STAFF MEMBERS Audrey Shaifer, Office Director, Fiscal Management Division of Program Management Mary Bobbitt, Division Director Janika Cheers Roscoe Jones Melvinann Carter Division of Educable Child Barbara Quarles, Division Director Kimberly Peyton 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
RESPONSIBILITIES Allocation of IDEA and Preschool Funds Educable Child Program Extended School Year Program Positive Behavior Specialist Funding Education Interpreters Funding Section 504 and University-Based Teacher Units Speech-Language Therapy Scholarship 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
IDEA Project Application Fiscal Requirements FY 14 Project Applications were due on or before July 31, 2013 Obligation Dates are July 1, 2013 - September 30, 2015 Expenditure Report due annually on September 30th for the previous school year, including the documentation from your accounting system 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Submission Procedures Application Cover Page FY 14 Budget Page and Narrative Equipment List Letter from Superintendent if application includes a Handicapped Accessible Bus Parental Involvement Procedures with supporting documentation Signed Statement of Assurances 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Submission Procedures Certification of IDEA District Policies and Procedures (if applicable) Submit any new local school district policies and procedures that have been approved by the school board for approval by Office of Special Education (OSE) Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Report General Education Provision Act (GEPA) Statement 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Submission Procedures District Self Assessment for State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Private School Participation Form Private School Consultation and Affirmation Form Excess Cost Calculations 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Narrative Line 1 (Salaries) MSIS work area/course code is required List Job Title for position (from MSIS) Percentage paid from each funding source Should be a reasonable percentage in line with the duties being performed Explanation of duties performed for each funding source Number of Contract Days 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Narrative Line 1 (Salaries) Teacher Assistants Must indicate directly supervised by a licensed teacher Names of Certified Personnel Funded by MAEP funds Funded with Educational Interpreter funds Funded with Positive Behavior Specialist (PBS) funds Must be on the Approved PBS list 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Narrative Line 2 (Substitute Pay) Indicate the rate of pay If salary is prorated, the substitute pay must be prorated Indicate reason for the substitute pay Substitute pay is for: Personnel funded in your project who are absent Special Education teachers to attend conferences/professional development training Not for Long Term Substitutes 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Line 3 (Salary Supplements) Line 4 (Stipends) Indicate the amount of the supplement These payments are included in the employees’ contract for additional duties performed Identify personnel receiving the supplement(s) State reason for the supplement Line 4 (Stipends) Indicate the amount of the stipends These payments are not included in the employees’ contract for work outside or not covered in their contract Identify personnel receiving the stipend(s) State reason for the stipend 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Line 5 (Benefits) Line 6 (Contractual Services) List only once, not after each employee If salaries are prorated, so are benefits State that benefits will be prorated in accordance with salary Line 6 (Contractual Services) Should be specific to student assessment and/or services Should describe the scope of work Must be in accordance with MS Code 27-104-152 (Mississippi Accountability and Transparency Act) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Line 6 (Contractual Services) RFPs and contracts are required to be in accordance with MS Code 27-104-155 Must indicate that a signed contract is on file for each contractor and verification for EPLS (Excluded Parties List System) is on file 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Narrative Line 7 (Equipment) Identify the equipment to be purchased State justification/explanation for equipment Indicate quantity and location of equipment Indicate shipping and handling charges are included Handicapped Accessible Bus Letter signed by the Superintendent (blue ink preferred) Address the following: Physical description Special equipment Need for and how services were provided before Maintenance and upkeep Total cost and portion paid by district (if applicable) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Narrative Line 8 (Staff Travel) Address travel for district personnel to perform duties within the school district Describe what services are being provided Do not use for professional development activities or conferences 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Budget Narrative Line 12 (Indirect Cost) Line 14 (Private Placement) Refer to the Public School Districts’ Indirect Cost Rates Use the Restricted Rate Line 14 (Private Placement) Responsible for the first $8,000 for each student placed in a private facility Indicate the number of students placed Indicate the name of the facility Indicate if transportation is included and the daily rate of the transportation 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Line 16 (Student Travel) Indicate the purpose of the student travel Indicate what expenses are being paid - be specific Must state that State funds will be utilized first before using IDEA funds Must be tied to a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Line 18 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) You are required to use 15% of IDEA Part B and Preschool Funds If significant disproportionally in a racial/ethnic category exists with respect to: Identification within a