Chapter 6: The Duel For North America Caitlynne Canuto, Crisquel Melchor, Emily McNamara, Alexis Roberts, Mecca Whitfield
S is for Social Gender Roles and Relations Champlain Hurons Champlain’s drawing of naked Iroquois and Hurons. Gender Roles and Relations The French developed a relationship with the Hurons in able to defeat the Iroquois who later sided with England to take revenge. During the French and Indian War, Britain teamed up with Prussia and the Iroquois, while France teamed up with Spain, Austria, Russia, and the Hurons. After the French and Indian War, the colonies became more independent from the mother country, England who became the world power. Iroquois Defeat of the Iroquois That’s why they sided with the British (the nemesis of the French). Huron battle against the Iroquois In battle, the Huron and French beat the Iroquois with French guns.
S is for Social Hurons sided with the French to defeat the Iroquois with the help of French guns. Iroquois sided with the British as revenge. Champlain and the Hurons attacking the Iroquois.
Political The permanent beginnings of the French empire was established at Quebec, near the St. Lawrence River. The leading figure was Samuel de Champlain, who earned him the title “Father of New France.’’ Champlain helped the Huron Indians in a battle against the Iroquois. They left behind three dead and one wounded Iroquois. The government of New France fell under the direct control of the French king. Their government became an autocratic regime; no representatives were elected, they were all appointed by the king. They were also denied trial by jury.
Political The Clash of The Empires: French vs. British (plus some Native Americans on both sides) King William’s War 1689-1697 Queen Anne’s War 1702-1713 The British won and seized Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia). They also received NewFoundland and the Hudson Bay. “Salutary Neglect” The British neglected the colonies which helped grow their independence. The Utrecht Treaty in 1713 gave Britain Nova Scotia, New Foundland, and the Hudson Bay which pinched the settlements along the St. Lawrence River. The Utrecht Treaty also gave Britain limited trading rights with Spanish America. The War of Jenkin’s Ear in 1739: Fought in Caribbean Sea and the buffer colony Georgia. It merged into a larger war, King George’s War. Louisbourg, near the St. Lawrence River is captured.
Political The Seven Years’ War aka French and Indian War. Britain and Prussia vs. France, Spain, Austria, and Russia. Frederick the Great of Prussia had the bloodiest battles, he repelled France,Austria, and Russia, despite being outnumbered 3:1. 1754, British government called an inter-colonial congress to Albany, New York. Purpose of the meeting was to keep Iroquois loyal to Britain and to achieve colonial unity as a defense against the French in the future. Franklin’s Albany Plan: Colonial Governments were to select members of “A Grand Council” while the British would appoint a “president general” 1756, Britain launched a full scale invasion of Canada. 1758, William Pitt sent an expedition against Louisbourg and then Quebec. The French are defeated and Quebec surrenders. The British defeat Ottawa chief Pontiac’s tribe in 1763.
Religion In the mid 1500s there were many clashes between Roman Catholics and Protestant Huguenots. On St. Bartholomew's Day in 1572 ten thousand Protestant Huguenots were butchered.
Religion (cont.) In 1598 the Edict of Nantes was created. This was a religious doctrine, issued by the Catholic French crown. It granted limited toleration to French Huguenots. After the Edict of Nantes was put in place the religious wars stopped.
Religion (cont.) “Coureurs de Bois” or “runners of the woods” were French voyagers who chased beavers among other things. The French worked with the Indians for this purpose. The Indians began drinking and killing beavers for money rather than food. Catholic missionaries got word of this and began to try to save them.
Intellectual (French Ideologies) French wished to expand and push out their arch-nemesis Britain They befriended Natives and adopted guerilla warfare tactics which proved successful at the start of the war Also, they loved beavers
Intellectual (British Ideologies) The British were unused to the guerrilla-style warfare fought in North America Their Military leaders (like General Braddock) were stubborn & snobby and looked down on the colonist way of life After the war they began to tax colonists
Intellectual (Colonialist Ideologies) There was a large amount of colonial disunity prior to the French-Indian War Benjamin Franklin introduces the Albany Plan to bring them together So can we be friends or….?
Intellectual (Colonialist Ideologies) After winning the war, Colonists felt confident They felt they didn’t need the “mother country” as much as they did before as most of their threats were gone They wanted to begin expanding past the Appalachians
E is for Everything Else… LOL French government possessed Caribbean colonies that were successful in their cultivation of sugar, grain, and rum. In North America, the French hunted beaver fur to sell in Europe. Beaver fur was a huge fashion trend ☺
Everything Else Continued ♥ the French had trading posts in Mississippi, Illinois, and Louisiana New Orleans was the most important post since it was right next to the Gulf This made it easier to transport goods to or from the French Caribbean islands the main trading partner of the French were the Native Americans