Things I Need to Know to Graduate in 2018 I need 24 credits to graduate! I need to complete a focused Program of Study! I need to Pass My End of Course (EOC) Exams!
HS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English -4 Credits: •English I or Honors-1 Credit •English II or Honors-1 Credit •English III or Honors-1 Credit •English IV or Honors-1 Credit ~AP English Literature or Composition ~Dual Enrollment English
Block Scheduling 4 X 4 schedule 4 classes in the Fall (August-December) 4 classes in the Spring (January- May) Total of 32 classes over 4 years
HS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Math -4 Credits: (Students must take a math class each year) •Algebra IB or Honors-1 Credit •Geometry or Honors -1 Credit •Algebra II or Honors-1 Credit •Upper level Math:-1 Credit –Bridge Math Students who have not earned a 19 on the mathematics component of the ACT by the beginning of the senior year will complete the Bridge Math course. –STEM Math (Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, or Statistics)
HS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Science -3 Credits: ~A lab science (Physical Science) -1 Credit ~Biology I or Honors -1 Credit ~Chemistry or Honors -1 Credit Upper level Science classes that we offer are Biology II Honors, Anatomy & Physiology, and Physics.
HS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Social Studies –3.0 Credits: ~W. History or W. Geography–1 Credit ~U.S. History –1 Credit ~Dual Enrollment U.S. History ~Economics–.5 Credit ~Government–.5 Credit
HS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS P. E. and Wellness –1.5 Credits Wellness–1 Credit Physical Education–.5 Credit The physical education requirement may be met by substituting an equivalent time of physical activity in other areas including but not limited to marching band, cheerleading, interscholastic athletics, and school sponsored intramural athletics. Personal Finance –.5 Credit
HS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Fine Art, Foreign Lang., and Elective Focus –6 Credits: •Fine Art–1 Credit •Foreign Language–2 Credits (Same) •Elective Focus–3 Credits –Students completing a CTE elective focus must complete three units in the same CTE program area or state approved program of study. –science and math, humanities, fine arts •The Fine Art and Foreign Language requirements may be waived for students who are sure they are not going to attend a University and be replaced with courses designed to enhance and expand the elective focus.
Types of Diplomas Regular Diploma Honors Diploma Distinction Diploma Students who complete the required 24 credits to graduate. Honors Diploma Students who meet all benchmarks on the ACT. Distinction Diploma Students who have completed 12 hours in Dual Enrollment, scored a composite of 31 or higher on the ACT, OR participates in one of the All State musical organizations.
Types of Recognition Programs Hornet Scholar Point System that calculates your ACT score and your GPA. You must have a minimum of 1700 pts (out of 2000 pts and no rounding) to be a Hornet Scholar. The ACT score is super scored and must have a minimum of a composite score of 26. This is the highest recognition that you can receive at South Gibson County High School. Formula: GPA x 250 + ACT x 27.7777 Ex: 3.9 x 250 + 28 x 27.7777= 1752.7756 pts. Ex: 3.9 x 250 + 25 x 27.7777=1669.4425 PTS
Recognition Programs Cont’d.. Tennessee Scholar This is a program that recognizes students who do 80 hours of volunteer work, maintain a good attendance record and a certain grade point average.
Credits and GPA How do I earn a credit? What is the grading scale in high school? What is a gpa? Why is my gpa important?
Upcoming Events 8th Grade Expo, Friday January 17th at 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Freshmen and New Student Orientation will be held in August right before school starts. Students will get to their schedules, as well as meet all of their teachers.
Registration Process General Information Session. Sign up for a 1:1 registration session that will be at MMS the weeks of January 21st to February 7th, 2014. Come to the registration session knowing which Program of Study you would like to participate in. Talk with your child about his/her future academic plans and possible career choices. Placement decisions will be provided for certain courses.
Course Request Freshmen Course Request South Gibson County High School 2014-2015 Name of Student _______________________________ Each student will register for eight courses English I (Honors or Regular) Circle One Math (Honors Algebra I, Algebra I or Year Long Algebra) Circle One Physical Science or Honors Physical Science Lifetime Wellness Freshman Studies/Computer Apps A ____________________ If you are taking Marching Band, write this in one blank. If you are taking Concert Band, write this in one blank.