disability Identification within the child count Placement in a particular education setting or Discipline The amount cannot exceed the 15% Particular emphasis should be given to grades K-3 Must state only used for Kindergarten students who are 6 years old by December 1 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Line 18 (CEIS) cont. Identify the grade level(s) that will be the focus of CEIS activities Indicate the academic and/or behavioral areas that will be the focus of the CEIS activities Describe how the at-risk students are selected Explain what services and supports will be provided to the at-risk group Explain the professional development activities that will support the implementation of the services and supports to the students 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Line 19 (Private School Participation) Indicate the number of students being served Indicate the services being provided Indicate how the services will be provided Line 21(Professional Development) Indicate the providers of the training, how they will be paid, and give examples of the training topics State who will attend the training Indicate the staff included for the registration, travel, and subsistence expenses 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Budget Narrative Reminders Narrative must be descriptive Items requested must be an allowable cost Must have prior approval from MDE if out of the ordinary Signatures in blue ink indicate originals for auditing purpose Project Application is not complete until all signature pages have been received in the Division of Program Management Parental Involvement and Professional Development must be addressed 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SHAREPOINT SCREEN 1st SCREEN, Click on District Number SD0130 SD0200 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SHAREPOINT SCREEN 2ND SCREEN, Click on Application ARRA DOCUMENTS DROPBOX APPLICATION KPMG ARRA MONITORING REPORTS CHILDREN FIRST ANNUAL REPORT 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SHAREPOINT SCREEN 3RD SCREEN, Click on FY14 Project Application 2012 APPROVED FY13 PROJECT APPLICATION FY14 PROJECT APPLICATION 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SharePoint FY 14 Project Application Folders Self-Assessments Signature Pages Cover Page Coordinated Early Intervening Services Report or Letter Certification of IDEA Private School Participation Form or Letter Private School Consultation and Affirmation Form Letter of Explanation for change in private school count, if applicable Bus Letter Request, if applicable Signed Statement of Assurances 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SharePoint FY 14 Project Application Folders Application Budget Request Pages Narrative Equipment Lists Parental Involvement and Copies of Notification Parental Involvement Procedures Form Newspaper ads/flyers/letters/notices 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SharePoint FY 14 Project Application Assurances and Board Minutes Excess Cost Spreadsheets General Education Provision Act (GEPA) Statement New/Revised Board Policies, if applicable Cooperative Agreements Amendments Cover Page Narrative Budget Request Equipment Lists 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
New Process June 2014 July 2014 Upload into SharePoint June 6th Draft Coordinated Early Intervening Services Narrative Required for Districts who must use 15% June 20th Draft Budget Narrative July 2014 July 31st Project Application Mail Signature Pages 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
REMINDERS Cover Page Salary Proration Excess Cost Must have documentation to show “Board Approved” or letter from Board President Salary Proration The amount prorated must be a reasonable expectation for the split duties performed Time and Effort sheets must be maintained (A-87) Excess Cost Calculated at State Level Can be found under the FY 14 Project Application Package 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
REMINDERS Private School Participation Compare last year’s enrollment numbers with the numbers being reported in current project application The count for ages 3-21 includes the number of children ages 3-5 The district count is the December 1 child count from the previous year 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
REMINDERS Private School Participation Home School Students Considered to be Nonpublic May be served if district policies allow participation in district programs Should be counted in MSIS and child count Private School Consultation and Affirmation form must be completed 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
REMINDERS Coordinated Early Intervening Services 16 districts were required to set aside CEIS for FY14 If required, must use 15% exactly (No Rounding) Track CEIS students using MSIS If money is allocated for CEIS, there Must be a student count 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
REMINDERS IDEA Project Application Before any disbursements are sent to Accounting, the following are checked: SPP/APR – is your self-assessment completed and does it contain all required items Missing documents from previous years Missing originals – when the hard copies are received, you are placed in the review queue 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Top 10 Issues Project Applications Application Failure to delete previous copies in SharePoint No documentation to verify Board approval Failure to upload in the designated folder Signature Pages not mailed to OSE (Office of Special Education) Budget Narrative Not in alignment with Budget Request Page CEIS narrative not included (Should NOT be separate) Salaries not equal to district time percentage Narrative does not clearly define use of funds 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Top 10 Issues Budget Request Page Allocated amount plus carryover not equal to Cover Page Not in alignment with narrative Carryover amount not allocated 4. Equipment List Locations, cost and quantities differ from narrative Items in narrative not listed or vice