Extended School Services Coordinator’s Training


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Presentation transcript:

Extended School Services 2017-2018 Coordinator’s Training

Agenda Welcome District Coordinator Presentation Payroll/Budget Codes/Purchasing Questions Timesheets

ESS in a Nutshell KRS 158.070(8) requires schools to provide additional direct instruction beyond the minimum school term for students in need of extended services and requires the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations establishing criteria for the allotment of grants to local school districts to provide these services. The major emphases of ESS should be: To enhance the present level of performance of students To provide additional instruction to students Retention Failure To close the achievement gap of low-performing students Should not replace or substitute regular class instruction

General Information Must submit Program Profile and Staff List before beginning an ESS program. ESS does not pay to test students (State or Standardized). Teachers MUST teach in area they are certified unless otherwise trained. All grants will have to pay KTRS on regular, retired and substitute teachers.

General Information If teacher is a long-term sub, rate and KTRS will increase accordingly. TARC tickets need to be ordered through transportation department (#3470). Title I Finance Staff must sign off on original form. Daytime is in addition to regular classroom instruction. Snack vouchers MUST have attendance sheet.

General Information Daytime Retired Teachers Part-time teachers (including retirees) must earn a minimum of 12 hours of professional development credit (not stipend) per contract year. Retiree Rates RANK III RANK III + 15 RANK II RANK II +15 RANK I Daily For 2017-18 rates, please contact Payroll (x3248) or Human Resources (x3012) Hourly

General Information Daytime Retired Teachers (cont.) May not work Flex Days or Gold Days, except for special training and with prior approval. If early or late schedule, retired teacher schedule adjusts accordingly. If they work full day, they may be paid for 20 minute lunch. Planning time should not exceed 45 minutes for elementary or 1 hour for high school

General Information Teachers Can be paid for 15 minutes of planning, for every 1 hour of teaching. Must teach in area of certification Cannot pay for Gold Day, Parent-Teacher Conference Day, or State Mandated testing

General Information Clerical Staff Clerical staff overtime, for hours worked over 40 per week cannot be paid using ESS funds. Work must be supervised. Coordinator Co-coordinators cannot work at the same time.

ESS Coordinator's Responsibilities Program Daytime Programs should conclude by: Thursday, May 3, 2018. Regular Programs (After School, Before School, and Saturday School) should conclude by: Thursday, May 3, 2018. Daytime evaluations should be submitted via e-mail. Daytime evaluations are due: Thursday, May 3, 2018.

ESS Coordinator's Responsibilities Program You may ask for an extension on end date by Thursday, April 26, 2018. Summer ESS program must be submitted by Friday, May 11, 2018. Infinite Campus information: separate training for data entry folks. TBD

ESS Coordinator's Responsibilities Budget FY17 (#120C) monies can be spent until: 8/1/17 for Supplies 8/1/17 for Payroll FY18 (#120D) monies can be spent until: 8/1/18 for Supplies 8/1/18 for Payroll

ESS Coordinator's Responsibilities Important Payroll Information The signed JCPS Payroll Printout and the timesheets should be emailed to Amanda Kessler no later than 4:30 p.m. on payday Friday. Contact Person for ESS is Amanda Kessler Phone: Ext 6779 Email: amanda.kessler2@jefferson.kyschools.us Please do not send original to our office. The original should be maintained at the school until the end of the grant.

Before beginning ESS Program.1 Submit Program Profile via email and include the following: Date submitted Day and time of ESS (will be used to verify payroll) 3 data sources How will students’ progress be monitored? How often will students’ progress be monitored? Who is teaching ESS? What materials will be used?

Before beginning ESS Program.2 Submit Staff List via email and include the following: Date submitted Full name of employee as it appears on Teaching Certificate Helpful link: https://wd.kyepsb.net/EPSB.WebApps/KECI/

During ESS Program.1 Maintain the following information: Student Attendance Teacher sign-in sheets Progress Monitoring data Infinite Campus Data Entry information will be forth coming

During ESS Program.2 Maintain the following information: If Daytime Program – must have some type of regular ESS program If anything changes on Profile or Staff List, submit revised paperwork using the latest electronic approved copy ESS budget is balanced Communicate students’ progress to Parents and Teachers

After ESS Program Maintain the following information: Daytime and regular ESS programs end by 5/3/18 Complete Daytime Evaluation and submit via email to Maria by 5/3/18 Infinite Campus Data Entry information will be forth coming

When do you know it is approved? Program Profile and Staff List: I will send you an email stating it is approved with the attached Program Profile and Staff List. You will use these documents, if revisions are necessary. Daytime Evaluation: I will send you an email with an attachment of evaluation with my signature. Infinite Campus Data Entry information will be forth coming

ESS Daytime Waiver Section 7. Waiver for Alternative Service Delivery. The commissioner of education may consider a request for a waiver to operate delivery format. A request for waiver shall include: (1) A rationale describing why a daytime program is needed in addition to the regular extended school services program, including specific date and documentation of previous efforts to serve individual students during the regular extended school program.

