Modern Slavery within the Homelessness Sector Modern Slavery within the Homelessness Sector Mick Clarke (CEO The Passage and Anti-Slavery Commissioner Panel Member)
Overview of The Passage Formed in 1980 Largest provider of day services in UK for homeless people Diverse services for complex needs Accommodation services Prevention Services Systemic Change
Modern Slavery and Homelessness Rough sleepers at risk of modern slavery Those escaping modern slavery ending up rough sleeping Anecdotal evidence
2016: The Passage Commissioned to produce Understanding and Responding to Modern Slavery within the Homelessness Sector Worked closely with Homeless Link, Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s Office, and Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group Online survey: 61 organisations throughout England Two Focus Groups (Birmingham and London) Semi structured interviews with relevant agencies
Headline Report Findings 64% of respondents encountered potential cases of modern slavery No consistency in data recording throughout country to capture this information Greater partnership working needed across sectors Greater awareness and internal guidance needed around modern slavery within homelessness organisations Limited assistance available due to no recourse to public funds Communities and local groups could play a crucial role in addressing modern slavery via awareness raising Need for local authorities to do more
Report Recommendations Training and Awareness Data Collection and Collation Partnerships