versa Unallowable cost (i.e. computers for principals; network system) Private School Participation Form Allocation not based on total number Failure to use December Child Count Failure to indicate total number of students enrolled Incorrect calculation F 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Top 10 Issues Parental Involvement Form CEIS Failure to complete all sections Failure to upload supporting documentation Failure to indicate dates CEIS Failure to identify the targeted group of at-risk students and how they were selected Narrative not in alignment with CEIS Budget Request Page Failure to allocate required amount (if required) Narrative does not clearly define use of funds Unallowable costs 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Top 10 Issues Failure to submit Affirmation Forms 8. Certification for IDEA Part B and Preschool Form Failure to use new form Failure to complete all applicable sections Failure to submit Affirmation Forms 10. Failure to mail original signature pages 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Amendments When to Amend: Actual carryover amount differs from the projected amount Line item increases by 10% New equipment added or deleted The total allocation for a line item increases or decreases Actual expenditures are over budgeted line item amount Salary changes Actual MAEP percentages Actual time spent based on the timesheets for prorated personnel 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Amendments Cover Page Must have documentation to show “Board Approved” or letter signed by the Board President Indicate the reason for the amendment in Column D Money amounts should be the same as the original project Indicate the amendment number (1,2, etc.) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Amendments Budget Request Page NEW POSITIONS MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY MDE Positions can be deleted, if not filled Must show entire budgeted amount by line item Indicate district name and code 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Amendments Budget Narrative Address only those line items that changed Must state if the line item increased or decreased Must explain why the line item changed Line items should be listed in the order of appearance on the budget request form If equipment is deleted, state the reason why If equipment is added, state why it is needed, who will be using it, and where it will be located 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Amendments Equipment List Must list all equipment Highlight the new equipment added New equipment added must be addressed in the narrative Equipment deleted mark “deleted” Equipment deleted must be addressed in the narrative 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXPENDITURE REPORTS ANNUAL REPORT Due September 30, 2013 Must have supporting documentation from the District Business Office Expenditure Budget Report Expenditure Budget Report by Account Expenditure Budget Documentation from the District Business Office must match the expenditure report Trial balances and History Transaction Reports are not acceptable documentation from the district’s business office (These reports do not give accurate expenditure amounts.) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXPENDITURE REPORTS COMPLETION OF EXPENDITURE REPORT Obtain district expenditure report from the business manager Obtain the MDE expenditure report from the Special Education website under the current project application folder Transfer all expenditures from the district business manager’s report to MDE’s expenditure report using the appropriate line item 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXPENDITURE REPORTS EXPENDITURE REPORT COMPLETION Have superintendent and business manager sign the MDE expenditure report (blue ink is a good practice to assure original copies) Attach the business manager’s report Mail all documents to the MDE (Office of Special Education) which includes the signed MDE expenditure report and the district’s supporting documentation, Attn: Program Management 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXPENDITURE REPORTS TOP ISSUES Expenditure Reports have calculation errors MDE Expenditure Report mailed without the supporting documentation MDE Expenditure Report does not balance to the totals from the supporting documentation MDE Expenditure Report is uploaded into SharePoint Supporting documentation does not show the expenditures Failure to submit the Expenditure Report when due 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXCESS COST EXCESS COST REQUIREMENT Prevents usage of Part B funds to pay for all costs directly attributable to the education of a child with a disability. Costs that are in excess of the average annual per student expenditure during the preceding school year. Required to spend at least the average annual per student expenditure before Part B funds are used. Must be computed separately for elementary and secondary students. Cannot be computed on a combination of the enrollments in elementary schools and secondary schools. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXCESS COST EXCESS COST COMPUTATION School Financial Services provides the expenditure amounts. Special Education provides the enrollment and December 1 Child Count numbers. School Districts are provided a spreadsheet showing the calculations. School Districts will be notified if Excess Cost requirement is not met. Calculations for the FY14 are based on 2011-2012 expenditures. