Research Infrastructures: Towards FP7 ENSCONET, second annual meeting Valencia, June 16, 2006 Jean-Emmanuel Faure, European Commission DG Research.


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Presentation transcript:

Research Infrastructures: Towards FP7 ENSCONET, second annual meeting Valencia, June 16, 2006 Jean-Emmanuel Faure, European Commission DG Research

A definition for Research Infrastructures Term refers to facilities, resources and relatedservices that are needed by the research community to conduct research in all scientific and technological fields Definition covers: major equipments, knowledge based resources (collections, archives,…), enabling ICT-based infrastructures (Géant, Grids,…) and any other entity of a unique nature used for research

Research Infrastructures are at the core of the knowledge Triangle ResearchEducation Innovation Research infrastructures

Objectives of the Research Infrastructures actions Optimising the use and development of the best research infrastructures existing in Europe Helping to create in all fields of S & T new research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the European scientific community For Europe to strengthen its base of knowledge and its technological know how

FP6 Support to Research Infrastructures Support Transnational Access to sponsor new opportunities for research teams to obtain access to individual major Research Infrastructures (RIs) Support Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of RIs: –Coordination Actions –Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives Support Transnational Access to sponsor new opportunities for research teams to obtain access to individual major Research Infrastructures (RIs) Support e-infrastructures to reinforce high-capacity and high-performance communication, grid infrastructures and European computing capabilities Support Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of RIs: –Coordination Actions –Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives Support Transnational Access to sponsor new opportunities for research teams to obtain access to individual major Research Infrastructures (RIs) Design studies: to support feasibility studies and technical preparatory work for new research infrastructures of clear European dimension Support e-infrastructures to reinforce high-capacity and high-performance communication, grid infrastructures and European computing capabilities Support Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of RIs: –Coordination Actions –Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives Support Transnational Access to sponsor new opportunities for research teams to obtain access to individual major Research Infrastructures (RIs) Construction of New Infrastructures: to provide limited support for the development of new infrastructures Design studies: to support feasibility studies and technical preparatory work for new research infrastructures of clear European dimension Support e-infrastructures to reinforce high-capacity and high-performance communication, grid infrastructures and European computing capabilities Support Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of RIs: –Coordination Actions –Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives Support Transnational Access to sponsor new opportunities for research teams to obtain access to individual major Research Infrastructures (RIs)

Structural Biology EUPRIM-Net EMMAinf EU-NMR Databases / Bio-informatics Felics Repositories IA-SFS Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives MaxInf2 ENSCONET ProteomeBinders Coordination Actions ICGRSIB WNMRC NeuralComp Transnational Access EuroCarbDB Bio-DNP Saxier GeneExpress Design Studies CISB BINASP Eutricod NanoBio High security labs Construction of New Infrastructure ENIR Imaging Accompanying Measures

18 projects 144 partners 62 MEuro FP6 Projects for life Sciences Research Infrastructures Several hundreds of thousands of users

EC Seventh Framework Programme Proposed duration: 7 years (2007 to 2013) SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential Science in society International cooperation Research Infrastructures Organised in 4 specific programmes: Cooperation (65%) People (10%) Ideas (15%) Capacities (10%)

LIP (FP2)HCM (FP3)TMR (FP4)IHP (FP5)FP6 New Infrastructures Integrated Initiatives Networks RTD Projects Access New 700 IST Continuous increase of Community support to Research Infrastructures all over the FPs and joint efforts between DG RTD and DG INFSO FP7 + 60%

FP7 Support to existing Research Infrastructures Support Integrating Activities to promote the coherent use and development of research infrastructures in a given field Support e-infrastructures to reinforce high-capacity and high-performance communication, grid infrastructures and European computing capabilities Implementation through: Bottom-up calls for proposals open to all fields of science Targeted calls implemented whenever appropriate in cooperation with thematic areas

FP7 Support to new Research Infrastructures Design studies: to support feasibility studies and technical preparatory work for new research infrastructures of clear European dimension and interest (through bottom-up calls) Construction of new infrastructures and major upgrades to existing ones The list of projects to be supported will be based on the work conducted by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)

ESFRI – Toward a European Roadmap Tool for decision makers preventing over-provision of facilities in particular areas, and for long term budgetary planning by funding actors A forum (not a decision making body) that brings together representatives of the 25 EU Member States and 7 Associated States, appointed by Research Ministers, and one representative of the European Commission To prepare a European Roadmap of the needs for new European research infrastructures or major upgrades to existing ones. The first version is due end of 2006, with regular updates

ESFRI Physical Sciences and Engineering Biological and Medical Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities Clinical and Translational research Biodiversity and Environment Genomics, Bioinformatics, et al Soft X-Ray Free-Electron Laser European Cultural Heritage Structuration of the ESFRI work

Clinical research Bio-informatics Bio-banks and genomic resources Structural biology Animal model facilities and functional analysis of a whole mammalian genome Two expert groups under ESFRI have analyzed the needs for biology

A two-stage process: The preparatory phase - restricted calls targeting projects identified on the ESFRI Roadmap to support the finalisation of the construction plans, of the legal organisation and of the management aspects Construction of new Research Infrastructures The implementation phase -developed following the satisfactory achievement of the preparatory phase

FP7 Accompanying measures Support measures, through a mixed bottom-up / top down approach, for: –the coordination of research infrastructures in emerging areas –the development of a European policy for RI –the development of international cooperation

Targeted calls Support to the construction or major upgrade of Research Infrastructures: A vision for the next years A increased budget over FP7 Conclusions Novelties Looking for catalysing, leveraging, additionality and managerial effects

Research Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures) Specific Programme Capacities es_en.pdf FP7 Proposal Useful links