Singing for Lung Health with the BLF Dr Heather McKee
BLF Singing 1. Raising awareness of Singing for Lung Health 2 BLF Singing 1. Raising awareness of Singing for Lung Health 2. Creation of the BLF Singing Programme
Activity 27 BLF groups – 8 BLF supported groups (BE) - 41 Other SFLH groups = 76!
Evaluation results 3 month qualitative questionnaires: “The experience has been amazing. Our teacher has been exceptional in trying to understand our conditions, listening to us and helping to overcome our fears with amazing results.” “I know my lungs are getting a good work out. On a bad day both my depression and breathing feel better for it, I feel more alert and ready for the day.” Focus Groups: “The breathing exercises are an important part of it, you don’t normally think about it, but this makes you think.” “I feel much more confident now; it’s nice not to feel so self-conscious.”
Next Steps Roll-out over 3 year programme Continue to support and promote BLF Singing and the wider network Continue to support and promote BLF Singing as a positive self management activity
Stay informed Website: Email us at: Follow us on Twitter: or #HeatherBLF
Singing for Breathing – Royal Brompton Hospital, London
Psychological (singing) Psychosocial(singing) Biomedical Holistic (singing) Psychological (singing) Psychosocial(singing)
BLF Singing – Bangor, Wales
PHYSICAL Relaxation Energised Cardiovascular Postural realignment
Quotes from Participants I can walk further before becoming breathless. Makes me think for myself about my breathing. I have less anxiety about attacks at night and am able to do exercises at home.
Sing for Better Health - Brighton
MENTAL Cognitive benefits (memory & focus) Transcends everyday reality
Quotes from Participants It’s made me more alert and is good for your memory, learning the songs. I am more confident about coping with my asthma. I know my lungs are getting a good work out. On a bad day both my depression and breathing feel better for it, I feel more alert and ready for the day.
BLF Singing – Musselburgh, Scotland
EMOTIONAL Positive mood Reduction of stressful feelings Builds self confidence & self esteem
Quotes from Participants It lifts your spirits and you come away feeling lighter. I suffer from clinical depression as well as COPD and the singing has helped with my mood. I wanted to come to help improve my lung condition; it also helps with your general mood. The classes also gave me the motivation to get out of the house, which I did not do often because of my depression.
Singing for Breathing – Milton Keynes
SOCIAL Group bonding – contributing to a product greater than the sum of its parts
Quotes from Participants …a wonderful group of people. I have met more like-minded lovely people. I do enjoy coming to Louise's class. Time goes by too quickly when we have fun singing. Everyone I have met at the group is very friendly and they all love music and singing.
BLF Singing - Walsall
Sing for your Lungs – Whittington Hospital, London
BLF Singing – Gloucestershire
“Breathing can be organised to support differing demands… let your breath tell you what it wants from you” (Kristin Linklater) “There is not one correct way to breathe, but there are common ways in which people restrict their breathing” “Most breathing patterns are the accumulation of a lifetime’s experience and they are as familiar to us as our way of walking. The nervous system has become conditioned to repeat these patterns even when the patterns are dysfunctional” (Donna Farhi)
BLF Singing - Colchester
Quotes from Participants By using the new breathing techniques taught, I now use these in the morning to great benefit. This class is relaxed and they don’t make you feel silly, they’re encouraging. Better breathing technique has helped me sleep better, with countless benefits.
BLF Singing – Hackney, London
BLF Singing - Southampton
Quotes from Participants Singing gives me a chance to open my mind. Particularly singing good positive songs, lifts up your spirits. It improves my breathing also demonstrates how much better I can control my breathing than I thought. I normally panic with breathing so the singing and breathing truly helped.
BLF Singing – Cardiff, Wales
BLF Singing – Stoke-on-Trent
Quotes from Participants I have already recommended it to 2 friends and they have joined - they like it as much as I do. If people have lung problems they should definitely try the singing group. It's an excellent way of judging and improving breathing ability.
Stay informed Website: Email us at: Follow us on Twitter: or #HeatherBLF