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXCESS COST EXCESS COMPUTATION Designation of grade levels Elementary students are Grades K-6 (Current December 1 Child Count including students coded as 56 minus students coded as 52 and 62) Secondary students are Grades 7-12 (Current December 1 Child Count including students coded as 58 minus students coded as 78) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT Maintenance of Effort §300.203-§300.204 Funds provided to LEAs under Part B of the Act must not be used to reduce the level of expenditures for the education of children with disabilities made by the LEA from local funds below the level of those expenditures for the preceding fiscal year. An LEA may reduce the level of expenditures by the LEA under part B of the Act below the level of those expenditures for the preceding fiscal year if the reduction is attributable to any one of the following five (5) reasons: 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Maintenance of Effort Exceptions The calculations (utilizing the FETS data transmitted to the MDE) are incorrect. The amount is lower due to the voluntary departure, by retirement or otherwise, or departure for just cause, of special education or related services personnel, who were replaced by qualified, lower-salaried staff. There was a decrease in enrollment of children with disabilities which resulted in a reduction of teacher units needed to serve students with disabilities. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Maintenance of Effort Exceptions 4. An exceptionally costly special education program provided to a particular disabled child utilizing State and/or local funds was terminated because the child (1) has left the jurisdiction of the LEA; (2) has reached the age at which the obligation to provide a FAPE has terminated; or (3) the program is no longer needed. 5. Costly expenditures for long-term purchases, such as the acquisition of equipment or the construction of school facilities, were terminated. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
REMINDERS Maintenance of Effort (MOE) 59 Districts did not meet MOE MOE reconciliation was due by May 31st Project Applications will not be processed until MOE has been met 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Positive Behavior Specialist (PBS)
Positive Behavior Specialist REQUIREMENTS Licensed Professional Specialized training in Behavior Management Experience in providing interventions in an educational setting REQUEST PROCESS Complete the request form for PBS or Complete the Intent Not to Utilize Form Due September 13, 2013 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Positive Behavior Specialist REIMBURSEMENT Request funds by February 15, 2014 Funds not drawn by March 31, 2014 will be reallocated APPROVAL All must be approved by OSE Names listed in the Project Application are checked against the approved list Must use MSIS Code 131016 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Positive Behavior Specialist REQUEST PROCESS List the name of the person or persons Provide the License Number Department of Mental Health License is not valid if this statement is listed: “in the State mental health system of Mississippi” Indicate if the person is new or returning Indicate the projected number of hours/days of service 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Positive Behavior Specialist REQUEST PROCESS Indicate the Payment Method Percentages PBS (Percentage from PBS allocation) IDEA (Percentage from IDEA Funds) State/District (Percentage from local funds) List your PBS allocation amount Superintendents signs (blue ink is a good practice to assure original copies) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETER Effective July 1, 2005 No person shall provide interpreting services for consumers who are deaf or hard of hearing for a fee unless the person is registered with the Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services. (MS Code 37-33-173) 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETER Eligibility Requirements Must possess a provisional registration, or Quality Assurance Level 1 (or higher), or National Certification (NAD/RID) AND Be registered with the Mississippi Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETER PROCESS Request interpreter by September 17, 2013 Have superintendent sign the assurance statement (blue ink is a good practice to assure original copies) All districts must respond before allocation of funds are determined (Request & Intent to Not Utilize) Any district not responding by due date will have an Intent to Not Utilize Form faxed to them by the first week of October Amount of reimbursement is determined by the number of interpreters and the limited amount of available funds 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETER REIMBURSEMENT PROCESS Notification of Allocations will be made in October 2013 Update the application when an interpreter resigns or a new one is hired List all interpreters on one form until all lines are used Ensure licenses and registrations are valid from when school starts until school ends Funds must be drawn by March 12, 2014 Funds will be reallocated April 30, 2014 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETER TOP ISSUES Non-submission of resignation form Current license and registration not submitted Not using the first day of school as the date of hire Not drawing the funds by the designated due date 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT Request for Reimbursement due September 30, 2013 to received one-half (1/2) of request in November Final Request for Reimbursement will be December 13, 2013 Final date to notify MDE of any discrepancies will be January 10, 2014 Complete and sign the Request for Reimbursement Form Submit the ESY Private Placement Reimbursement form Indicate the reason for Exiting the ESY program Ensure students’ names are consistent Provide the transportation and educational costs Indicate the number of days served 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR Extended School Year services (SY12-13) ESY Payments will be made in three installments 1st installment Districts who submitted on or before September 30, 2013, will receive 50% of their request for reimbursement 2nd installment will be made March 2014 Includes districts who submitted Request for Reimbursement after September 30, 2013 3rd installment (final) will be made in May 2014 All districts who provided ESY services are included 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR Teachers’ names do not match licenses TOP ISSUES Teachers’ names do not match licenses Licenses expire before program begins or ends Teachers’ names and licenses are not provided for private placements Students’ names are not consistent Licenses are not valid for the disability Licenses are not provided or license numbers incorrect 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
