News From Washington Bob Knight ResCare Workforce Services This is Wilmington ↓ Bob Knight ResCare Workforce Services
Where Things Stand Republican Majorities 238 to 194 in House and 52-48 in Senate But Republican Party is sometimes divided: Fiscal Conservatives Trump Supporters Others (Libertarians, Moderates, Establishment) As Are Democrats sometimes: Progressive, Liberal, Centrist, Sanders, Establishment Getting Results with Majority of the Majority Rule
Workforce Appropriations CR Ended March 23 Final Budget Deal Funded Domestic Programs at FY’17 Levels in FY’18 with Planned Increases in Both Domestic and Defense Spending for FY’19 But then Appropriators Added Almost $100 Million to Core WIOA Programs Huge Growth in Deficit is Long-Term Challenge
Workforce Funding Thus Far (In $ Millions) WIOA FY2017 FY2018 Omnibus President’s Revised Budget FY2019 Adult $810,721 $845,556 $815,556 Dislocated Worker (State Formula Grants) $1,015,020 $1,040,860 $1,020,860 Youth $873,416 $903,416 National Reserve $219,501 $220,859 $145,849 Job Corps (operations) $1,587,325 $1,603,325 $1,189,812 Apprenticeship $95,000 $145,000 $200,000 Wagner-Peyser Job Service $691,231 $686,231 $671,413 Adult Ed & Family Literacy $581,955 $616,955 $485,849 Perkins Voc Ed $1,112,200 $1,115,400 $1,117,600 SCSEP $400,000 -0- Indian and Native American Programs $50,000 $54,000 Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers $81,896 $87,896
North Carolina State-Level Allotments WIOA Program PY’16 PY’17 PY’18 Preliminary % Difference PY’17-18 Adult $24,108,820 $27,433,397 $25,303,014 -7.7% Dislocated Worker $31,022,721 $32,747,320 $29,472,588 -10% Youth $25,235,370 $28,746,951 $26,714,029 -7.1% Wagner-Peyser $19,761,644 $19,331,991
Workforce-Related Legislation House considering bill to double number of families eligible for child care assistance PROSPER Act would rewrite Higher Education Act Infrastructure Proposals Languish WIOA Oversight Hearings??
Now Over 20 Years with Work Requirements for Welfare; Has It Worked? TANF must now integrate into one-stop unless governor opts out/how is that working so far? TANF Expires 9/30/18 Likely to be Extended as is; Reauthorization not likely Until 2019 or Beyond
Ideas for Reauthorization of TANF Retain current funding level and 50% participation requirement Eliminate 90% 2 parent work participation rate Eliminate “caseload reduction credit” Allow partial credit toward work participation rate Extend lifetime voc ed training credit from 12 to 24 months Eliminate distinction between “core” and “noncore” work activities
Work Requirements in Social Policy Medicaid Waivers New CMS Policy Promotes Work and Community Engagement Prohibits Using Medicaid Funds for Workforce Activities Kentucky First Approval; Also Applying are Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Indiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Utah and Arizona But First a Stop in Court? SNAP Beyond ABAWDs? Other Income Transfer Programs?
General SNAP Work Requirement Requires: Applies to people who are: Age 16 - 59 Fit for work Working under 30 hrs per week Not already complying with work requirements of another program Not students Not responsible for a child under 6 273.7(b) Register for work Participate in an E&T or workfare program if assigned by State Accept suitable employment if offered No voluntarily quit or reduction in work hours under 30 per week 273.7(a)
Failure to Comply with the General Work Requirement Ineligible for benefits (sanctioned) from 1 month to indefinitely, depending on the number of occurrences and the State’s chosen option Sanction periods: 1st strike: 1 - 3 months 2nd strike: 3 - 6 months 3rd strike: 6 months to permanent 273.7(f)(2)
ABAWD Work Requirement & Time Limit Requires that ABAWDs: Applies to people who are: Age 18 - 49 Fit for employment Do not live in a SNAP household with a minor Not pregnant Not already exempt from general work requirement Not covered by time limit waiver or 15 percent exemption 273.24(c) Work or participate in a work program (e.g. E&T) at least 20 hours per week, averaged monthly Participate in and comply with a workfare program 273.24(a)
Failure to Fulfill the ABAWD Work Requirement and the Time Limit ABAWDs are limited to 3 months of SNAP eligibility in any 3-year period while not fulfilling the ABAWD work requirement or otherwise exempt
Meanwhile Policy and Plans At Federal Agencies GETTING RID OF REGULATIONS? Employer Status in Franchises Wage at Which Overtime Must be Applied Whose Hand in the Tip Jar? Minimum Wage
New Directions in Workforce Policy $ for Apprenticeship Expansion Trade Groups and Private Industries Would Administer and Certify Programs Job Corps Improving Safety Stronger Career Training Focus Opportunity Youth