Learning Objective Explain how the scientific world influenced society and thought
SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Changing views of the universe
COPERNICUS Polish scholar Proposed the idea of a heliocentric or _________ centered universe The ___________ was one of several planets to revolve around the _______ Middle ages: people believed the earth was an unmoving object located at the center of the universe (geocentric) Copernicus: believed the universe was sun centered// he was a churchman & astronomer ** 1st new view of the universe in 2,000 years**
COPERNICUS’ SOLAR SYSTEM Believed the planets rotated in a perfect circle around sun ** Johannes Kepler (german mathematician) supported the heliocentric view but showed each planet rotated in a oval shape or ellipse
GALILEO Observed Jupiter’s moons orbiting that planet Condemned by the Catholic Church His ideas challenged Christian teachings That heavens were _________________ Galileo Galilei - Italy heavens were- fixed, unmoving & perfect
GALILEO FACING AN INQUISITION 1633- tried before the inquisition Threatened with ________ unless he withdrew his heresies Agreed to state publicly that the _______ stood motionless at center of the universe He is said to have muttered “it does move” when he left court room **excommunication, earth**
Homework Define: Heliocentric How did astronomers change the way people viewed the universe? Why did the Catholic church have such strong opposition to the scientific view? In your own words describe what the scientific method is.
SIR ISSAC NEWTON Proved Galileo correct Defined the Law of Gravity
THE ENLIGHTENMENT Scientific Revoltuion changed the way people in Europe looked at the world *** convinced educated people of the power of human reason**** ***
Learning Objective Identify the key figures of the Enlightenment and their philosophies
Enlightenment Period when people began to apply the same king of thinking used in science to social issues. Reason, experience.
John Locke Felt people had natural rights Social Contract Life, liberty & property Social Contract Governments are formed to protect natural rights If governments do not hold up their part of contract…
TWO TREATIES OF GOVERNMENT Explained his beliefs that people formed governments to protect their natural rights *** best government had limited power and was agreed to by all citizens ************* rejected absolute monarchy *************
VOLTAIRE Freedom of Speech Wrote about inequality & injustice Religious toleration Eventually exiled for being outspoken about the government and church
Montesquieu Spirit of Laws – 1748 Separation of Powers Discussed governments & praised Britain’s limited monarchy Separation of Powers Checks & Balances
ROUSSEAU Felt society placed too many limitations on people’s behavior Believed government should be minimal The people are sovereign not the government Liberty and justice thrive in a state where the general will of the people was all powerful.
Focused on economic reform Physiocrats Focused on economic reform
David Hume First form of skepticism He was a naturalist
Adam Smith British economist Wealth of Nations Laissez Faire economics Allowing business to operate with little or no government interference 3 Economic Laws: Law of Self Interest Law of Competition Law of Supply and Demand
Enlightened Leaders Enlightened Leaders: promoted ideals of tolerance, equal justice. Leaders believe their roles to be as servants. Prussia- Frederick the Great 1740-1786 Austria- Joseph II 1741-1790
Russia- Catherine the Great 1762-1796 Russia- Peter the Great 1672-1725 Russia- Catherine the Great 1762-1796
The Enlightenment France and England France: Refused to progress. Would lead to French Revolution England: Strong Parliament, strong banking system, broad tax system, found peace and prosperity
Essential Questions What were three important ideas that arose from the Enlightenment? Where do you see Enlightenment ideas in practice today?