TOP TEN FINDINGS FISCAL AUDITS Time sheets/Semi-Annual Certification forms not available and/or not signed by employee and/or supervisor Equipment not on the Asset List Equipment not tagged and funding source not indicated Purchasing of equipment not approved or deleted from project application Invalid or no contracts for contractual services 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
TOP TEN FINDINGS FISCAL AUDITS Asset Listing does not indicate description of item, serial number or location Equipment is not properly hand receipted Equipment is not being used for its intended purpose Unauthorized use of IDEA funds Equipment purchased with IDEA funds used in general education classes 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Timelines September 2013 Positive Behavior Specialist Application September 13th Educational Interpreter Application September 17th Request for ESY Reimbursement September 30th Expenditure Reports Last Day to obligate FY12 (SY11-12) IDEA funds 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Timelines October 2013 November 2013 1st Pay Period Educable Child Reimbursement October 4th November 2013 Educable Child 2nd Period Student Applications November 8th Child Count November 26th 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Timelines December 2013 Final Request for ESY Reimbursement 2nd Pay Period Educable Child Reimbursement December 2nd Final Request for ESY Reimbursement December 13th – Final day to submit January 2014 Final Date to notify MDE of any discrepancies for ESY January 10th 3rd Period Educable Child Student Applications 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Timelines January 2014 February 2014 District Determination of ESY Begins January 15th Personnel Snapshot Amendment (using MSIS) January 31st February 2014 3rd Pay Period Educable Child Reimbursement February 4th PBS Request for Reimbursement February 12th 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education June 2012
Timelines March 2014 Extended School Year Application posted March 10th Request for Reimbursement for Educational Interpreter March 12th 4th Period Educable Child Student Application March 14th Reallocation of Positive Behavior Funds (PBS) March 31st 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Timelines April 2014 District Determination of ESY ends 4th Period Educable Child Reimbursement April 4th District Determination of ESY ends April 15th Justification for Maintenance of Effort April 16th Child Find Report April 30th 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Timelines April 2014 Reallocation of Educational Interpreter Funds April 30th Extended School Year Applications May 2014 5th Period Educable Child Student Applications May 30th 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Timelines May June 2014 Self-Assessments (14 Indicators) May 31st June 2014 5th Pay Period Educable Child Reimbursement June 3rd 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
HOUSE BILL 896 SPEECH-LANGUAGE THERAPY SCHOLARSHIP (Nate Rogers) Established scholarships for students with speech-language impairments Stipulates student eligibility requirements Stipulates the obligations of the parent/legal guardians, students, nonpublic school, and public school districts Requires that all compulsory-school-age children be screened for speech-language impairment before the end of 1st Grade Maximum amount of the scholarship is equivalent to the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) base student cost Effective July 1, 2013. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SCHOOL DISTRICT GUIDANCE Public School Districts must: Adopt a policy to ensure that students will be screened for articulation, language, voice, and fluency disorders before the end of Grade 1 Notify the parents if the student fails the screener If a student fails the screener, the school district, in its discretion, may perform a comprehensive speech-language evaluation. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SCHOOL DISTRICT GUIDANCE If a student fails the speech-language screener: the parent/legal guardian may request an evaluation the evaluation must be administered by a speech-language pathologist (215) the school district shall consider the evaluation for eligibility for speech-language and either Place the student within the current school OR Suggest the Mississippi speech-language therapy scholarship for placement in a speech-language program in a nonpublic special purpose school. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
SCHOOL DISTRICT GUIDANCE If a student from a public school district elects to participate in the Speech-Language Scholarship Program, the district must verify the enrollment dates of the student to the Office of Special Education. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
NOTIFICATION PROCESS The Office of Special Education will: Notify the public school district that a scholarship has been approved for a student previously enrolled in the public school district and request verification of enrollment dates. Notify the parent/legal guardian of the approval/denial of the scholarship. Submit names of approved recipients to School Financial Services for payment. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Who is eligible? Students in kindergarten through Grade 6 or its equivalent (age 11) who have been properly evaluated and received a primary eligibility ruling of speech-language impairment shall be eligible to receive scholarship assistance. Can the Speech-Language Therapy Scholarship be used for students in grades 8 and above? No, the scholarship applies only to students in kindergarten through Grade 6 or its equivalent (age 11 by September 1). Can all students who have an eligibility ruling according to IDEA receive a Speech-Language Therapy Scholarship? No, only students who have a primary eligibility ruling of speech-language impairment can receive the Speech-Language Scholarship. