K. Dinkelacker H. Khuram E. Samuel Block 3 Dissenters K. Dinkelacker H. Khuram E. Samuel Block 3
Key Words Dissenters Anne Hutchinson Antinomian Controversy Religious Freedom Roger Williams The Puritans Massachusetts Bay Portsmouth Rhode island Narrangsett Indians John Winthrop Thomas Hooker Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Portrait of Anne Marbury Hutchinson Anne Hutchinson (1591-1643) Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan woman who spread her own interpretations on the Bible which angered the magistrates. Anne Hutchinson was a dissenter in the Massachusetts Bay colony who caused a schism in the Puritan community. Started the Antinomian controversy (1636-1638) Portrait of Anne Marbury Hutchinson
Cont. She was banished from Boston in 1637 because of her religious and feminist beliefs She fled to a Rhode Island Colony called Portsmouth She died in a massacre in 1643 in which Anne and her children were killed by local Tribesmen.
Roger Williams (1603-1683) Extreme Separatist Believed government and religion should be completely separate. Condemned the Bay Colony’s charter Bay Colony authorities found William guilty of spreading new rebellious ideas Banished in 1636
Cont. Founded Rhode Island Colonies Colony governed by religious liberty and separation of church and state Demanded no oaths regarding beliefs. No taxes to support a state church. Founded first Baptist church in America Rhode Island more liberal than any other English settlement in New World.
Thomas Hooker (1586-1647) Thomas Hooker believed in laws based on the people Thrown out of Massachusetts Bay due to him disagreeing Believed the government had too much power and the people didn’t “Prayer is my chief work, and it is by means of it that I carry on the rest.”
Thomas Hooker Cont. Founded the Connecticut Colony in 1639 Voiced democratic principles Overview of colony Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Conclusion Anne Hutchinson is an important historical figure because she was a woman who spoke her mind openly about her radical beliefs. Roger Williams was known to be revolutionary because he founded Rhode Island which stood on religious freedom and separation from government. Thomas Hooker was so revolutionary due to finding the Connecticut colony & inspired and enforced the Fundamentals of Order of Connecticut
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