POLYGRAPH PROJECT – PCCA 140 / 2012 ARTICOLE PUBLICATE IN CADRUL PROIECTULUI Rezultatele obtinute in cadrul proiectului PCCA140 au fost valorificate in 7 articole in reviste cotate ISI, factor de impact total 13.39, dupa cum urmeaza: P3 impreuna cu CO - 3 articole, CO impreuna cu P1 - 2 articole, P2 1 articol si CO 1 articol. 1. Pandele, A. M., Ionita, M., Crica, L., Dinescu, S., Costache, M., & Iovu, H., Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro studies of graphene oxide/chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol films, Carbohydrate Polymers 2014, 102, 813-820. FI -3.9 2. Dinescu S., Ionita M., Pandele A.M., Galateanu B., Iovu H., Ardelean A., Costache M., Hermenean A., In vitro cytocompatibility evaluation of chitosan/graphene oxide 3D scaffold composites designed for bone tissue engineering, BioMedical Materials and Engineering 2014, 24(6): 2249-2256.FI 0.84 3. Istrate A., Aprodu I., Banu I., Vasile E., Pilan L., Ionita M. 2014. Single molecule level investigations on bone morphogenetic proteins binding to graphene. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 9(4), 1399 – 1406.FI 1.09 4. Mariana Ionita, Madalina Andreea Pandele, Horia Iovu, Sodium alginate/graphene oxide composite films with enhanced thermal and mechanical properties, Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 94, Issue 1, 15 April 2013, Pages 339-344, FI=3.9 5. Andreea, Madalina Pandele, Sorina Dinescu, Marieta Costache, Eugeniu Vasile, Cosmin Obreja, Mariana Ionita, Preparation and in vitro, bulk, and surface investigation of chitosan/graphene oxide composite films, Polymer Composite, 34 (12), 2116-2124, 2013, FI=1.48 6. S. Vizireanu, A. Lazea Stoyanova, M. Filipescu,D.-L. Cursaru, Gh. Dinescu, Carbon nanowalls as suitable layers for lubricity improvement,Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Vol. 8, No. 3, July - September 2013, p. 1145 – 1156. 7. Aprodu I., Banu I., Istrate A., Vasile E., Pandele A.M., Vasile E., Ionita M. 2013. Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Conformations and Mechanical Properties. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures – 8(1), 2012 81-87. FI 1.09
POLYGRAPH PROJECT – PCCA 140 / 2012 LUCRARI PREZENTATE LA CONFERINTE 2012-2013 1. S. Vizireanu , S.D. Stoica, A. Lazea Stoyanova, M.D. Ionita, E. C. Stancu, G. Dinescu; Plasma jet modification of carbon nanowalls surfaces; 5th CESPC Conferinta Fifth Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 25-29/10/2013, Balatonalmádi , Hungary. Poster 2. E.C. Stancu, S. Vizireanu,A.M. Stanciuc, L. Moldovan, G. Dinescu; Attachment of fibroblast-like cells on oxygen plasma modified carbon nanowalls; The Fifth Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (5th CESPC), 25-29/08/2013, Balatonalmádi, Hungary. Poster 3. Pandele Andreea Madalina, Mariana Ionita, Livia Crica, Preparation and characterization of sodium alginate/graphene oxide composite films, 21st Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, Tenerife, 21-27:07:2013, prezentare orala 4. Pandele Andreea Madalina, Livia Crica, Mariana Ionita, Horia Iovu, The effect of graphene oxide on thermal and mechanical properties of chitosan-poly(vinyl alcohol) blend, 18Th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sinaia, Romania, 2013, prezentare orala 5 A.M. Pandele, M. Ionita, H. Iovu. Well-dispersed Alginate/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites. Thierd International Conference On Multifunctional, Hybrid And Nanomaterials, 3-7 Martie 2013, Sorrento, Italia 6. Mariana Ionita, Madalina Andreea Pandele, Horia Iovu, Molecular modelling of the mechanical behavior of the collagen embedded with graphene and graphene oxide. Fibrous Protein Nanocomposites for Tailored Hybrid Biostructures and Devices, 08-13 Octombrie 2012, Grecia. poster 7. A. M. Pandele, H.Iovu, M. Ionita, Well-Dispersed Alginate/Grapheme Oxide Nanocomposites With Enhanced Mechanical Strength For Biomedical Applications, Biomateriale Inginerie Tisulara si Dispozitive Medicale, 28 August-1 Septembrie 2012, Romania, poster 8. Iuliana Aprodu, Iuliana Banu, Adrian Istrate. Molecular Dynamics Investigations of Thermal Induced Conformational Changes of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2. Abstract Book -International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - BIOCOMP, 20-21, September 2012, Varna, Bulgaria, p 79 9. Iuliana Aprodu, Iuliana Banu, Adrian Istrate. Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Conformations and Mechanical Properties. Abstract Book -NANOMEDICINE: from molecules to diagnosis and therapy, 1-3 Octomber 2012, Roma, Italia, p32. 10. Iuliana Aprodu, Iuliana Banu, Adrian Istrate. Computational studies of bone morphogenetic protein 2 behaviour. Biomolecular Thermodynamics, 26-27 Noiembrie 2012, Institute of Physics, Londra, UK.
POLYGRAPH PROJECT – PCCA 140 / 2012 LUCRARI PREZENTATE LA CONFERINTE 2014 1. Dinescu S., Ionita M., Predoiu L., Galateanu B., Hermenean A., Radu E., Costache M., Graphene-oxide containing materials designed for bone tissue engineering, 5th International Congress on Stem Cells and Tissue Formation, Dresden, Germany, 08-11.07.2014. 2. Dinescu S., Predoiu L., Pandele A.M., Ionita M., Radu E., Galateanu B., Mihali C., Herman H., Iovu H., Ardelean A., Costache M., Hermenean A., Chitosan scaffolds improved with graphene-oxide reveal high potential for bone tissue engineering applications, iCBEB 2014, Beijing, China, 25-28.09.2014 3. Iuliana Banu, Iuliana Aprodu. Structural and functional investigations of collagen-graphene complex by molecular modeling approach. Book of Abstract, No. 1/2014. “The 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 25 – 27 of September 2014 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 4. S. Vizireanu, E.C. Stancu, D. Ionita, C. Luculescu, A.M. Stanciuc, L. Moldovan, G. Dinescu, Response of fibroblast cells on plasma modified nanostructured carbon surfaces, BiomMedD’2014, Constanta, Romania, 17-20/09/2014 5. Pandele A.M., Crica L.E., Iovu H., Ionita M., Synthesis and physical-chemical characterization of graphene oxide reinforced chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol European Cells and Materials , University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Danemarca, 2014 6. Pandele A.M., Crica L.E., Iovu H., Ionita M., Porous Chitosan/Graphene Oxide Biomaterials with Potential Application in Bone Regeneration, 22nd Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano, 2014, Malta