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS What students are not eligible for the speech-language therapy scholarship? Students enrolled in a school that provides educational services to youth in the Department of Juvenile Justice commitment programs; Students who are participating in a home-school education; Students who are participating in a virtual school who take three (3) or more courses per school year, correspondence school or distance learning programs that receive State funding; and Students that do not have direct and regular contact with his or her private school teachers at the school’s physical location. Does the student have to participate in the program for the whole school year? Yes. Any student participating in the Mississippi Speech-Language Therapy Scholarship must remain in attendance throughout the school year unless excused by the school for illness or other good cause. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Who will receive the tuition reimbursement? The Mississippi State Department of Education shall make payments to the approved and accredited nonpublic schools for each student at the nonpublic school equal to the State’s share of the adequate education program payments for each student in average daily attendance at the school district from which the student(s) transferred. How are the Speech-Language Therapy Scholarship funds allocated? Funds are allocated based on student base cost as appropriated. Can private schools apply? Yes, those private schools that are State accredited nonpublic special purpose schools that are organized to provide and emphasizes instruction in speech-language therapy and intervention as the primary purpose of the school. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Can a 504 student receive a scholarship? Yes, if those students have a primary eligibility ruling of speech-language impairment as defined by IDEA and State regulations. If a student fails the speech-language screener, does the school district have to conduct a comprehensive speech evaluation? No, the school district, at its discretion, may conduct a comprehensive speech evaluation. Can students who are participating in the Educable Child Program also receive the scholarship? Yes, they would have to apply for Educable Child funds and submit the necessary documentation for approval. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS How will funding be determined for students who are already attending nonpublic schools? There were no funds appropriated for this category of students. The nonpublic school will have to request a deficit appropriation funding. Can a public school district place students at the nonpublic school and receive the scholarship for those students? No, the scholarship is an option offered to parents or legal guardians of students with an eligibility ruling of speech-language impairment to attend a nonpublic school of choice that is organized to provide and emphasizes instruction in speech-language therapy and intervention as its primary purpose. What are the licensing requirements for the speech language pathologists? The speech language pathologist must have a 215 license. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Do students who attend the nonpublic school require an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or service plan? No, these students are parent-placed and therefore do not fall under the protection of IDEA. What exactly is the criterion for receiving the scholarship? Students who have a primary eligibility ruling of speech-language impairment and Students who are in Grades Kindergarten through Grade 6 or its equivalent (age 11 by September 1) are eligible for the scholarship. Will those disabilities with an inherent language issue such as autism, hearing impairment, etc., meet the criteria or must a student have a speech-language eligibility? No, the student’s primary disability must be speech-language impairment. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Can Speech Language therapist funded by IDEA funds conduct mass speech-language screening as far as funding? Or does this need to be funded by district funds? No, the requirement for screening students for speech-language disorders is a State mandate which must be funded with local State or district funds. The use of IDEA funds would be supplanting. Can you use IDEA funds to pay for a 215 to mentor a 216? No, IDEA funds are for the excess cost of providing education or services to students with disabilities. A 215 is required by legislation. Is there a way to make the speech-language screener and the dyslexia screener be incorporated together-administer one screener to all 1st grade students? We are not aware of any such screener. Multiple screeners would be needed. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Can a 216 complete a screener for language, voice, and fluency? No, they can screen for articulation only. Is there a provision for a child with a confirmed and primary area of disability in speech and language who is 3 years, 0 months to utilize the scholarship? There is not a provision for a student who is three (3) years old. One of the criterion for the scholarship is that the student be enrolled in grades kindergarten through 6th grade to be eligible. How will funding be determined for students who are entering kindergarten and who qualify for the scholarship? There were no funds appropriated for this category of students. 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
CONTACT INFORMATION Audrey Shaifer, Ph.D. – Keisha Dixon – 601-359-3498 9/18/2018 Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Programs/Office of Special Education
Data and Fiscal Management Bureau Director Ellen Davis Burnham Data and Fiscal Management Bureau Director Audrey Shaifer Office Director Office of Special Education 601-359-3498 June 2012