ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN YOUR BRAIN BOOST IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! Welcome! Which person is credited with developing the model of the universe in which Earth revolves around the sun? Which scientist is associated with the theory that the sun revolves around the Earth? Which scientist is credited with using the telescope to prove the heliocentric theory? The discovery of arteries and veins is credited to which English physician? ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN YOUR BRAIN BOOST IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!
Terms Geocentric theory – theory according to Ptolemy that Earth is the center of the universe. Heliocentric theory – theory developed by Copernicus that the sun is the center of the universe.
Scientific Introductions You will be assigned a Scientist, you must then get with someone who does NOT have your scientist Create an index card about your scientist partner. 15 minutes Present your scientist partner to the class.
Summarizing Sentences Write TWO sentences that summarize each scientist. Include name, country, and major accomplishments! Finish for hw
Age of Absolutism Narrative militarize westernize Centralize
Age of Absolutism Vocab Activity Absolutism – the principle or the exercise of complete and unrestricted power in government Balance of Power – Principle in which countries have equal strength in order to prevent any one country from dominating the others. Centralize – to bring under one control, especially in government. Divine Right (of kings) – the doctrine (belief) that the right to rule comes directly from God, not from the consent of the people. Dynasty – a sequence of rulers from the same family or group
Age of Absolutism Vocab Activity Militarism – a policy in which a prepared and effective military is a highest priority to a state. Monarch – a hereditary sovereign, as in a king, queen, or emperor. Monarchy – a state or nation ruled or headed by a monarch. Seven Years’ War – War from 1756-1763 that involved almost all of Europe; the fighting began in North America as the French and Indian War. Westernize – to convert (change) to the customs of Western Civilization.
Age of Absolutism Vocab Activity Use the definitions and narrative to correctly place each term in the paragraph.
WHII.6a Scientific Revolution Exit Ticket