4 Year Plan English (4 credits required - 1 each year) English I/Honors English II/Honors English III/Honors English IV/ Honors/AP/DEx2 This plan has been reviewed by ______________________ Parent/Student Math (4 credits required - 1 each year) Algebra IA/IB Algebra I Algebra I Honors Geometry Geom Honors Alg II Honors Algebra II Alg II Honors PreCalculus Bridge Math AP Calculus Statistics PreCalculus ______________________Teacher/Counselor ______________________Date - 8th Grade Science (3 credits required including Biology I and either Chemistry or Physics) Physical Science Physical Science H Biology Biology Honors Chemistry Chemistry Honors Anatomy and Physiology Physics Biology II Honors ______________________Parent/Student Social Studies - (3 credits required, including US History in 11th and Econ/US Gov't in 12th World Geo World History taken in 9th or 10th grade World Geo World History taken in 9th or 10th grade US History AP US History DE History Economics/Pers Fin US Gov't/Comp Apps - B ______________________Teacher/Counselor ______________________Date - 9th Grade Fine Arts (1 credit required - may be taken in any grade 9-12) General Music Band/Color Guard Theatre Visual Art Vocal Music LIFETIME WELLNESS AND PE (1 Credit in Wellness and 1/2 in PE) Lifetime Wellness PE .5 credit ______________________ Teacher/Counselor ______________________Date - 10th Grade Foreign Language (2 credits of the same language) Spanish I Spanish II Spanish I Spanish II Spanish II _____________________ Parent/Student Program of Study _____________________ Teacher/Counselor Electives Fresh St./Comp Apps - A Athletics _____________________ Date
Program of Study List SGCHS PROGRAMS OF STUDY CAREER/TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS OF STUDY _____ AGRICULTURE: VETERINARY & ANIMAL SCIENCE _____BUSINESS: SPORT & ENTERTAINMENT MANAGEMENT _____HEALTH SCIENCES: BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH Ag Science Marketing & Management Principles Health Science Education Small Animal Science Sports & Entertainment Marketing Diagnostic Medicine Large Animal Science Advertising & Public Relations Anatomy & Physiology Veterinary Science Forensic Science _____AGRICULTURE: AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING & _____BUSINESS: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT _____HEALTH SCIENCES: DIAGNOSTIC SCIENCE APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES Computer Applications Accounting I Principles of Agricultural Mechanics Business Economics Ag Power & Equipment Business Management Clinical Internship Ag & Biosystems Engineering _____AGRICULTURE: AGRIBUSINESS _____BUSINESS: HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION _____HEALTH SCIENCES: THERAPEUTIC CLINICAL SERVICES Principles of Agribusiness Medical Therapeutics Agricultural Business & Finance Administrative Management Rehabilition Careers Anatomy & Physiology OR Clinical Internship _____ AGRICULTURE: HORTICULTURE SCIENCE _____BUSINESS: ACCOUNTING _____HEALTH SCIENCES: PUBLIC HEALTH Principles of Plant Science & Hydroculture Emergency Preparedness Greenhouse Management Accounting II Behavioral & Community Health Global Health & Epidemiology _____AGRICULTURE: ENVIRONMENTAL & NATURAL _____BUSINESS: BANKING & FINANCE _____HEALTH SCIENCES: EMERGENCY SERVICES
Steps to Register for 1:1 Appointment Step 1: Go to Step 2: Click Sign-In (top right hand corner) Step 3: Enter- E-mail: Password: gohornets Step 4: Click the grid icon at the top right hand corner. Then select calendar icon, lower right hand corner. Step 5: Use arrows at the top left to scroll to your desired date Step 6: Double-click the time/date of your appointment Step 7: Replace the word AVAILABLE with your student’s name. Enter your name in the Description box located in the middle of the page. Step 8: Click the red SAVE button. Click ONLY THIS EVENT. Step 9: To log out, click the drop down arrow at the person icon on the top right hand corner of the page and click sign-out. -Only select a time slot that says AVAILABLE. -Meetings will be held beginning January 21st-February 7th at Medina Middle School. -Time slots are divided every 20 minutes. -When you click on your desired date/time, if you see someone else’s information, then that time slot is taken. Please choose another appointment time.
Contact Information Amber Tritt 9th & 10th Grade Counselor E-Mail: Phone: 783-0999 ext. 3007