Journal of Tissue Viability & Journal of Clinical Biomechanics Award 2019 Call for papers! The EPUAP Scientific Committee is pleased to invite applications for the Journal of Tissue Viability & Journal of Clinical Biomechanics Award 2019 which is designed to support and encourage experts to publish papers drawn from their studies. The annual award is supported by the Journal of Tissue Viability & Journal of Clinical Biomechanics, two of the leading journals in the field of pressure ulcers prevention and treatment. What papers will be considered? The award is for papers reporting an original research or a review (systematic review, literature review or methodological review) which will be judged by the EPUAP Scientific Committee to have made the most valuable contribution to the knowledge base of healthcare professionals and/or biomedical engineers in prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. How to submit? Applicants should submit their papers electronically to the Journal of Clinical Biomechanics or to the Journal of Tissue Viability before 31 December 2018 (for the 2019 Award) together with a cover letter notifying that this is an entry for the EPUAP 2019 awards. In doing so competitors are, in effect, submitting their paper simultaneously for the presentation at EPUAP 2019 and for publication in journals. All applications should include the accompanying application form and cover letter, please follow the instructions in the standards stated in Guideline for Authors for JCB and for JTV. An electronic version of the application form can be found on the EPUAP website under the EPUAP 2019 page ( or obtained by email from Procedure for judging applications All submitted papers will be subject to standard peer review by the Journal of Clinical Biomechanics or to the Journal of Tissue Viability. Papers accepted for publication will be eligible to enter the competition and will be sent to the EPUAP Scientific Committee for consideration. The Committee will select two prize winners, who will be invited to present during the EPUAP Annual Meeting in Lyon, France in 2019. They will be notified by email in advance. The EPUAP Scientific Committee reserves the right not to make an award.
Application Form Please complete the details below and submit this form along with your manuscript, cover letter and author’s checklist on the journal’s online system. Manuscript title: Author details - Corresponding author*: * Ordinarily the corresponding author should be the first author, who is the eligible applicant for the award. Name: Affiliation: Email address: Order of authors: Abstract: Keywords: Statements of: What is already known about the topic? What this paper adds? Additional Information – Please detail the eligible applicants contribution to the paper: