone formation Red blood cell extravasation Markedly atypical cell(hyperchromatic nuclei) Hypercullar Mitotycaly active
MLS less and vacuolization in the tissue fragments MLS less and vacuolization in the tissue fragments. more cellular uniformity. t(12; 16)(q13;p11) translocation and less commonly the t(12; 22)(q13;q12) translocation MFS: prominent vascular network not associated with clonal translocations
Liposarcoma: Most frequent soft tissue sarcoma in adult Gross: circumscribed but not encapsulated mucoied , bright yellow appearence mimicking lipoma
Myxoid Liposarcoma: most common type of Liposarcoma Lower extrimities Microscopicaly: Few or no mitotic figures Prolifrating lipoblast in different stage of diffrentiation Prominent anastomosing capillary network(presence of delicate network of thin-walled vessels is an important feature in the differential diagnosis with myxoma and other myxoid tumors) Myxoid matrix
low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS) MFS typically presents 10–20 years earlier than MFS, classically presents in the 6th–8th decades. Poorly vascularized,and vacuolizationin the tissue fragments. curvilinear vessels. the nuclei are not as pleomorphic pleomorphism t(7; 16)(q34;p11) negative
low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS) Evans tumor: Usually deep But sometimes superficial especialy in children Alternating fibrous and myxoied erea Focally whorled pattern of growth Low cellularity and a bland appearance of fibroblastic spindle cell
low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS)
low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS)
EMCS:(MOLECULAR) Another translocation-associated sarcoma, extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (EMCS), is often separated from MFS with light microscopy alone because of the arrangement of EMCS cells into cohesive cords and the characteristic lacunar appearance.EMCS has stereotyped cytogenetic translocations; classically EMCS harbors t(9; 22)(q22,q12) [64, 65] , although t(9; 17)(q22;q11) and t(9; 15)(q22;q21) have also been reported.
extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma(EMCS)
Chordoma: Although very rare, chordoma periphericum can be placed in the differential diagnosis as it contains myxoid matrix . The physaliferous cells arranged in chords and immunoreactivity for cytokeratin stains are helpful features in making this diagnosis and distinguishing it from MFS.
Intramuscular myxoma (IM) The two entities can be difficult to separate with FNA based on morphology alone As MFS can invade muscle, and myxoma can spread superficially, location is not always helpful in separating these two entitie
IM……….. The distinction is important : IM has a benign natural history with a low risk for recurrence and metastasis
IM: Histologically, IM is a poorly vascularized tumor as opposed to MFS, in which the curvilinear vasculature is often prominent.
Intramuscular myxoma (IM) Histologically poorly vascularized tumor Low risk f metastasis Low risk of recurrence GNAS1 mutation(but not MFS )
neurofibroma MFS Collagene fibrilary - Less nuclear pleomorphism nuclear pleomorphism IHC:S100 positive S100 negative
Neurofibroma Microscopically: Combined by prolifration of all elements of a peripheral nerve: Axons Schwann cells Fibroblast Perineural cell
Neurofibroma… Mucinous changes in stroma may be prominent and result in mistaken diagnosis of myxoma or myxoid liposarcoma may exhibit scattered large hyper chromatic nucleie
Myoepithelial tumors of soft tissue MFS Metaplastic feature: duct,clear cell,cartilage - IHC:S100,CK,calponin
Myoepithelial tumors of soft tissue Malignant Mixed Tumor :Histopathology findings: Histologically the tumors are mixed. The tumors have a lobulated appearance, with cords up epithelioid and spindle cells. Tumors Have a plasmacytoid appearance. The stroma may be chondromyxoid, or hyalinized. The tumors may contain cartilage, bone, or both. Mycoses are frequent, ranging from a few to many dozens per high-power field. The tumors ranged from low-grade to high grade, depending on the degree of cytological atypia and abnormal cytomorphology. Low-grade tumors are considered to be myoepithelioma, whereas high-grade tumors are classified as myoepithelial carcinoma (when the epithelioid or spindle cells predominate), or malignant mixed tumor (when cytologically malignant cartilage or bone is present). Immunohistochemistry shows universal reactivity for epithelial markers such as keratins or epithelial membrane antigen.
Myoepithelial tumors of soft tissue The criteria for malignancy are cytological, that is at least moderate cytological atypia At low power there is often a lobular architecture Cellularity is often greater at the periphery of lobules with cells forming trabecular, nests or solid sheets. The cells are variably epithelioid, clear, spindled or plasmacytoid; almost always more than one cell type is present The mitotic rate is very variable The stroma is myxoid or hyalinised, sometimes with cartilaginous differentiation. Rarely there is metastatic ossification
Myoepithelial tumors of soft tissue
Vascular tumors with myxoid features, such as pleomorphic hyalinizing angiectatic tumor, and angiomyxoma Vascular tumors MFS More vascular telangectasia Less vascular telangectasia less morphological heterogenity More morphological heterogenity IHC:CD34 piositive -
spindle cell melanoma High grade MFS can overlap morphologically but IHC for any of the melanoma provide resolution
spindle cell melanoma IHC: HMB45 Melan-A Tyrosinase microphtalmia transcription factor
pleomorphic sarcoma A pleomorphic sarcoma is a type of malignant tumor that usually arises in fat or muscle tissue. Most tumors grow very slowly and do not cause physical symptoms until cancer starts to spread to other body parts. A pleomorphic sarcoma is most likely to appear in one of the extremities, though it is possible for a tumor to develop in the torso or neck as well. When a pleomorphic sarcoma is detected in its early stages, a combination of surgery and radiation treatments are usually effective at eradicating cancer from the body.
There are several different types of pleomorphic sarcoma, classified by the types of tissue they affect and the nature of their onset. The two main groupings are liposarcomas, which are tumors arising in deep fat tissue, and malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFH), masses that typically develop in skeletal muscle. Both types are most commonly seen in patients over the age of 50, and it is suspected that genetics is the most prominent risk factor for their development.
Discussion The diagnostic sensitivity of prominent myxoid material for making the classification of a myxoid neoplasm on FNA material is dubious based on these data given the observation that only 88% of our cases demonstrated prominent myxoid material. In several cases, the myxoid stroma was very thin and difficult to appreciate.
Conclusion In conclusion, FNA interpretation of myxofibrosarcoma can be challenging since the cytopathologic findings overlap those of numerous other entities.
Conclusion……………… However, the placement of the tumor into the spectrum of myxoid neoplasm is realistic with the morphologic findings. Advances in the molecular characterization of myxoid neoplasms appear to provide the necessary specificity to distinguish between the entities within the differential diagnosis. If the combination between morphology and molecular methods accomplishes this task, FNA could provide the ideal diagnostic procedure for the initial workup of soft tissue neoplasms.