2011 Highlights of the IEEE Educational Activities Board


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Presentation transcript:

2011 Highlights of the IEEE Educational Activities Board Tariq Durrani IEEE VP, Educational Activities EAB Meeting 19 November 2011 New Brunswick, NJ

EAB’s Duties Broad planning of educational activities of the IEEE Development and delivery of continuing education products and activities Development of guidelines for IEEE representatives to accreditation bodies Monitoring of accreditation activities Coordination of pre-university education programs Development and delivery of university education programs Representation of the IEEE in matters regarding engineering education 

Overview of Educational Activities Pre-university Education University Education Continuing Education Education About Standards Women In Engineering

Pre-University Education 9/20/2018 Pre-University Education Teacher In-Service Program (TISP): TISP trains IEEE volunteers and student members to work with pre-university teachers to support the teaching and learning of science, mathematics and technology disciplines. 25 training workshops conducted with 2203 participants in all 10 regions. 158 presentations to 3794 teachers reaching over 413,000 students each academic year. In 2011 Four training workshops with 436 participants. Held in Scotland (R8), Ontario, Canada (R7), India (R10) and Saudi Arabia (R8).

Discover the Creative Engineer In You! Available in: English Chinese French Spanish German Russian Japanese Portuguese In Arabic (Dec’11) Discover the Creative Engineer In You!

TryEngineering Progress Statistics (01 September 2011) 2.5 MILLION HITS IN 2007 … 4.5 MILLION HITS IN 2008… 5.1 MILLION HITS in 2009…6.2M HITS IN 2010…5.5M HITS so far in 2011 69,503 = average # of visitors per month 4.8 million = total number of lesson plan downloads (all languages) 22 minutes = average time users spend on site Visitors come from the US, China, India, Canada, Japan and scores of other countries

TryNano Developed Jointly with Nanotechnology Council 14,084 hits, 3418 visitors per month 200 universities in new university search database Two new lesson plans 14 new profiles from interviews during IEEE NANO 2011

Discover Computing Two year initiative led jointly with IEEE Computer Society, to establish comprehensive online computing portal for pre-university students, teachers, school counselors and parents globally. 866 schools in 21 countries in database of accrediting bodies/programs. Prototype to be completed by Dec. 2011. Site to be completed by Sept. 2012.

IEEE Pre-University Exhibit Around the World: In July 2011, a two-and-a-half day EAB Symposium in Montevideo, Uruguay to explored how informal learning environments, specifically science and technology centers, could be leveraged to reach the pre-university audience. Objective: To plan the expansion of a hands-on museum E-Scientia exhibit to science and technology museums in IEEE Regions globally.

Museum exhibit E-Scientia In operation at the Espacio Ciencia in Montevideo, designed for pre-university students ages 12-16 to introduce engineering through an exciting simulated space flight. Expansion locations include: the Sci-Enza Museum Pretoria, South Africa (R8), the Universum Museum, Mexico (R9), Tel Aviv University, Israel (R8), the Singapore Science Centre (R10), and Kerala State Science & Technology Museum India (R10).

IEEE Interactive Exhibits at Science and Technology Museum Hyderabad India Project in 2010 between EAB and the IEEE Hyderabad Section to build hands-on area in the B.M. Birla Science Museum, where pre-university students are exposed to hands-on experiments in science and engineering. 12 IEEE volunteers, 10 engineering students and 15-20 high school students. The B.M. Birla Science Centre made available 5000 square feet of exhibit floor space.

B. M. Birla Science Museum In June 2011, Cooperative agreement between IEEE and the museum for a five-year period. Floor space of 5000sft provided by Birla Science Museum At the end of 2011, the IEEE Exhibits area will house 18 exhibits including an IEEE E-Scientia Module and four exhibits developed by High schools students mentored by IEEE members.

Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) EPICS in IEEE is a New Initiative that organizes sections, student branches and high-school students to work on engineering-related projects for local area humanitarian organizations The Need: Community service organizations need help from people with technical backgrounds to leverage technology to deliver the services they provide. There is a need to emphasize the role of community service to students in IEEE’s fields of technical interest The Benefits: Development of professional skills (e.g. entrepreneurship, project management, etc.) for student members Increase awareness of engineering-related career paths through mentoring of high school students There are over 300 student branches in R8

EPICS With the addition of 12 projects funded in 2011, 26 projects have been initiated in communities in Africa, South America, Southern Asia, Europe, and North America.

IEEE Junior Membership and Publication (JUMP) Three-year new initiative to develop an IEEE Junior Membership for pre-university students, ages 14-18 and to develop an online publication for the targeted age group. Distribution of IET’s Flipside magazine on a trial basis as an IEEE and IET partnership. EAB is responsible for developing online publication and for negotiation and coordination of the Flipside offering. “Spark” E-Zine to launch in December 2011

University Programs Global Accreditation Workshop in Lima, on Common nomenclature for computing programs in Latin America. EAB leadership role through IEEE volunteers in the Gulf Region. IEEE volunteer based Caribbean Accreditation Council for Engineering and Technology (CACET) MOU with three Chinese universities for informal accreditation review of 1-2 engineering and computing programs. Heads of Electrical Engineering Department Association of Southern Africa (HEEDASA), in August 2011.

