What It Means to be a Professional Learning Community Kelly Gillespie, Southwest Plains Regional Service Center
2 PLC defined… Educators committed to working collaboratively in an ongoing process of collective inquiry and action research in order to raise student achievement.
3 PLC Key Assumes student learning will improve when embedded teacher- learning occurs
4 PLCs Ask Four Critical Questions 1)What do we expect students to learn? 2)How will we know when they have learned it? 3)How will we respond when kids dont learn? 4)How will we respond when they already know it?
5 Characteristics of PLCs 1. Shared –Mission Why do we exist? –Vision What do we hope to become? –Value How must we behave to get there? –Goals What steps do we need to take and when?
6 Characteristics 2. Collaborative Teams Focused on Learning –Cultural shift from teaching to learning
7 Characteristics 3. Collective Inquiry into… –Best Practice and –Current Reality
8 Characteristics 4. Commitment to Continuous Improvement with Results
9 First Big Idea of PLC Focus on Learning –We expect high levels of learning for all students. And are willing to examine all practices and their impact on learning
10 What happens when kids dont learn? Schools Response –Directive –Timely –Systematic
11 Second Big Idea of PLCs A Collaborative Culture –We can achieve high levels of learning for all students only if we work together
12 Advantages of Teachers Working in Collaborative Teams Gains in student achievement Higher quality solutions to problems Increased confidence among all staff Teachers able to support one anothers strengths and accommodate weaknesses Ability to test new ideas More support for new teachers Expanded pool of ideas, materials, methods
13 Highly Effective Collaborative Teams Collaborate on routine tasks –Time for collaboration is built into the school day and school calendar –Products of collaboration are made explicit –Team norms guide collaboration –Teams pursue specific and measurable performance goals
14 Collaboration Collaborate on… –Curriculum –Instruction –Assessment
15 What is collaboration? A systematic process in which we work together, interdependently, to analyze and impact professional practice in order to improve our individual and collective results.
17 Third Big Idea of PLCs Focus on Results –We assess our effectiveness on the basis of RESULTS not intentions 4 common assessments
18 School Results Focus On… Meaningful teamwork Clear and measurable goals Regular collection and analysis of performance data
19 PLC Focus In a PLC, we look at: –Each individual student –Each individual indicator
22 Im Intrigued… Now what –Complete Book list tree.com/Public/Media.aspx?n ode=allbooks&ListProducts=true &ProductType=bookshttp:// tree.com/Public/Media.aspx?n ode=allbooks&ListProducts=true &ProductType=books –Book study –Solution Tree
23 Books at SWPRSC Professional Learning Communities: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement Whatever It Takes: How Professional Learning Communities Respond When Kids Dont Learn Learning By Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities At Work Professional Learning Communities At Work – Plan Book
24 Dr. Rick and Becky DuFour PLC Training hosted by SWPRSC April 23-24, 2006 Wichita Airport Hilton $325/person or $275/person for teams of 4 or more for SWPRSC members $400/person or $350/person for teams of 4 or more for non members Seating is limited to first 400 registrants Hotel room block available at reduced rates at Airport Hilton
25 Now What? Brainstorm about finding time Begin to put together horizontal and vertical teams Begin with curriculum conversations or assessment analysis Dont forget to set team norms and have teams turn in a product
26 SWPRSC… Helping districts improve student learning!