Criteria for Daytime ESS Apply for a new Daytime Waiver using the guidelines on page 7 in the ESS Coordinator’s Handbook. The program cannot start until you have received approval from KDE. If you did not have a Daytime ESS Program in FY17 you will need to apply. If you had a Daytime ESS Program in FY17, you submitted a Daytime Waiver Evaluation & Evaluation approved by KDE; you may have a Daytime Program in FY18 (please refer to list) . You must have some type of regular program during FY17 school year.

Site Visits Site visits will be done randomly Your evaluation will be based by the rubric listed on pages 8-9

Forms Sample Parent Letter (pg. 10) Sample Student Progress Report (pg. 11) Program Profile (pg.12) – must be submitted via e-mail Staff List (pg.13) – must be submitted via e-mail Sample Attendance Sheet (pg.14) - maintain in your records & also needed for snack vouchers Sample ESS Contract (pg. 15)

Infinite Campus Data Entry Data for all INTERVENTIONS (including ESS) will be pulled by KDE on 10/30, 12/30, 3/30, 6/30 New this year: KDE requires all ESS student data to be entered on the “Intervention tab”. There will be a training forthcoming. Information will be shared with coordinators as it becomes available End of year verification form (pg. 33)

Budget Section ESS Payroll Accounting Codes ESS Non-Payroll Accounting Codes MUNIS Budget Permissions

ESS Payroll Accounting Codes Current Year: 120D Legend XXX – 3 Digit Loc. # MUNIS CODE: 120X X – Corresponding Alpha Letter

ESS Non-Payroll Accounting Codes Legend XXX – 3 Digit Loc. # MUNIS CODE: 120X X – Corresponding Alpha Letter


Budget Amendment Screen

Payroll Section Fringe Worksheet Title I/ESS Payroll ESS Timesheet Descriptions for Specific Activities

Title I/ESS/PD/SIG Payroll Starting July 1, 2011 JCPS began using the MUNIS Time & Attendance to report payroll and extra service Important Time must be reported on employee’s actual work schedule Use designated ESS, Title I, Title II, PD & SIG Timesheets. Electronic versions available on our website: http://jcps.jefferson.k12.ky.us/title1 Regular Payroll All payroll (with exception of extra service) is prepared in Regular menu No one will be paid until payroll is locked down

Title I/ Title II/ESS/PD/SIG Payroll Extra Service NO MORE PINK SHEETS!! Extra Service will be keyed in as one of the following: TITLE I/TITLE II EXTENDED SCHOOL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUB EXTRA HELP – Certified Daily, Certified Hourly, Classified Hourly Important Points to Know: Extra Service is locked down separately from Regular payroll No one will be paid extra service until the Extra Service is locked down The APPROVE button will be part of your lockdown procedure Title I/ESS payroll requires approval A signed copy of lock down report & the employee timesheets MUST be sent to Title I/Title II Finance staff for review and approval All Extra Service must be locked down by the end of payroll Friday!!!

ESS, SIG, Title I, Title II & PD Timesheets must be filled ESS Timesheet ESS, SIG, Title I, Title II & PD Timesheets must be filled Out completely or Will not be accepted



Descriptions for Specific Activities

Snack Purchases $1 per day per child Snack from the lunchroom Voucher Attendance Sheets Pay invoices on time If possible, use a requisition Blanket Order Please DO NOT allow your teachers to purchase snacks on their own and apply for a reimbursement


Contact Information TITLE I STAFF Title I/Title II Finance Staff Staci Eddleman, Karen Moore, Title I Director, 3240 Fiscal Coordinator Nicole Hill, Phone: 485-6605 Amanda Kessler, Title I Secretary, 3240 Maria Carrico, Clerk Phone: 485-6779 ESS Coordinator Phone: 485-7019