True Collaboration Tonia Weichmann Transition Coordinator Parent Network of Western New York 1000 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14202 (716) 332-4163
What is collaboration
Technical definition To collaborate is the action of working with someone to produce or create something. Collaboration is a joint effort between two or more people, free from hidden agendas, to produce an output in response to a common goal or shared priority.
Components of Collaboration
Structure Shared goals People know their responsibilities and their roles Thomas Kayser CEO Kayser Associates; Author: Building Team Power, 2nd Ed
Behavior We control our behavior Our choices determine outcomes
Partnerships Who is at the table? Why are they there? Who else should be there?
Interdependence & Complementary
Accountability Obligation Take responsibility
Environment Table Participants Technology Location language
Meetings Combative Closed minded Confrontational Stops process Conflict collaboration Combative Closed minded Confrontational Stops process Disrespect Awkward Open to ideas Advocacy Participation Communication Action steps Respect
Effective Collaboration
Tips Clarify roles and responsibilities Enter conflict with respect Keep focus of the goal Listen Explain decisions Open communication Compromise
Jose Jose is 17 years old and will be graduating high school this year. Jose has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, he also has a shunt due to Hydrocephalus. At times he will miss school for extended amounts of time due to infections or surgery. His Autism and Hydrocephalus has impacted him academically and he receives special education services, however he is graduating with a Local diploma. He plans on attending college as he wants to own his own business one day. He has been working hard on graduating as he just returned to school after a two month hospitalization. Academics have always been a struggle for Jose.
Lydia Lydia is 20 years old and has Cerebral Palsy. Lydia also has an Intellectual Disability and is legally blind in her left eye. With her parents support and advocating she has attended school in a specialized program. She has gotten a full time nurse, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and a Teacher of the Visually Impaired. Lydia, often ends up in the hospital, which averages about a two week stay. Her parents are worried what will happen when she leaves school. They would like to see her in a program where she can continue to learn.
Tiffany Tiffany is a 21 yr. old female with Down Syndrome. Tiffany has very limited vision and is considered legally blind. Tiffany has a history of behavioral concerns. As she has gotten older this has gotten better but from time to time it is an issue. Tiffany lives at home with her Mom but she is finding more difficult to handle Tiffany both physically and mentally. Tiffany currently gets SSI. She says she wants to work with animals.
Joe Joe is 18 yrs. old and will be graduating from High School with a Local diploma. Joe has been living with his foster family for 2 years. He has a Learning disability and struggles with Depression. Joe often self-medicates to deal with his academic struggles and his depression. He has been arrested once but has since done his community service and has no active criminal cases. Joe is unsure if his foster family will want him after he graduates. He says he wants to work but he has no idea what he would be good at as far as a job goes.
Susie Susie is a 16 yr. old female. When she was 4 years old she was diagnosed as a person with Autism. Susie has always been in a self-contained classroom that focused on Daily Life skills. Her mom and dad are very supportive and often ask what they should be doing for Susie and her future. Susie says she wants to be a chef, she will need a lot of support, help, and guidance as she tries to achieve her goal. Susie will most likely stay in school until she is 21 yrs. old because her parents have no idea what she will do with her days once she has completed school.
Amara Amara is an 18 yr. old female and is 3 months pregnant. Amara has is thinking about dropping out of school and her mom has recently kicked her out of the house. She has been couch hopping between friends but it is getting very difficult. Amara has had a Traumatic Head injury which has causes some learning disabilities and cognitive issues, which results in her receiving special education services. She is technically a Junior but is taking some sophomore level classes. Her career goal is to work at a daycare.
Ahmed Ahmed is a 19 year old male who has significant learning disabilities. He will be leaving high school with a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential. While in school he participated in some work-based learning internship. He is a great worker and really, really wants a job when he leaves school. He currently gets Social Security which Mom counts on to help pay the bills. She does not want him working because she is afraid that it will affect his SSI and benefits. Ahmed would like to work in maintenance.
Damon Damon is a 17 yr. old male who is getting special educations services at his high school; he is going to be a senior. Damon is on track to graduate with a Local diploma. His long-term goal is to be a Dental Hygienist.