Grant Title PI Name Intended Institute List of Proposed Key Personnel Anticipated Submission Date (Please Provide a Copy of your CV Before Stage 1 Presentation)
Central Hypothesis Statement of the Problem List Specific Aims/subaims Specific Aim I Specific Aim II……
Brief Background Why is this body of work important? Relevance to Human Condition Relevance to PACCS Research Mission How will the field improve if aims are addressed? (Potential Impact – Incremental or Quantal?) Supporting Body of Work Abstracts, Publications, Presentations
Innovation Does this challenge and seek to shift current research or clinical practice paradigms? Are any novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or intervention(s) to be developed or used that offer an advantage over existing platfor? Explain any refinements, improvements, or new applications of theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or interventions.
Preliminary Data In Support of Aim1: In Support of Aim2: etc….. Limit preliminary data to what only will appear in the application.
Gap Analysis Major Proposed Strengths Major Proposed Weaknesses Data, Models, Environment, Collaborators, Other Major Proposed Weaknesses Data, Models, Environment, Collaborators, Other What needs to be accomplished between now and the grant deadline?
Budget and Administrative Is the budget reasonable? Are there major equipment items/cores? Personnel Costs? Number of Years (3-5) Cost allocation over the funding period.
Summary: Recommend sharing previous constructive feedback (if any) provided by peers and address how the PI has attempted to favorably respond. Review of major issues (positive or negative). Intention is to create a constructive dialogue to determine whether applicant is ready for submission (in ~ two months).