Farzad Towhidkhah Dept of Biomedical Eng. Amirkabir Univ. of Tech. Electric CIRCUIT 2 Farzad Towhidkhah Dept of Biomedical Eng. Amirkabir Univ. of Tech.
CONTENT Tree-Phase Circuits (Review) (CH. 23, Ch. 14) Unbalanced Three-Phase Circuits (CH. 23) Introduction to the Laplace Transform (Ch. 15) The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis (Ch. 16) Transfer Function (Ch. 17) Convolution Integral Frequency Response (Fourier Series) (CH. 25, Ch. 18,Ch19)
CONTENT (cont.) Bode Diagram (CH. 22) Series and Parallel Resonance Circuits (CH. 21, Ch. 14) Filters Active Filter Circuits State Space Equations Graph Theory Two-Port Circuits
TEXT BOOKS James W. Nilsson & Susan A. Riedel “Electric Circuits” 7th Ed., 2005, Prentice Hall. William H. Hayt, Jack E. Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin “Engineering Circuit Analysis” 6th Ed., 2002, Mc Graw Hill. Delmar, “Circuit Analysis, Theory and Application”, 2005.
GRADING Midterm Exam 1 20% Midterm Exam 2 20% Homework 10% Final Exam 50%