Med-Ready vs. MD2 Choosing the best medication dispenser for your clients.
Similarities Audible Alerts Visual Alerts Ability to lock Early Dose Capabilities Daily Confirmation Reports Med-Ready doesn’t when it is connected directly to the Care Center. Potential for Jams
Easy Accessibility for those with dexterity issues. Similarities Easy Accessibility for those with dexterity issues. MD2 via drop down cup Med Ready via slots
Multiple Med-Ready Days Approx. Cost of Med-Ready $150, MD2 $800. Differences Dispensing of Medications Med-Ready 4 x a day MD2 - 6 x a day Medication can be dispensed more times a day Capable of holding more pills per dose Dosing/Day MD2 Days Med-Ready Days Multiple Med-Ready Days # Units 1 x 60 * 28 1 2 x 30 14 2 3 x 20 9 * 3 4 x 10 7 * 14/28 2/4 5 x - * 3/5 6 x * Best buy considering number of doses per day, number of days can be held and number of units needed. Approx. Cost of Med-Ready $150, MD2 $800.
Differences Battery Backup Med-Ready: 72 hour battery back up MD2: 9 hour battery back up Total Unit Power Down: Med-Ready Keeps programming just reset the clock to the correct time and you are ready to go MD2 Needs to be completely reprogrammed
Differences Reload Alert Med-Ready – No MD2 – Yes VoIP Reliable Med-Ready – Yes MD2 – No Dosage Change Med-Ready Requires Modification MD2 Requires Reloading
Differences Intermediary Transmission Med-Ready Signal comes straight to the Care Center MD2 Signal goes to a website that then sends it to the Care Center. If the website is down the signal can be lost
Differences Repair Cost Med-Ready Low repair cost MD2 High repair costs Test and Clean You can test and clean 3.5 Med-Ready’s in the time it takes to clean 1 MD2
Questions Darren Torrence, Director