University Programs Global Accreditation Cont’d EAB Workshops- Focus on Program accreditation on Engineering & computing Manzini, Swaziland Co-hosted with the National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC) in Bangalore, India.

University Programs US Accreditation Largest of 31 member societies in ABET, Inc, IEEE supports professional accreditation process for academic degree programs in the United States. During the 2011-12 accreditation cycle, supports over 100 engineering program visits, and more than 50 engineering technology program visits. More than 175 IEEE volunteers serve as program evaluators

University Programs Accreditation.org Website provides basic information about the purpose of accreditation, typical accreditation processes, descriptions of various global accords, and links to free-standing engineering accreditation organizations in 40 nations. In 2011 an average of more than 2250 visitors to the site each month, up from 600 visitors per month in 2008

Continuing Education 2011 Highlights IEEE Continuing Education Providers Program: A member benefit allowing IEEE members to receive a minimum of 10% reduction in the cost of taking on-line courses by approved Providers. 61 current partners -14 outside the US. These academic and industry partners offer 6,000 courses for IEEE at a reduced price. In 2011, more than 700 IEEE members have taken over 550 courses through this program.

IEEE Certified Biometrics Professional ® (CBP) Successful exam administrations held in the spring 2011 and now until 31 December 2011 CBP articles appeared in Thirdfactor, a popular online biometrics news site, and the Homeland Security Newswire CBP referral program rollout in September 2011 statistical analysis of the CBP exam by professional psychometricians confirmed the exams’ reliability. Accepted invitations to make CBP presentations at two important biometrics industry conferences (BCC in Tampa and Biometrics 2011 in London)

IEEE eLearning Library 95 new tutorials published (45% increase) 15 institutional subscribers (25% increase) 1,700 tutorials accessed by individuals, including free promotional tutorials 125 unemployed IEEE members who received a free tutorial 1,200 first-year renewing members received free tutorials in the Member Loyalty eLearning Package MOU developed with University of Illinois to create content for Ethics CORE (NSF Grant)

IEEE Online Education Portal Participation from 8 new OUs, including MGA’s new Center for Leadership Excellence Presented 7 IEEE Humanitarian Technology Webinars Hosted live Webcasts of all Sections Congress breakout sessions IEEE iTunes U 350 video and audio files 4,000 weekly visitors

On-Line English Communication Skills Training Signed content partnership with Cambridge University Press Produced 45 hours of online instruction for Q1 2012 release Training will include reading, writing, listening and speaking   IEEE Continuing Education Units 6,000 CEU recipients (18 % increase)

IEEE Continuing Education Expansion Important and impressive developments in India and Singapore –More information in presentation by EAB MD -Doug Gorham

Standards Education Inaugural issue of EEE Standards Education eZine (e-Magazine) launched on 6 September 2011. eZine to be published 3-4 times a year. From the period 6 September-1 November; 7000 page hits were recorded for the inaugural issue. http://standardsmagazine.ieee-elearning.org/ MOU with Microsoft completed to pilot, for one year, joint IEEE-Microsoft Student Application Paper grants for Sub-Saharan Africa. Effort aligns with Microsoft's interest in standards capacity building and IEEE's initiative to support capacity building in Africa.  

Standards Education Received 23 applications in 2011 from students for the Student Application Papers grant program 19 Grants were approved Applications came from students in U.S., Canada, India, Spain, Scotland, Egypt, and Palestine. Mladen Kezunovic - first recipient of the new joint IEEE EAB and SA Standards Education Award. “for educating students and engineers about the importance and benefits of interoperability standards“. 

Standards Education New Global Standards Search portal scheduled for launch at end of 2011/January 2012. New site to be called TryStandards: Global Standards Education and Standards Search Identified 800 courses worldwide, including formal courses and programs on standards and standardization, and programs that include standards as part of the Senior Design/Final Year Projects. 9/20/2018

IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) IEEE-HKN is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the fields of interest of IEEE. Membership consists of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. 2011 Highlight: Two IEEE-HKN chapters from outside the US are expected to be formed by year end.

WIE -2011 Highlights Recommendation: WIE Committee to move under the governance of the IEEE MGA Board has been placed on the IEEE BoD Agenda for approval (November 2011). The WIE Magazine won three 2011 Awards for Publication Excellence (APEX) As of 9 November 2011, WIE members conducted 137 outreach events worldwide including: 28 pre-university, 30 professional, and 79 university events. IEEE Public Visibility-WIE Facebook Campaign gained an audience 7,296 “likes”, which is an increase of approximately 6,000 since the initiation of the campaign. The campaign included discussions around the topics relevant to IEEE WIE.

WIE -2011 Highlights WIE year–to-year membership increased from 11,897 (October 2010) to 13,360 (October 2011). 41 new Affinity Groups formed 2010 IEEE Student WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award went to the IEEE WIE Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Student Branch Affinity Group, Gujarat, India. IEEE WIE United Arab Emirates is 2010 Affinity Group of the Year The IEEE WIE Edith Hannigan McHale Scholarship was awarded to Ophelia Budhi

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